Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Blind Item #4

This way underage B-list YouTube celebrity is not famous for a musical or artistic talent. Very recently, she has rocketed to A-list in her corner of the internet.  This was due to media exposure of some of her racist and hateful comments.  What most people don’t know about is the other, much older male A-/B+ list social media / YouTube celebrity in his corner of the internet, who has been in personal contact with this previously described underage girl, who is barely a teen.   He is a pedophile, draws cartoons which should be considered child porn, and has even drawn these sorts of sick cartoons based on this girl. He has also drawn pornography involving his mother.


  1. Nope. I only open it for music videos,film clips etc and emergency kid programming lol

  2. Anonymous7:37 AM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Anonymous7:39 AM

    Artist is Shadman or Shadbase. Apparently a rumor flying around that Soph was a mod in his 18+ NSFW Discord server.


  4. Youtubers.

    Scritch! Scritch! Scritch!

    The bottom of that barrel isn't going to scape itself, you know.

  5. Actually, YouTube stars are very big with the under-21 demographic. They watch it the most and make these people stars.

    1. Yup to my son these are celebrities. He couldn’t care less about anyone in music on TV or in movies.



  7. First is Soph, obviously

    Second sounds like Shadbase but AFAIK he's more of a Twitch guy than a Youtuber

  8. Its def shadman, he did loli images of soph.

  9. Sounds like a case for... the authorities!

    Just kidding, let a gossip blog handle it. 😐

  10. ProJared.

  11. Anonymous8:00 AM

    Gauloise, I believe he also drew a borderline-pornographic image of Keemstar's daughter when she was 8 or 10. Forgot how old she was, but the guy is clearly a pedo.

  12. I love youtube, all the old TV shows you never saw. I'm from the UK, holy s*** johnny Carson from the 70's with rodney dangerfield!! what kind of magic is this that i never had the chance to see..

  13. Anonymous8:40 AM

    i shouldnt have googled shadbase at work

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Because it's not paedophilia when the child is female.. Right, @J?

  16. +1 L, Thanks for the link.

    Oh yes heaven forbid some girl talk about child brides in other cultures. Because some 14-yr-old girl running her mouth is way more offensive than culturally accepted arranged marriages between 11-year-old girls and men ages 30-70.

    It's crazy the kinds of folks the far left gets into bed with. Straight white Christian men can always convert to Islam and be fine under Sharia law. It's everyone else that always gets boned.


    On twitter replacement GAB

    and here
    on Youtube replacement BitChute

  18. "It's crazy the kinds of folks the far left gets into bed with." partial quote from @Brayson87

    I have no problem with whores going after coin.
    Pound Me movement was deflection for child sex slave trafficking. To remove the true horror of "The Industry".
    What the Pedowood Empire f*©ked to Blackmail compliance.

    The Industry that protects Child Rapist.

  19. And as @Todd said, a lot of young people are more interested in YouTube, gaming and the Internet in general than TV or even films these days. These YT et al., "stars" might not be celebrities to you or I, but they are to the younger generation.

  20. I watched Soph's latest video before it was taken down. The one wear she's in a hijab. Pretty smart and coherent for her age. Boy she can talk -- I was watching her eyes. She wasn't reading from cards or a teleprompter. Some of our politicians could take lessons from her.

  21. Anonymous9:22 AM

    My Youtube use is primarily for tips/hints on Nintendo Switch games. Although I recently found a tarot guy who has been conducting card readings on the Harry/Meghan, royal family gossip. Guy's name is Joseph Magi if anyone is interested.

  22. @Christina, you can still watch it at L's Daily Mail link, yes it's not that offensive.

  23. Viking Song, doesn't your husband have an erection you can cure on sight?

  24. @Giant R
    Really? That's new to me, I know about Soph, but not Keemstar's daughter. Did he ever made a comment or statement somewhere?

  25. You Tube stars get more views than a lot of these reality shows I've never heard of. You need to be aware,as they influence your children or your neighbor's children. But I am thinking Real Enty is on vacation,for a number of reasons.

  26. Eh which mother? His own or her? Anyways whether it be Shadman or other such artist, it is art of course and nontheless, but this is very disgusting and should be banned.
    And I kinda don't get what the blind is about. Shadman is a meme and everybody knows ... he's prolly a cool guy, but this underage porn cartoons and drawings are just very not okay.

  27. @Guesser
    Oh my El. There are some bad YTer's like the Paul's and those fake prankers etc., but some are either quality or wholesome like Pewdiepie. Don't put all in the same basket.

  28. " but raping women is also bad too. " Partial quote from @VikingSong

    We are talking about voluntary servitude against child enslavement.
    One is adult consent, the other is what Pedowood deflects for. Quite successfully I might add.

    Your Industry protects Child Rapist. Your denial and deflection is the reason.
    Have a beautiful day (cough).

  29. @Collateral Justice
    Excuse I am not very long here and am not used to the "memes" and inside jokes. What did this guy said and is all about? By his name alone he sounds to me like a varg vikernes fan.

  30. Ha! Tomi Lahren better step up the bigotry before an even younger, cuter little bigot takes her throne. Tomi looks like hag Ann Coulter compared to a fresh-faced 14 year old. Fox News will love Soph!

  31. Super nice of this dude to volunteer to acclimate Soph to life in right-wing media, tho. When Doocey or whoever grabs her by the ... she won't be too shocked.

  32. To everyone saying my kids are interested in YT stars, you do realize its still your money which makes them rich, right? How much buying power do the under 21 have?
    @Thorne, its not as if far left is doing any better! Democratic congress members are just one step away from denying Holocaust, and after doing that they will say their words have been taken out of context!

  33. @yepthatsme
    Rather this money go to a spoiled YT child star than a Hell-Yid-Wood pedosexual rapist.
    Also as an Israelite I say the Edomite Jewish Holocaust is fake. My brother Esau is a liar and he want me and my brothers dead.

  34. Lol! @J. Totally agree @Brayson and @Collatera Justice.

  35. Do her parents not realize or care that spouting antimuslim rhetoric on-line for everybody to see can put her in danger.

  36. @J, Is this your daughter, she's hilarious 😅

    Women Are Cool And Should Vote
    Published on Oct 23, 2018

  37. Nice try, Brayson. Hard enough getting me to watch anything on TV... I'm not going to start checking out youtube "entertainment!"

  38. Google soph, you guys have a lot of the same talking points although she's probably harsher, like how she explained how cavewomen used manipulation to get cavemen to fetch food for them like beta males get used today. 😂

  39. Is this the same girl that went dark on social media then posted an instragram story that said "help me"?

  40. Ugh, be careful. My kids stuff almost segued into a very creepy video of Spiderman who knocked up some other character, by cheating on Elsa. Thank god I saw it before my kid saw much. Now I only allow Netflix or Play movies.

  41. Is Shädbase a former Nickelodeon employee...? And is the new Soph based on/off the Mrs Maisel character old Soph? Sort of an up and coming Louise CK...

  42. I made the mistake of google imaging that pedo Shad's 'art.'
    What a fucking freak. Can't we genetically engineer a plague for these weird fucks?
