Friday, April 05, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #3

March 29, 2019

Knowing he won't say anything, this A list singer/sometime actress will say whatever it takes to make the public sympathize with her on her recent split with a boyfriend.

Lady GaGa


  1. I don't sympathize with fools who wear 18-inch heels then fall down.

    I laugh at them.

  2. Love it. She should wear that outfit onstage at a Siegfried & Roy-type show.

  3. What is the big secret he is hiding? I must have missed the conspiracy theory on this relationship.

  4. She seems like a horrible person. Made her assistant sleep in her bed with her to keep the demons away, all that crazy shit. Has spent way too much time with Marin A. for my taste. Her agent was her bf? That's the oldest Hollyweird Merkin trick in the book! She's intersexed, but I don't think anyone really cares.

  5. The curse of Lina Morgana no doubt.

  6. Little Miss Sunshine: the secret is that Stefani is intersexed. Like I said, most people don't care. We're more worried about the witchcraft and New World Agenda she's part of.

  7. Old these fucking ads covering my typing area..

  8. Elphin it's because her ex boyfriend ghost haunts her...or something.

  9. Krissie: the ghost is a female, a blonde. It's in the R.S. interview. She's Intersexed, and that's why she sang "Born This Way."

  10. Ah. All I remember is reading an article about celebrity ghost encounters and stuff. I remember Anna Nicole Smith said a ghost had sex with her. And the article suggested Britney is possessed when she speaks British because she blacks out.

  11. gaga is a man and he is evil
