Thursday, March 28, 2019

Blind Item #5

This A-/B+ list mostly movie actress was supposed to not film anything for the next year or so to focus on being the "girlfriend" of this politician. I guess that is not working out because she has signed on to do back to back films.


  1. Rosario Dawson/Booker

    1. Wow, we are all bowing down MS. Obvious

  2. Sh!t, it's not like she needs to stick around for oral support.

  3. @Mr. Krabs: Why are you here? DIAF.

  4. How come Kamala's so "confused" about Jussie now? I thought she was supposed to be intelligent.

  5. @J, if rumors are to be believed, she's caught between two groups of the party.

  6. Odd coincidence she's pushing an anti-lynching bill - in 2019 - and out of nowhere her actor friend gets "lynched."

    Now THAT would have been something to bring up during a WH run.

    Another odd coincidence that Kim Foxx, who considers Kamala a friend and mentor, is the one who took Jussie off the hook. After "recusing" herself (but not really).

    Then there's Michelle Obama dispatching her top lieutenant to fix things for Jussie.

    Then again, the Obamas are warcriminal George W's biggest fans, so you can't accuse them of caring about justice.

  7. Booker's town hall last night was an ending exercise is repeating talking points. Cory: "I have pledged to not take money from big pharma." Q: "But you have taken more than any one in the past; do you regret that?" Corey: "but I've pledged not to take any more." Q: "but do you regret taking it in the past?" Cory: "I have pledge not to take pharma money." Q: "Regret it: Yes or no?" Corey: "Rosario will make a great first lady.. First whitehouse wedding ever sounds cool, amirite!?!" Q: "but..." Cory: "she is one dynamite lady!" Q: "Are you two in love?" Corey: "She is one dynamite lady!" Q: "love; yes or no?" Cory: "Rosario is one dynamite lady!" ad nasuem.

  8. Did booker wear nice high heels?

  9. Good to see the racists trump fuckers are out in force this morning.

  10. @Anon, Do you mean like real racists or Chicago racists who turn to be POC engineering their own hate crimes?

    1. Brayson. Come on Dude, you are better than this.

  11. Can you imagine if he actually became the president? We'd go from having a president getting in trouble for getting his dick sucked, to a president that gets in trouble for sucking dick.

    Weimerica 2020

  12. Run Rosario, run!!

  13. @Justin-true...but any of the current candidates with a D behind their name are not to be considered seriously.

  14. @Brayson, to be fair to Anon, some people are complaining about a federal law that bans lynching. Kind of sounds bad, right? Especially because there is so much else that is wrong with the Jussie situation.

  15. The "lynching law" adds some "guilt by association" features as well, besides making assault, kidnapping, & murder more dastardly depending on the victim.

    Can any one name a lynching (with a rope) that has happened in the USA in the last 100 years?

    Does any one find it fortuitously-timing that a "modern day lynching" happened 3 weeks before the new bill went up for a senate vote?
    Or that the hoaxer got cut free on 16 Felonies despite overwhelming evidence of their guilt a few weeks after the law was passed?

    I'm sure it's all a coincidence.

  16. Anon y mous: Trump supporters are so disgustingly racist and homophobic, poor persecuted Jussie had to hire 2 Nigerians to show everyone.

  17. Total coincidence.

    Why, Michelle Obama sends her capo out to fix criminal trouble for random Americans all the time. And the Cook County prosecutor's office gives people the Jussie treatment almost every day. They're going to share some examples of that soon (if anyone responds to their desperate request that records be searched for some case, some time involving remotely similar treatment).

    Big crimes, small crimes... if the Obamas don't want you to face consequences, you don't face consequences.

  18. 0bamas involvement in chicago politics rounds out his "scandal free" presidency.

  19. @Depeche Two Nigerians who MAY have been wearing "whiteface" confusing poor Jussie. Meanwhile, Rahm Emmanuel used the word, "whitewash" a bunch of times in his fake speech while supposedly defending law enforcement. Now I'm reading he's telling the President not to get involved..he's got this handled. Omg. Who scripted this shitty and unbelievable reality show? Did you also catch that Jussie is now up for an NAACP award for all of this?

  20. @J: I couldn’t believe when I saw that memo!

  21. Jussie is walking around so smug. I’d get extra security if I were him because next time the beat down will be real. And nobody will believe him.

  22. Every penny Cory spends on his campaign is a waste unless he plans on coming out. Accepting donations, knowing he's lying to everyone, is pure theft and fraud. This might be the most foolish strategy ever. Totally pathetic. Even more pathetic then Bernie who willingly plays pawn/puppet while taking money from people he claims are poor and oppressed. But that's the left for ya. Phony AF.

  23. I always think the general election contenders are really vying for cabinet/federal posts and are there to beef up some other candidate. I can see that for Booker being a stalking horse or whatever the term is.
