Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Blind Item #1

It is always fun when the former almost A- list mostly movie actress turned escort does yachting on an actual yacht. She is being forced to go older and to also do more threesomes to keep people interested. It wouldn't shock me to see her married sometime within the next year. 


  1. Replies
    1. Let me guess-and she’ll wear white 😂

    2. Anonymous8:40 AM

      Tricia you shock me. All women deserve to wear white on their wedding day. And the second, third, fourth. Even the cumbuckets who could squirt out an 18 wheeler peterbilt

    3. Oh god lol😱

  2. I'm not sure what to think of the progression here. Clients get older, she has to continue to expand the acts she will take part in, presumably in more degrading ways, and the end point is marriage?

    1. Monogrammed Robes.... and coffee mugs😉

    2. Enty has mentioned before her beach club is going broke and possibly a money laundering front. So she needs to do frequent threesomes to keep operations going

  3. If she does, Trish, it might not be a dress.😗

  4. Replies
    1. Lol-with LiLo never...... flower girls will be her sister,Mom and threesome partner “du jour “

  5. It's like a Norman Rockwell painting!

  6. Is it me, or are the LiLo blinds in particular just getting to the point where they’re terribly sad to read.

    1. How callused a soul must you have to regularly perform sex acts with random people, let alone multiple people at once? I had a friend who revealed she was a working girl and she was unloved and only raped once as a child, and brought up a JW. She said her life conditioned her that sex was nothing special. My reflexes go off if one of my kids even accidentally grazes a boob,let alone regular intimate invasion. Shudder.

  7. What a sad and depressing way to live.

  8. Yeah they're sad but how many chances can you give a person??

    Even now, the road to recovery might mean 5 meetings a week and a waitress job at the diner - you think she's going to trade smoking pole for a coffee shop job? No way Jose.

  9. It's a miracle she isn't dead from all the sh!t she's pulled over the years, and I'm not talking about the STIs. Settling down with a sugar daddy who can afford her habits is not a worst case scenario for her.

  10. She's barely 33 and looks about 50, how is anybody still interested in her and her dried up cooch and nasty smokers voice?!

  11. She's absolutely marriage material. So fine.

  12. So how come Enty didn't tell us that Lilo's 'Beach Club' show was cancelled and her bar(s?) in Greece shut down?

  13. Sad to see what happened to her. Seemingly good prospects and potential early on. Then, bang, Norma Desmond.

  14. It is sad to read about her.

  15. She cant be making 200k a weekend like the hadid sisters. Its a stretch to see her getting 100k even with threesomes

  16. I thought Lilo's been looking for a hubby for some time now.

  17. Too bad she doesn't look more boyish, her and Usher would make a great pair.

  18. Lilo or the Hadidii?

    🤔 Hmm,a toughy but if I was forced at gunpoint to insert little Vic in any of them, then I think I'd pick Lilo rather than the stringy junkies.

    Yeah I'd need a small nations worth of stock of penicillin. And she's a ropey looking package these days, but a decade or so ago she was hot, Mean Girls era hot. So Lindsay it is. Just for possible flashback's sake.

    The Hadids have never been anything other than scrawny, souless, nonentities.

  19. Well, she lost the reality show and the beach club.

  20. Time for Mean girls 2!

    1. Lol there's already a horrible sequel.

  21. I wonder what it cost the first time an oligarch booked a Lohan sister tag team and how much the price has plummeted by now.

  22. If they were underage at least Don Henley might screw one and kill the other.

  23. Lindsay Lohan. How sad..

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