Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Blind Item #10

Considering how many women have accused him of sexual assault/inappropriate behavior/coercion, this A-/B+ list actress from an acting family might not enjoy answering questions about this A list actor from an acting family, but SHE is the one who decided not to fire him after all the accusations became public. She has never given an answer as to why she decided to keep him employed. She just sidesteps questions about his behavior and shames people for asking them.


  1. Rooney Mara/Joaquin?

    1. Or Franco again and Maggie G?

    2. Wait, has Joaquin been accused of anything??

  2. Franco and Maggie Gyllenhaal?

    1. Sorry dude +11... Apparently”Euphoria “makes “The Deuce” look like Mary Poppins

    2. Def Maggie G and Franco

  3. Is SHE in a position to be firing him? She has a producing credit but so does he. Seems more up to David Simon.

  4. Euphoria is absolute garbage, gave it 2 shots just extremely exploitative and way over the top sensationalistic looking to shock.

  5. Sandy got it. Maggie G has a lot of power on The Deuce.

  6. Anonymous11:09 AM

    Can’t stand her. Has a horrible whiny little girl voice she tries to do vocal fry with. Nearly ruined The Dark Knight but thankfully they killed her halfway through.

  7. I will never understand how people loved Maggie in the Dark Night Rises but hated Katie Holmes. I'd take Katie over Maggie anyway.

    And, Joaquin is a saint. LOL. He is my biggest celebrity crush.

  8. Yep, this is Maggie and Franco.


  9. Hard to forget that time someone described her face as looking like a catcher's mitt.

  10. She looks more like a sad cartoon turtle to me.


  11. Her Deuce character made a fleeting appearance as a whore in a police cell in an episode of Bill Burr's wonderful animated Netflix series, F is for Family. Which is also set in the early 70s.


  12. So, as Unknown points it out, the whole blind item is basically a rewording of a recent Gyllenhaal interview where she's asked about Franco. The source is actually an interview with New York Magazine/Vulture.


    Then, as alan points it out, Maggie Gyllenhaal is a producer and has some creative power on the show, but James Franco also has a producer credit, and it's very unlikely that either of them has any capacity to fire another lead, especially as David Simon ultimately makes the decisions. Franco actually has an executive producer title, which is above producer (which Gyllenhaal is) for TV production.

    So, we have a blind item that mistakes her producer credit for running the actual show, and yet that claims to know what's inside her mind.

    If you think that Gyllenhaal is an hypocrite, fine. Just write an op-ed, state your position. But presenting it as a blind item, with some made-up insider info while you can't even read right two paragraphs of the interview you based your entire story on is just manipulation.

  13. Also, Angie, Franco does play two of the three main characters, so that might make it a bit difficult too.

    It's a decent show though.

  14. All of the accusations against Franco were just bitter exs. So stupid.

  15. @Flashy Vic
    I don't watch the show (too many shows, too little time), but I almost made a joke about killing one of Franco's characters as a compromise...

  16. You don't have to be a bitter ex to say anyone with suspender tattoos is a dipshit.

    1. This isnt about being a dipshit, it is about being a sexual abuser.

  17. I highly doubt Maggie is a bigger star than Franco ON THE DEUCE. I don't think she'd be in any position to get him fired. Given her bro is closeted do you think she would throw stones? Also for those who criticize her, she simply isn't mainstream cookie cutter pretty actress fare. She was AMAZING and BRAVE in THE SECRETARY and was in THE KINDERGARTEN TEACHER and THE DEUCE but mainstreaming her isn't a way to go. That being said, I know that while she and Jake are talented and hardworking WHAT nepotism they had with their parents. You knew they'd make it one way or another.

  18. Well, it seems like the majority of such accusations coming out of Hollywood are bullshit.

  19. Why is Joaquin Phoneix is always everyones first guess?
    It`s so funny.
    The Dude is weird AF, bizzare we all get it, even he owns it. He`s got that weird family and all...Creepy and Culty and all.
    But that doesn`t mean that he`s a BAD PERSON, U know?

    So give the guy some slack. He`s JUST might be F ed up and Weird and nothing more.

    It`s Maggie and Franco BTW.

  20. I can’t watch anything with Franco in it. He just looks so ill.

  21. Yep definitely Maggie! She was interesting for about 5 minutes, and now she's as annoying as Anne Hathaway!

