Saturday, March 02, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #5

February 23, 2019

With the feds about to crack down on payola to some of the biggest radio stations/conglomerates in the country, suddenly the stations/conglomerates stopped taking the money and songs that were expected to be hits are dying because they suck and no one is forced to play them. That A+ list singer/writer and A list rapper's recent effort together is one of those that died.

Bruno Mars/Cardi B


  1. it's #5 on the hot 100

  2. Bruno Mars is a mediocre talent.

    1. Aww come on. Dude can dance, play every instrument, has a great voice, can produce, write, direct and act. What more do you want?

  3. 30 years ago, Bruno Mars would have been considered a top shelf vegas entertainer. The fact that he's as big of a star as he is now is a testament to how low standards have fallen with music.

  4. I hope she hurry up and fail, her mouth is dangerous
    I think the celebrities needs to keep their opinions to themselves
    I will never do anything they say, they’re all sellouts

  5. @Trapped last I checked free speech was still covered by the first amendment so whether it fits your agenda or not, she's allowed to voice her opinion. You don't like it? don't listen.

  6. Been hearing about a crack down on payola for at least 20 yeah...

  7. @Trapped - the reason to not do anything they say isn't because they're all sellouts, it's because an entertainer's opinion is no more informed than the average person off the street. Fame grows one's ego - not one's mind. In fact, often quite the opposite.

  8. Cardi is a stripper who bought her way into a music career.

    1. You can take the girl out of the strip club but you can’t take the stripper out of the girl.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Does this extend to Apple Music and that Shit they recommend. I have an iPhone full of Megadeth, Misfits, Clutch, Reagan Youth, and Slayer. So Apple Recommends 6x9, Cardi B, Jay Z, and Avril Lavine?

    I have assumed that my iPhone microphone was picking up music from Chipotle or the gym, but if the payola is going to radio stations no one listens, then it would be very ineffective compared to paying Apple to force this crap on the people who have Apple Music and a Bluetooth receiver in the car.

  10. They never seem to ask politicians about music writing.

  11. Proud to say I have avoided ever hearing one of her dumb songs. Sadly I have to see her annoying face in the news far too often.

  12. @Sarton Bander She doesn't have to be anything but a citizen of this country to be guaranteed the right to give her opinion about anything -- including politics, which, by the way, is what the founding fathers were protecting with that first amendment. Research and knowledge is your friend.

  13. Bruno is a much bigger talent than she is.

  14. Gotta love geniuses at a gossip site who jump to defend Elites in this country---who are in no way in danger of losing their free speech rights--while for those of us in the middle and at bottom, it is quite a different story in America in 2019.

    So ignorant...

  15. Mmm hmm Cindy, for some reason I don’t think all of your first amendment big talk, would cover speech you personally don’t like. People only seem to want free speech for their own opinions and views.

    Bruno Mars is ok I guess. Cardi B’s “music” might be the worst thing I’ve ever heard. She’s horrid but her baby is cute. Poor thing.

  16. Exactly s.s. Try and express a non pc opinion and see where you end up.

    1. You wind up next to you, talking the same crap and getting offended when you get called out on your racism. astraTurf

    2. Latrina Craps, I’m not offended and I don’t give a flying fuck what you think of me. But evidently you’re pretty obsessed with me. It must really bother you that I’m not ashamed of being white and that you crying racist doesn’t have the usual effect. Too bad, bitch. Kiss my lily white ass and go fuck yourself!

    3. Haha +1 latresa

      Lol @ "non PC" that what we call it now?

    4. Oh and here’s the molester of inebriated college girls, to weigh in! Another bitch that can kiss my white ass 🖕🏻

      Why are both of you so obsessed over me? Get a fucking life 🙄

  17. Good! It’s about time.

  18. Bec, I would hazard a guess at it being less so.

  19. I actually defend the first amendment for EVERY CITIZEN regardless of their opinion or political affiliation or bank account balance. It's what a true patriot does.

  20. To be relevant here.
    Rotten Tomatoes has decided to censor it's contributors pre-release opinions due to pressure from Disney over Captain SJW Marvel.

    It's seems speech options get taken down when they disagree with "elite" sinecures.

  21. Good, Cindy. Then you are a rare person.

    Of course they did, Sarton.

  22. Trolls please go back to the DM to post your political comments under your multiple accounts.

    This is a gossip site.

    We DON'T care!

  23. This song is shooting up the radio airplay charts. This blind is a lie.

  24. I think the first step should be to get rid of the conglomerate radio stations. Nearly impossible for regional identity or breakthrough. Top 40 heavy rotation brainwashing needs to go, the same songs over and over leaves minimal room for new music to organically gain traction. Even Sirius stations have limited playlists and play the same songs on several channels, that is the easiest spot for endless variety, yet it is not happening. Is that laziness, pay off or what?

    Chicago station WXRT used to have an awesome slogan, "Everything in No Particular Order.". I wish more would genuinely give it a try.

  25. @Vita JackFM does that here in Los Angeles. Playing what they want. I heard a Love & Rockets song the other day, followed by Fleetwood Mac. Both of them are right up my alley, but it's almost impossible to hear them on the same station. L&R is impossible to hear on any station.

  26. Cindy-- Hooray for JackFM and XRT! 🎶

  27. This is a lie lol

    There is no crackdown and this song is a hit.

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. I wonder why astra is always so angry.....VERY angry. Like bottom of the barrel emotional IQ angry...

    Oh well, she's got a great talent of brining people who don't even like one another or agree with each other, together in their shared disgust of her. Even if I personally might agree with several of her points of view, the rabid, mouth foaming style, and unhinged psycho which emanates from her comments, reminds me too much of a low-IQ inbred, emotionally stunted muslim. Slap a beard on her, a nightie, tie her to a goat, put her in front of a mosque, and voila', she'll fit right in. Down to the disturbing jew hatred. It's uncanny.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Depeche Model, I’ll tell you what I told those can go fuck yourself and scroll on by if you have a problem with me. I don’t look for your boring comments and couldn’t care less if you agree with anything I say, if you disapprove of my opinions on Jews, think I’m a Muslim, or whatever. It is utterly irrelevant and meaningless. Hopefully affirmative action Latrina Craps and the rapist dyke Rosie can do the same. You think you’re so intelligent and superior, this shouldn’t be a difficult concept. But yet, you seem to have trouble with it 🤷🏼‍♀️


  30. @Cindy, I know we all have the right to say whatever.. It still doesn't change what I said, I don't value their opinion..
    I've never heard her music and I don't care what she says..

  31. Er, their new song debuted at #5 on the Hot 100. Finesse debuted at #35.

  32. yeah yeah we can all go fuck ourselves...very original. You're not stupid and inferior whatsoever, that's why you're so emotionally mature and not at all repetitive and irate. And the middle finger emoji - that's just your argumentative brilliance shining through.
    Put on another record, dummy. Perhaps one with a vaster vocabulary?

  33. I have enjoyed Astra's comments since she showed up a few months ago, I always find her stuff fresh and interesting so I have no idea how she could have haters.

    Also the hate-on Derek has for Tricia is just... inconceivable. I assume her internet connection magically shws her the blinds first hence she comments at the top - who cares? I don't actually imagine her riding her refresher like a CDAN fanistan.


    Bruno Mars is hella talented and FAR more talented than Cardi in the music department. This song is VULGAR and gross and the video is ridiculous because they're filmed with Bruno like 5" taller than Cardi and there is no way lol that's possible.

    It's ridiculous, trashy and bad for Bruno Mars in my opinion.

  34. @Sarton Bander

    Actually RT took it down is because of the audience who haven't even SEEN the movie has been writing reviews aka the movie is not out for general audience. These reviews are all consistent in one tone. To bring down Capt Marvel and they're not even trying to hide it. The plot is all out on 4chan. Don't believe me and you could go search for their thread.

    The irony of you being a SJW here when you're trying to suppress free speech. REMEMBER. RT is a private entity not under the govt. You and those Incels lying your arse off is really pathetic to no end. Not only that. Those trolls who made dozens of clickbait videos for Capt Marvel and made money off it. You for free speech my arse. You only want free speech for yourself and the right wing and make money off it. America is really brought down by people like you.
