Saturday, March 02, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #6

February 18, 2019

The first thing this former A list mostly television actress from multiple hit network shows does when she gets back with her on again off again boyfriend is use. So, he is back in her life which means the whole process is going to begin again and maybe this time she won't get out with her life. She has been really lucky so far.

Heather Locklear


  1. This is why it is better to be born smart than beautiful. When you eventually lose your looks, you are fully aware of it, and many are unable to cope. When you lose your mind, you hardly notice it and other people bare the burden.

  2. I don't really feel sorry for anybody who trades on their looks for fame but has no contingency plan for when they hit 30. HL is lucky she's gotten as far as she has.

  3. She’s trying hard to end her own life, something she’s done or something is off with her
    She needs to be locked away for her own protection

  4. Anonymous2:35 PM

    It's not about her appearance.
    Lots of misogynists here, who dont understand that alcoholism is a DISEASE.

    1. Daryl: i dont buy it as a disease. Something pushes them to seek alcohol's warm embrace. Depression, hereditary mental illness, traumatic experience.

      Plus, i would bet bet that Heather is the type who only drinks so the pills kick in quicker and numb her better.

  5. all that stuff she did with charlie sheen and those kids is haunting her

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. @sauirrelmistress, I agree. Any contact with Charlie Estevez leaves you scarred for life. What is she using? I thought it was Rx drugs. Is she riding the white pony, the white horse, or the Adrenochrome?

  8. I missed the sheen stories

  9. Poor Heather. I worked with her on Spin City. She was a ray of light and so professional. Just lovely. Get better!

  10. Heather Locklear is a tragic story. I hope she can get help and get better. She really is a sweetheart. Just damaged AF.

  11. @Squirrel: I agree, and I doubt she’s discussing it in therapy because that could possibly get her arrested. So meanwhile, it’s a vicious cycle.

    @Elphin: I think Xanax and alcohol. One of her DUI’s was for Xanax but that was several years ago so idk if she’s started doing other drugs since.

    @Trapped: Agree. I think she is trying to end her life.

  12. @Vita: I believe the blind is called ‘She Wants to Talk’.

  13. I re-read it after I posted to you earlier. It’s definitely the worse BI on here. And there are about 200 comments. Just thought I’d prepare you.

  14. Thanks so much, Aquagirl! I'll brace myself before readingšŸ˜¬

  15. This has nothing to do with her 'looks' or her 'age' because she could still be working if she was sober and sane, she has just CHOSE to go off the rails.
    She obviously has a death wish and her enabler boyfriend is just as bad.
    I don't feel sorry for rich adults who have time and funds to get better but choose not to.
    And I am SO sick of people assuming 'good looking' people can't handle getting older... trust me, there is no lack of ANYTHING for attractive people NO MATTER their age. In fact the older you get, if you stay attractive, your stock actually goes up. Because you become an anomaly.

  16. Anonymous11:22 AM

    @m styles
    the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) defines addiction as “a chronic, relapsing brain disease that is characterized by compulsive drug seeking and use, despite harmful consequences

  17. Anonymous11:23 AM

    Addiction is a DISEASE .

    1. Yep, addiction is definitely a disease. But having sex with Charlie Sheen and your Kindergarten-age child is absolutely unforgivable.

    2. No it is not. Addiction is the result of something else. People call it a disease to pretend there is nothing wrong with the addict. "Oh, it isnt you, you are wonderful. It is that horrible alcohol." If it was a disease, then it would effect everyone, not just the already damaged.

  18. Heather Locklear is a disgusting, soul-less, child molesting, heathen and she can't send herself to hell fast enough, in my opinion. Look into some of the nasty things she's done- to her own daughter! I know I should pray for her, but...demons can't be saved s...later be-otch!

  19. @justsayin’: I linked the Sheen blind above and after I did that, I thought the exact same things that you said. But I felt like I’d be a horrible person if I actually blurted it out. So THANK YOU ☺️ for saying those words for me. She should burn in hell.

  20. No one ever dies from Zanax and booze. She must be on something heavier. Aquagirl: what did Locklear do that is heinous (besides assaulting police officers and dating Charlie Sheen)? What did she do to her daughters?

  21. Count Jerkula: you are 100 percent correct. "It's not the person, it's the disease." That's like saying when a pitbull kills someone "It's not the breed, it's the owner." People really are so fucking stupid.

  22. I discovered firsthand that alcoholism is a disease. I thought the idea was stupid because, after all, I had CHOSEN to drink, but what I realized was that although my first steps into drinking were a choice, it activated the disease. Drinking, for me, felt like walking down the street and then falling into a pit. You’re making benign choices and then BOOM. Within about 2 months of drinking, I went from a shot of vodka or 2 getting me buzzed to needing 6 shots to achieve the same effect. It was bizarre and terrifying. Alcoholism is in my DNA, as is evident my the incredible amount of alcoholics on both sides of my family. To fight the disease, I don’t drink. But the disease is still there and always will be. So a choice can activate the disease. Hopes this makes a little sense.
