Monday, March 25, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #2

March 18, 2019

Kind of hypocritical of this older foreign born A list royal to make a decision on the music of this A++ list celebrity when he himself was best buddies with a notorious child molester and his brother is still best friends with the billionaire molester.

Prince Charles (who is also in the black book)/Michael Jackson/Prince Andrew/Jeffrey Epstein


  1. Why should he be punished for who his brother is friends with? Just more nonsense from biased Michael Jackson fans.

  2. Are you referring to Epstein's black book? Saying that Prince Charles was involved too? That seems out of character, but would explain the last minute "John Doe" filings seeking to redact identifying information from the Epstein lawsuit documents that will soon be released. That motion was filed by extremely high-powered and connected attorneys.

  3. I guess everyone who knew Jimmy Saville should be held accountable as well.

  4. Prince Charles wasn't "best buddies" with Michael Jackson. They met a couple of times, mostly when Diana was present.

    Charles was, however, good mates with Jimmy Saville, who was a notorious child molester, although the full extent of his crimes didn't come out until after his death.

  5. You think it is out of character for Charlie to be on the Lolita Express doing sickening things to children?
    Have you seen the same pics I have of him with notorious child rapist Jimmy Saville?
    And the body language in some of those pics is very revealing of who had the upper hand in THAT relationship.

  6. check out a girl named rachel chandler in connection with lolita island, epstien, bill clinton, prince andrew. rachel chandler, youll be hearing a lot more about her very soon.

  7. I've always thought of Charles as a sort of dim-witted English hobbyist, whose romantic life focused on a woman he couldn't have. To my memory, Charles didn't have the "Randy Andy" reputation of his brother. Saville was a big star with connections everywhere in England. I'm not saying it isn't possible Charles was involved with Epstein, just that it would be surprising in a way that Andrew's involvement wasn't.

    1. I agree with the characterization. Suggest that Charles, growing up in a bubble in the time he did, may have been only vaguely aware of the existenc of the sexual abuse of children. Perhaps learning the truth about a man he counted as a friend shocked him into awareness. Thus the strong stand on MJ. I’d have a hard time believing him capable of sexual abuse of any kind.

  8. @Herbert, was that Clinton's little "friend" ?

  9. oh and check out rachel's "photography" oon insta and her "upcoming models" all who looked like drugged out victims.

  10. @snatch and ladders. yes shes pictured with all of these people at a very young age. her downfall will be bigger than allison macl and nxium. rachel is a procurer.

  11. Wow @Herbert, just having a little nosey at some articles, now.

  12. @snatch and ladders. rachels name will soon be in the news.

  13. Some of the hashtags on Insta have blown me away.

  14. oh and you might find the standard hotel in los angels interesting too. this is a web that stretches around the world with some very well known names doing unspeakable thing to children. then theres this woman, linda silsby i think (she changed her name after) being a part of the clinton foundation and the "rescue" in haiti. caught with 32 children with no documentation. she was arrested and bill clinton got her released. oh yeah they do it right in the open. body parts, sexual exploitation and worse.

    1. Yep Herbert. It’s worldwide in the elite circles. The Dutroux thing in Belgium, the Franklin cover up scandal here in the US, Jonny Gosch, Ireland and the Catholic Church (Philippines, Spain, S America, worldwide). The rabbis in NJ running the organ trafficking business (they’re right back at it of course), etc etc etc. Exploitation is the way of the world and it sucks.

  15. Listen to Herbert. All British royals are satanists, part a very old bloodline, and are either involved with, or enabling, or aware of child sacrifice, pedophilia, torture, rape, and much, much worse (extermination of the human population through air, our food supply, the soil, “drugs “, everything ).Yes, even Charles is involved. Especially Charles. Andrew is also in very, very deep. And the kids (William/Kate/H,M,B,E, etc.) have to be in the know as well. Markel was surely aware of it, through her yachting (read: whoring for money and parts) days, and obviously has no problem with any of it as long as she gets the weath and attention she desires. This was her chance to get in on those with the most power and is too stupid to realize this is all coming to an end very soon. The Royals are high and the Satanist bloodline, along with the Rothschilds, Payseurs, and many other people much higher. The Queen is not The kind a old lady she appears to be. Prepare for everything you know to be stood on its head in The coming weeks, months, and next few years. The veil will be lifted, and everyone will finally realize who’s been running this world (Satan/Satan worshippers), how evil they are, and how we must never let this happen again.

  16. Tehbird, exactly my information too.
    Except you put it together in a coherent manner, me not so much!
    Thank you and well done.

  17. Charles has a known love/obsession of reggae music and is a secret user of weed. It's one on the of the more endearing things about him.

  18. How Bill could look elsewhere when Hillary was waiting at home in her mumu truly escapes me.

  19. The Saville thing has been covered up a lot. He wasn't a big league Pedo as such, but was procuring for others. That's why every Royal and politician/elite was his bitch. I'm sure it'll all come out. We know that the 'royals' aren't all they're portrayed and once the Queen goes, they're in a perilous position.

  20. @D A, yep, I wonder if that's why Geight has been brought back, to take control of not only Madam, but sort this Andrew/Epstein shit out. Andrew was involved as much as Charles was, with his dismissal, after all.

  21. @Herbert Everything hidden, but in plain sight.

  22. Yes I remember the bodies buried (then found) on various palace properties. And supposedly the Wieen is wanted in Canada for the disappearance of Canadian Indigenous children from the schools in the 50’s and 60’s. They are definitely not innocent. I’m sure they are behind it all. Haut de la Garenne, etc.

  23. Queen! what the fuck kind of autocorrect is that!?

  24. Good info DA Latham, thanks.
    Herbert, keep it coming!

  25. @Astra, yes it's true, the depth of this whole thing is almost beyond belief.
    I have spoken with people who were in the residential schools, and family members of those who never returned--it's heartbreaking.
    Knowing what I know, sometimes I see pics of queen liz smiling, and I can see the 'beast' within. And not just her either.
    Once you know....

    1. Lightgirl, I forgot that they did the same in Australia too. You really can see their evil in their eyes. David Icke says they’re reptilians, I wouldn’t be surprised if he was right.

      They did it right at home in the UK with the mother and baby homes and workhouses and child labor, etc. It’s how power is, how it corrupts. But what is the answer to stop it? Most people simply cannot be bothered or the facts are too horrible and they want to ignore it and call the ones that connect the dots, “tinfoil hat crazies”.

  26. Anonymous11:21 AM

    The entire contents of Epstein’s Black Book is o line. Search and ye shall find. The question is which of the entries were merely businss/personal contacts and which were clients for his pedo-brothel is the question. Lots of celebs, business people, and the sitting U.S. president (and family members) are featured.

  27. Its heartening to see how many people are awake or waking up on this thread. (Astra, lightgirl, Herbert, snatch, and others). And excuse the typos in my last comment...

  28. @astra, so true, they did. I have read about the workhouses, saw The Magdalen Sisters too, I just wanted to go over there and rip those nuns to pieces. Aaahhhhhh
    Our energy, I am convinced, is feeding these reptilians, but there are differing opinions as to how it happens. Wes Penre I think, says David Icke has the wrong idea about these jerks actually being shape-shifting reptilians but instead that they are either energetically attached to their hosts or invisibly attached at the back. Yikes either way.
    I wish I knew what to do, other than keep bringing this stuff into public awareness in hopes that word will get around and people start researching. Maybe networking--I'd like to see a hundred thousand peacefully march on Parliament Hill Ottawa here.
    According to Wes Penre and some other people, there is an even bigger threat, and that is the civilization-conquering AI that is poised to take us over.
    But then Penre writes that at this point, it is important to go within ie do the spirtual&emotional work, meditate,get physically close to our Mother, Earth, eat for nutrition, etc. And to, essentially, love thy neighbor as thyself. Ahem, I blushed a little when I said that. But instead of continuing to allow ourselves to be divided (Soros-funded BLM, MeToo and others. I know, I know, but we've been had) or doing it ourselves. That we can actually transcend this matrix by doing the work. And change Earth's timeline. We are our own saviors in essence.

  29. @astra, the tinfoil hat thing is annoying, but the thing is, until I got a pc in 2010, I didn't know any of this stuff either. As a matter of fact, an ex-boyfriend came over when I first got the computer and started telling me about 9/11, and conspiracies of all kinds--I thought he was a nutcase, my mind was closed--then a few months later i came across info on 9/11, had my mind blown, and began the research. The thing is, this info (the overarching world conspiracy, with it's many parts) can be pretty devastating, I have gone through a lot of grief, anger etc. I think that a large number of people DON'T want to know because they can tell something is SERIOUSLY wrong with our world and are scared to have it confirmed.
    Tehbird really nailed it in a paragraph though.
    I don't know anyone where I live who knows this stuff, wish I did. Well, i do actually know some people who know some, but they haven't spent all the time I have looking into the whole thing.
    Tehbird, right on!! Just when I was thinking of ditching CDAN it got interesting!!!

    1. Lightgirl, that’s generally how it starts. Nobody knew much, if any of it, until the internet became widespread. Now there is no excuse to not at LEAST, read the material. Some won’t believe and that’s fine. All I ever ask from anyone is an honest and unbiased look at the material. But I do believe the reluctance to “see” is based on fear. It is not easy to be “awake” to things. Many normal people that value the things that society tells us is valuable and desirable, would have trouble walking away from them and dealing with the social opprobrium.

      Icke may be wrong, as you say there are other schools of thought. I think what you are referring to are the “Archons”, energy vampires of sorts. I am unsure what I believe, concretely. There seem to be grains of truth to it all. But I wouldn’t be shocked if it was inter dimensional entities. It would explain “demons” and other dis corporeal entities. I wonder if we will ever truly know. I think the absolute best thing to do is to always keep reading and researching.

      All you or anyone can do, is be the change you want to see. Live your life as honestly and righteously as possible. Nobody is perfect, we all have and will make mistakes. But the more knowledge we have, the less we hopefully will suffer, and harm ourselves and others. It’s the best I have. I would also suggest getting close to “god”, but that’s a very tricky thing because I do believe that there’s a lot of false idolatry and demons/spirits that are there to deceive. I was not raised in any religion (just nominally culturally Christian as most western people are) but I cannot agree more with the Bible’s admonitions against contacting spirits. That I think is the worst possible thing anyone could do.

      Anyway sorry for the novel.

  30. Prince Charles incapable of sexual abuse? I remember the scandal of the butler/man servant who quit and whose job it was to give Charles a blow job or more....

  31. British Intelligence would most likely vet any close friend of the royals. It’s hard to believe Charles didn’t know.

  32. Q Anon has tons of info on these people.

  33. @tehbird @astra and @lightgirl - I agree, and think as you do. It is so hard and depressing though. Like you, my eyes were opened and I did research online. There's a YouTube guy I love, who is very aware of this stuff and articulates well, and it is mainly due to him that my eyes opened. The channel is A Call For an Uprising 2 (for the most recent and ongoing vids.)
    YouTube deleted his main channel, A Call for an Uprising, but you can still see his archived videos. He calls himself a follower of Christ, and can quote The Bible, but he isn't a preacher. He just presents things out there, so people can see the repetition put forward to brainwash the dumbed down/not aware.

  34. @VillageDianne - I read that Jimmy Savile was actually working for MI5 (British Intelligence) and that Prince Charles knew, and certainly the Prime Minister at the time, Margaret Thatcher, who was also friends with Savile and used to invite him over to Chequers every year for Christmas dinner. Apparently, Prince Charles thanked him for his service to the country.

  35. Omifuckinggod the Queen is not "wanted" in Canada. Why do I suddenly feel like one person is here posting under half a dozen different personalities?

  36. Just one thing that bothers me so I have to say it—I’ve read several comments from aestheticians who say that the “dental equipment” in Epstein’s house is actually a machine to give facials. Also, Prince Charles was friends with pedophile ex-Bishop, Peter Ball. It sounds like he played dumb.

  37. I read it somewhere online, Cee Kay. I didn’t verify it, although I’m pretty sure it wasn’t the Canadian government that “wanted” her, but one of the tribes that have missing people/children connected to their re-education institutions for indigenous people. It wouldn’t surprise me, either way. I’m sure those people want answers about their families. Most do.

    It happened here in the US also. I forgot to mention a school for “troubled boys” not too far from here, where they’ve dug up many bodies of the kids that supposedly ran away from the school. Can’t deny that it happened, and still does.

    So, if you think I’m someone else, or multiple people here, who would they all be?

  38. This is like the best blind ever. Glad to see so many are woke. Rage against the machine!

  39. None of those twats can get it up anymore.

  40. Gosh I was expecting more from you on this Nutty. So much more. Perhaps if all this comes out more you can find a way to blame the debacle on Markle & plug your blog some all the while defending HRH other royal pedophiles
    BPlot. I wish that was true. Vanilla sex may not get them fired up but the rituals & taboo certainly do

  41. Duke of Kent is Grandmaster Freemason.

  42. Wow! This thread is amazing! Come out, come out, wherever you are! :) :)
    Astra, I agree, folks please just be open to reading the material--what can it hurt?
    And it IS fear inducing in many, I have gone thru hell with this stuff: anger, grief, despair, etc. Getting stuck in fear for long periods.
    Archons are mentioned in many of the materials, maybe that's another name for the inter dimensional planet and world-conquering AI. There is SO MUCH information out there, discernment is so key and listening to your intuition crucial. And disinfo and shilling is rife, you could read something that has a lot of truth to it mixed in with key disinfo which changes it completely, and makes us look like the tinfoil hat brigade!
    I'm right there with you re: religion, and energetic or demonic influence. Some healthy form of spiritual practice is important. We figure it out as we go along.
    I feel it is very dangerous to attempt to contact 'spirits' as well, the Ouija board is a good example. These entities can also bypass the seeker and glom onto a loved one.
    @Kimberly, good to hear from you! :) I will check out your youtube guy, thanks.
    Just remember folks, the opposition has kicked the disinfo campaign into highest gear due to the awakening, evidence can be fabricated, and they want us distracted!!
    I hope those interested will keep talking about this, I would be happy to be in touch with any serious seeker with solidity.
    And Astra, I believe you are correct regarding Lizzie being wanted in Canada by some native tribes. She was also (in absentia) brought to an international criminal court by Kenneth something, a former Anglican priest in Canada, can't remember all the counts, but she was convicted on all of them!

  43. Their involved in horrible things. Jimmy Savile was knighted so that he couldn't be charged with the unspeakable acts that he committed and rumor to supply to the elites of the uk

  44. Ugh, this site is getting taken over by QAnon tinhats. The materials will never be released because Trump and his friends are all in the mix and Trump will order his lackey Barr to keep it sealed. Trump was longtime friends with Epstein and Melania is said to have been set up with him by Epstein.

  45. jim'll fix it -special access to military transportation, spent every christmas with margret thatcher (true), traveled and operated all over country openly. hes kayser sozer, wait no, thatz kevin spacey. in britian they use royal commission to draw out the victims then put a lock on it. if the victim ever speaks again they get instant jail. british people are really nothing more than slaves, sorry guys.

  46. Anonymous9:22 AM

    I went looking for Jeffrey Epstein's little black book and I'll be damned it's out there. Copies are stored on a cloud-

  47. (( um, what's "the black book"? ))
