Thursday, March 07, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #5

February 28, 2019

This A list mostly movie actor and his A-/B+ list actress ex made sure a pap was around to capture their meeting because they both know it will make the tabloids and give them some publicity.

Ben Affleck/Jennifer Garner


  1. They make me ill. They actually deserve each other.

  2. Why should we care about them again? Were either especially good at acting? I think Affleck was supposed to have some writing skills but that's about it.

    1. Neither one is anything great in acting in my opinion. I cant fathom their success.

  3. don't they all do this?

  4. Keep the Cash flow coming in

  5. Brayson,


    Good Will Hunting. Chasing Amy. Gone Girl.

    Ben Affleck is a good actor as well as writer/director. if he wasn't considered a good actor, why does he have over 45 films to his credit?

  6. I agree @Brayson.

    Even though Ben and I are from Massachusetts, I think he's done some good roles.

    Just saw "The Accountant" and thought he was pretty good.

    IMAO -- I truly don't know good or bad acting.
    I just like what a like.

    1. Just the sort of viewer Frat boy films depend on.

  7. I wonder if this is due to Affleck's PR people. He's the common denominator in the constantly-papped world. First Goop, then Jennifer....he's been papped on purpose his whole damn life.

  8. @Raven & David, I'm not saying he's not a good actor, just not an especially good one or even a good character actor. Like not Brad Pitt, Daniel Day Lewis, Gary Oldman, etc caliber and doesn't deserve this attention.

    @David, I liked "The Accountant" but look at the character he played, an accountant with high functioning autism who emotionlessly kills people, I don't think he was stretching his acting muscles very much.

    1. Brad isn't even in the league below tbose two in terms of acting ability.

  9. Ben Affleck is a joke of an actor. He hasn't written anything of quality since Good Will Hunting, which I doubt he had much to do with in the first place. He is nothing but a tabloid fixture now, same as Jen (who peaked 15 years ago).

  10. I sort of expected everyone to accuse him of being gay.

  11. I sort of expected everyone to accuse him of being gay.

  12. Tru- lol!

    Loathsome is a fabulous word! Packs a visceral punch.

  13. Is the gossip world getting so boring that we need 2 Jen/Ben blinds in one day?
