Friday, April 05, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #4

March 29, 2019

With that big name bailing on the series, don't be surprised if the porn star/escort/monetarily  challenged reality star comes back to MTV.

Bristol Palin/Farrah Abraham/Teen Mom


  1. Maybe Bristol should join Farrah in the genitals-mold-casting business.

  2. She's already back on MTV on another show.

  3. On second thought, perhaps Bristol doesn't have the brains needed for that work.

  4. I still just don't know whether to be completely appalled, shocked, and disgusted at the fact that Sarah would accept the responsibility of Bristol's first born child as her own simply because it had a disability that would deter her from her celebrity fame or to admire her for her humility and courage. I think all in all my logical mind just has to say "Fuck It" and resort to my gut instinct and just settle on the fact that rich people are just plain fucking weird and selfish for the oddest reasons, that in itself damns them all to hell.

    These people are almost as stupid and selfish as that Hollywood debutante that threw away a baby for a hit sit-com.

  5. Whatever, when dogs eat sh!t I try not to judge them, same goes for the viewers of these shows. On some level they must sense something of value to consume.

  6. I thought that was a mommy show not a egg donor show...and fuck you ad covering my screen .

  7. Idk thing I just read said that rumors if Farrah returning aren't true

  8. when you are a young woman and you get accidentally pregnant, what makes that baby any more special than a replacement baby eight years later?

    Akhaldan says she "threw away a baby" but no, she had an abortion and guess what - she can (presumably) get pregnant again anytime she wants so who TF cares?

  9. Nailin' Palin 2: Electric Boogaloo.
