Sunday, February 17, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #4

February 9, 2019

This very mean spirited reality star apparently thinks exes going on dates is an awful thing, but it is perfectly acceptable to swipe right and have "dates" come over.

Jeff Lewis


  1. Well, on tv, the prostitutes on my crime shows always approach the car and ask, "You looking for a date?", so yeah, I guess so.

  2. Jeff is a big hypocrite there’s nothing else to say

  3. This isn’t anything. He talks openly about his dating on his radio show

  4. and this POS has a young daughter.

  5. Never liked this guy, he just looks like a smug POS. But he has fans somewhere...

    So what is the real story on his breakup and possible second kid even after the fact with this guy??

  6. Never heard of this guy, but I would definitely put him in 2019 celebrity dead pool, just got that feeling looking at him before I even saw this:

  7. I feel badly for that child. There is something seriously psychopathic about that Lewis guy. And - I don't think he is truly Gay. Who are these stupid women playing Easy-Bake Oven for these turds who don't deserve kids?
