Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #2

March 6, 2019

This former A list child actor is scrambling to quell the backlash, after he defended the child molester on social media. 

Corey Feldman/Michael Jackson (Then he did a 180 probably because he thinks he can get new donations)


  1. And with the mogul having his hands full with Epstein, Singer, Spacey, Jackson and Vicky Cornell now would be the perfect time for him to speak up! He is too scared tho!

  2. I have the Silhouettes song "Get A Job" running through my head now. Thanks.

  3. he should blast it all wide open.

    he needs to confront his past. for him to speak on it now is not going to change the trajectory of his career.

    i know i'd have a lot more respect for him if he did finally tell the truth.

  4. It's hard to believe Feldman capable of such a bone-headed miscalculation.

  5. @:|raven|:

    Who would believe him now? He's cried wolf too many times and lined his own pockets because of it that even if it were the purest truth, even anyone incompetent representing the accused could rip it to pieces while in their sleep.

  6. Poor Corey is a chimera of all the people he admired in his life, a hobbled together pinocchio of what he thought at the time were the best parts of the people he loved, those who's pieces and parts have not done so well with the tests of time.The pieces of Corey Haim, Charlie Sheen, Hugh Hefner and Michael Jackson that he used to cloak himself with his entire life are rotting, stinking pieces of a long gone legacy and now all he has ever known, the everything that he is, is left there with these giant festering pieces of other people that are losing relevancy, quick. I'll bet it is quite difficult maintaining being a victim and a perpetrator.

  7. @Akhaldan, very evocative!

  8. He's flip flopped multiple times when it comes to Michael and he'll continue to do so depending on who's paying him this time.

  9. AkhaldanSolo sounds like you entered a

    "Bad Norman Mailer Impressions" contest...

  10. very very good point, Vic. +1

  11. He’s been saying for years that MJ was NOT a child molester & how Santa Barbara pd didn’t care about the real molesters they wanted him to set MJ up to get that catalog

  12. +1 Nina, He'd have been out on the Neverland Ranch waving a banner saying "Look the Other Way" if they'd let him.

  13. A hobbled together pinnochio...hahahahaha that’s awesome 👏
