Friday, April 05, 2019

Blind Item #13

The foreign born former A list syndicated actress turned reality star turned celebrity so far has been fending off the appeals for her to come to London in person. She knows there could be some type of kidnapping or murder in the next couple of days and wants to be nowhere close.


  1. Definitely her, is Assange in the crosshairs now? Oh yeah looks like it.

  2. Anonymous12:27 PM

    oh wow

  3. Pam and her sorry ass

  4. When Tommy Lee is the least problematic of your beaus then you know you've majorly fucked up somewhere.

  5. Sorry about the British establishment and their protection force that calls itself for some reason "police" (but bears fuck all resemblance to following Peel's Principles.

    Trying to get the country back as we speak.

  6. It might need to get really nastier though Sarton. Those political piggies won't pull their snouts out of the EU trough without some serious whipping.

    Still it was nice to see the Paras stationed in Afghanistan have the right idea of who to go for when (or if, if the Establishment have their way) they get back.😁

  7. Pamela and her boyfriend the elf who lives in a cupboard under the stairs. My only concern is his poor kitty. Hope kitty stays safe.

  8. +1 Sarton

  9. I'm thinking WikiLeaks is just stirring the pot for funsies. Nobody except WikiLeaks is reporting a change in Assange's status.

  10. Read this AM Assange is being released to Ecuador and they will give him to US.

  11. Ecuador can't give him to the US.

    The moment he leaves the embassy he is in British hands. There will be some legal palava re Assange jumping bail, maybe 3 to 6 months jail time, jumping bail is not really a huge crime there, most bail jumpers don't even do time in the UK. The US may ask for extradition but the fact that the US has the death penalty may give him a stay on that if the lawyers want to string it out. Also don't forget that Assange has a shiny new Australian Passport as an Oz citizen it would be up to them to agree on any hand over and once more 'death penalty' may give him his get out clause. Both the UK and Oz have am extradition treaty clause which basically says that they don't have to hand over a citizen on an extradition warrent if there is a danger of them being executed.

    I think he is a sniveling little coward but basically he is just a whistle blower and there are laws in the UK and Australia that protect them. Also as wikileaks publishes he can claim freedom of the press , after all he only repeated facts given to him and all major media companies then leaked the same information

    The only way the US will get him is if they can prove without a shaddow of a doubt that he solicited the 'leakers' to hack/steal US government infomation and that the leaker was paid to do so with a paper/electronic trail, otherwise it is just speculation and he said/she said.


  12. Yeah, gotta disagree with you emerald, Snowden's the coward, worked for C_A and tried to infiltrate the NSA. JA published whistleblower info. Thats why you are seeing the US getting straightened out. Even in the emerald city.

  13. all the whistleblowers are heroes. there's no rule book on how to expose corruption. people want to know the information and then want to kill the messenger because they're not perfect because goodness knows those calling any of these whistleblowers sniveling cowards are perfect human beings and brave beyond belief.
    wikileaks has never been sued in court and lost. they make sure what they reveal to the world is the truth.
    thinking of seth rich these past few days because i'm pretty sure he's the mystery "russian hacker" who coughed up the dnc data and we may never know for sure it was his courage to leak.
    thinking of the internet's own boy aaron swartz these past few days and how the world is a sadder place because he's gone.
    been thinking of snowden stuck in russia like a man without a country these past few days.
    been thinking of chelsea manning who is in custody AGAIN these past few days.
    been thinking really hard about julian assange these past few days as his world has gotten smaller and smaller and smaller and how gut-wrenching that must be.
    will it be thumb's up or thumb's down for the salivating u.s. citizenry if the u.s. government gets a hold of assange and tosses him into the proverbial arena full of hungry beasts and salivating citizenry.
    the human race sucks.

  14. @Thorne, don’t worry Snowden’s cat has already been removed. He wasn’t looking after it properly and was given an ultimatum last year to feed it, clean after it and the bathroom to get Internet access restored. Apparently it is now living with Snowden’s family somewhere.

  15. @emeraldcity
    Shouldn't the UK extradite Assange first to Sweden, where he imaginarily "raped" a feminist? According to Swedish law rape is whatever a woman feels after sex, regardless of reality and other petty concerns.

  16. Snowden is dead. No sign of life proof in years. No balcony visits. Nothing.

  17. snitches get stitches and end up in ditches

  18. @Paul Saint John ......Sweden dropped the charges on Assange a few years ago.

  19. @emeraldcity
    It still begs the question: why should America have any priority in extradting him? Assange has been leaking dirt from all over the world. And Mueller himself has acknowledged there was no Russian collusion nor Russian hackers.

  20. @Paul Saint John........

    Assange skipped bail because he thought Sweden only wanted him on their soil so they could give him to the US. The charges had been dropped by a Swedish prosecutor previously because there was no evidence, only an accusation by a disgruntled ex lover who had written on her facebook account that the way to get even with a man was to accuse him of sexual assault. Apart from the fact that the accusations leveled against him were not even crimes in Britain. Out of the blue a few months later a rabid female prosecutor from an entirely different district who was up for re election re opened the case, which was when the 'America has had a hand in this' theory arose.

    No one really wants Assange except the US, the UK doesn't care past the point that he skipped bail and has cost them millions making sure he did't then skip the country, he would serve some time in the UK before they would honour any US request for him.

    The whole Mueller thing revealed that the US has the equivalent of a sealed warrant for Assange ready to go and I have no doubt the US is willing to do deals behind the scenes to get him. Snowden is out of reach so Assange will have to do. The question is will the US backroom deal be big enough to have the UK and/or Australia turn him over with all the PR flack that would involve, the governments of both countries have enough problems trying to keep power as it is, an Assange blow up isn't worth the political bother for either of them right now.

    However money talks, lucrative trade deals might be the clincher.
