Friday, April 05, 2019

Blind Item #12

This A- list mostly movie actor is an Academy Award winner/nominee and he is a meth addict.


  1. MattyM are you back on drugs?

  2. Wow Tricia, that would explain what's happening to his face.

    @Sandy, I think MM does opiate pills, THC or LSD.

  3. Could be Nic Cage as well I guess?

    1. Cage looked really off in that vid last week. It was reported he was drunk but it looked like something else. I think you're right

  4. @BayAreaGirl... he just always looks quite odd to me

  5. Finally someone who is not hooked on heroine or pills etc! You go sir, whoever you are! Meth is a blue collar substance which was going down in popularity too. In 2017 only 596000 people were addicted to meth whereas almost 1.4 million to coke. So points on him for being original!

    1. I disagree.
      Meth has no collar at all.
      It's more of a dirty white tank

    2. @yep I guess it’s pretty tough to be hooked on the lovely lady who saves the day in the end. ;-)
      However, heroin, is one of many opiates that is killing far too many..

  6. I don't know what Matty is on but he looks like hell..

  7. Oh jeez, I think more winners/nominees have been on drugs than off them.

  8. we all know MattyM loves his weed. his face (on kimmel at least) DEFINITELY has been smoothed over by some botox & filler action. not a meth guy tho,

    rami malek fits.

    if this is him, and if his rumored casting as bond 25 villain is true, how does he plan to score meth while abroad? bond 25 shooting in italy, jamaica and pinewood studios in london. norway is shooting only for second unit, no big stars


  9. after watching that joker trailer ..

  10. Hmmm yea now that I think of it and how intense he is, Joaquin fits too. Malek has acted like he’s on meth since forever, twitchy guy, but it seems built in and not drug induced?

  11. Nic Cage. His behavior lately is more erratic that normal

  12. Meth is a poor man drug whatever they will have that haggard hollow look very soon.

  13. Anonymous1:14 PM

    I don’t think it’s Leto because he has been looking super beefy lately for his Morbius role, but he does work so much that it might be time for his aging self to need more of a boost. Can’t get by on veganism forever.

  14. I think it could be Nic Cage based on his recent bizarre behavior in Vegas. He has literally become his character in "Leaving Las Vegas." There are quite a few that have become their sad characters lately.

  15. Not Leto, he's aging far too well to be on meth. Plus, Enty usually calls him an A/B-list actor/singer.

  16. I think it's Nic Cage. He looked strung out in that photos on the Daily Mail last week. (Or week before.) Jared Leto looks like he lives on juice cleanses, pilates, sex and small amounts of marijuana/booze. Basically, a male GOOP. As people have said -- he looks far too healthy to be on meth.

  17. Tinydancer-- that courthouse footage and the 4 days of aftermath with Nic make him my guess, too. He's alarmingly off.

    I remember the first season of Mr.Robot, Rami had to deny meth and other drug use bc of his twitchiness and odd nervous energy. Given that he's prepping for his first post Oscar role, id like to think someone would have shuttled him off to rehab by now

  18. Joaquin is not out of the running either...hmm...

  19. Nah, a meth addict would have been a better Joker. Never had more respect for Leto's performance than when I saw the trailer for Joaquin's Joker.

  20. I'd say Brad Pitt but we all know he ends up at Passages for black tar heroine.

  21. I like the Remi or Jared Leto guess. Probably Remi since he's a bit more relevant right now

  22. I think jared leto seems too buff and healthy looking right now (not to mention youthful for an almost-50 year old) to be addicted to meth, plus he seems to be filming smoothly with morbius in london. joaquin has always looked kind of rough in the face and been off, but I wonder if we are thinking him just bc of the joker buzz.

    that leaves nic cage and rami malek. either could work tho nic cage's behavior seems meth-y, while malek has acted like a drug addict for years, tho it seems like i said part of his odd personality

  23. Cuba Gooding Jr. Oscar winner, doesn't work a lot. Messed party stories on CDAN, but had a dad bod. Hard to say. Meth is a nasty drug.

    Last summer I was on set, an office building. We were moving gak into the loading bays, and need to be buzzed in. Lots of homeless addicts around, so you have to be aware of your surroundings. What we didn't expect was the guy who dropped the bag of meth was one of the night cleaning crew from the building. Young guy, asian immigrant. It's not a long walk from the financial district, literally, but metaphorically, meth is the fastest way to get there.
    Six months before that we had a EP on a different gig doing blow in the bathroom during night shoots. Kinda weird when it's the higher-ups. Waiting for for day when an out of towner mistakenly buys blow with fentenayl in it. I hear the studios carry Narcan in the first aid kits on set.

  24. Anonymous3:53 PM

    is rami mostly movie? i say nic

  25. "Academy Award winner/nominee" implies he's been both, and Rami has only been a winner, never just a nominee.
    Cage has been both, but I think he's mostly alcoholic, but who knows.

  26. OKAY so I watched THE JOKER trailer from all your shit talk.

    Joaquin is FINE, he does not appear to be on meth and has a reputation as an extreme method actor. I also think his take on The Joker is different and fine. I enjoy his performances and think this will be another good one (which I will not see because not my jam).

    Jeez it may not be your flavor but Joaquin is not "bad" in the trailer.

  27. @citizen S

    thats not what enty's designation means. in order to have ambiguity and not be specific, he types "winner/nominee" meaning it could be a winner, nominee, or both - any of those.

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. @hunter - hear hear! agree with your rant.

  30. Malek creeps me out. I dont know about drugs but he is definitely not all there. As far as acting goes...meh...if you give a creeper roles if creepers it's not acting. They're just being their strange selves.

  31. I think Rami is really talented, but he is always doing weird things with his mouth, which screams meth to me.

  32. Johnny Depp?? He definitely is out of his gourd and has hella Meff Mouff.......

  33. Meth is a poor man's drug. I agree with Trapped. Nasty shit, too.
