Monday, March 25, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #3

March 18, 2019

This A- list singer is having a hard time dealing with all the weight she gained in her most recent rehab stint and knows she could lose it quickly by using it again.

Demi Lovato


  1. Hmmm......weight gain vs. death. Tough decision.

  2. Or she could take her own advice from years ago and love and accept her body as is. Or was that just marketing, Demi?

  3. No Sugar, No Grain & Long Slow Zone 2 Cardio / with 5 X 5 weight lifting? HCG Diet with 500 calories a day? Intermediate fasting? All very effective. But I am sure the cocaine and alcohol will work too.

  4. Nasty person.

  5. Agreed, J. She is awful.

  6. She is a nasty piece of work.
    How about some exercise and not eating every pizza and fast food option in sight?

  7. Anonymous5:28 PM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Hey her metabolism is probably super fucked up by now too and that's hard to work around. Her body thinks it's not gonna get to keep its food from all the vomiting. Honestly when you got an eating disorder death is preferable to gaining weight.

  9. @shawn fleming - Demi's body type (low & thick) takes a LOOOOOONNNNGGGGG time to show results using regular diet & exercise plus you can't ask an addict in recovery to go on a 500/cal/day starvation diet, that's madness.
