Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Blind Item #3

The former A+ list reality star/celebrity who people still don't really like, all but admitted that she arranged, designed and paid for her most recent engagement ring on her own. She also continues to tell everyone where it was purchased to keep her end of the deal with the company.


  1. Hollywood socialites with no moral fibre and questionable accounting habits (Kardashians,Jenners,Ritchie's & Hiltons) are..."beyond lame & embarassing" Can the FEDS & IRS examine them all?!!!

  2. I didn’t watch but apparently she shaded Lilo a whole bunch😂

  3. As bitter as always on WWHL. No surprise she has no friends.

  4. Paris is such a fucking asshole. I don't know how anyone can stand to be around her.

  5. Does she tell us the Walgreens where she picks up Valtrex and D-Con for her infested crotch?

  6. Everyone knows she's no good, she just cleans up better than LiLo who looks like a truck stop whore at this point.

  7. It must suck being Paris knowing you're the unattractive one in the family

  8. @E is Paris the unattractive one in the family? I think they are all about the same.

  9. I love how women who are capable of having sexual relationships trigger "males" who can't get laid..

  10. Viking Song, you just like Paris because she's a racist pig.

    How's the apriapic hubby?

  11. No duh she bought that ring. You think that C-D list actor could ever afford something like that?

    I never thought I'd ever say this about a diamond ring, but it sure was ugly. Paris is rich white trash. She'll be 80yo and still DJing and dancing on tables.

  12. Vicki Gunvelson the OG of the OC
