Thursday, March 28, 2019

Blind Item #4

This former celebrity turned reality star turned talk show host got dumped by her boyfriend when she started asking for more money per month.


  1. Don't pretend that you know. Attention ho

  2. Fuck off Krabs.

  3. Lol-Ricky Gervais just gave a great quote “Trolls are the equivalent of going into a dirty bathroom stall with graffiti on the walls-if you don’t go in, they don’t exist”( or something like that).

  4. Great quote!
    Tricia-- Jeannie Mai is an interesting guess...I know she claims she was a stylist or makeup artist...what IS her background before The Real?

    1. Hey Vita-she was a “celebrity stylist” and then hosted or did a reality show called “How Do I Look?” For The Style Network before The Real. Not sure if Her .. think she divorced last year though

  5. Did she and a boyfriend recently break up?

  6. Not Carrie Ann Inaba I hope. She fits the order though.

  7. Isn't it the point of this site to guess? That's what makes it fun.

  8. Omg yes thank you @Tricia!!! That’s how I know her! Her name sounded so familiar! I remember being obsessed with her blue hair!!!

  9. Thanks, Tricia! That sounds like a great guess to me! I know she complains about having to pay alimony to ex hubby, so might have been looking for all possible salary supplementation, lol

    However, b foster is right that tamar definitely just got dumped, but she's a former talk host.

    Eeesh, I'll go with tamar, just bc there's lots of drama apparently

  10. +1 BayAreaGirl. i wish i knew enough to be helpful guessing.
