Saturday, May 04, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #4

April 25, 2019

The drug use for this foreign born alliterate A/A list singer is getting out of hand It is one of the reasons his most recent relationship crashed and burned. Apparently the singer is going to try and get some help over the next few weeks.

Sam Smith


  1. He’s insufferable and his music is excruciating. But hopefully he will be ok and get help and get through this.

  2. Is that how he lost weight? He has a fantastic voice.

  3. I find his voice oddly reedy and have no idea why he’s as popular as he is. To each his own, I guess.

  4. Happy he recognized the problem. Good luck to him

  5. It takes more than a "few weeks," hon. Good luck, though.

  6. I hope he gets the help he needs. I love his music.

  7. I love Sam Smith...this makes me sad...if it’s true. And I hope he gets the help he needs. I love his music.

  8. Brandon Flynn made the right call. Sam Smith is a good singer but he seems lost and confused.

  9. Talented guy, but he really seemed to buy into his own hype more than the average breakout star. A drug problem and rehab seemed inevitable.

  10. He's one of the most boring yet obnoxious celebrities I've seen recently. Still, I hope he doesn't croak. Addiction sucks.
