Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Blind Item #4

The disgraced producer is trying to make a tactical move to delay his trial longer. The idea is to keep delaying to see if it falls apart under its own weight or any settlements he can pay to make it go away.


  1. Weinstein. That's the best he can hope for—to pay his way out of this. And that's more than his victims were able to do.

  2. But Asia and Rose are so credible!

    1. You're literally the last person in the world to believe this.

  3. He did nothing wrong. Had he kept producing winners none of this would have occured.

  4. So he's dropping lawyers to delay the trial then?


  5. I thought he hired/ changed lawyers so the opposition couldn't hire them.

  6. I genuinely want to hear from the women who refused him and basically had their dream smashed and had to pack up and leave LA because they refused to sleep with him. I think a lot of the actress who have condemned him definitely flirted/ slept with him in hopes of him helping their career. He is a disgusting pig and deserves all the hell he has been going through, but, some of these women were looking for a career boost with him and played into the disgusting game.

    I was watching old episodes of Entourage with my bf recently and Marky Mark did call HW out and depicted him as a maniac in the show....so props to Mark.

  7. Now TeeHee, we shouldn't slut shame the women who felt empowered enough to get on their backs for a sweaty pig to grunt on them because they couldn't pass a job interview.
    The issue is those who did not give consent, those he sexually harassed and those he sought to ruin. Those are real crimes with no moral gray area.

  8. LOL "slut shame" and ewww the visual!!! He is a disgusting pig. But, I did like how he was portrayed in Entourage. I'd say it was very accurate. Again...everyone knew he was a creep....yet, no one cared until HW was no longer financially viable. :/

  9. I dream of being a big Hollywood star. But since that didn't happen I got some degrees and work a job for a living.

    Of course, those women who had their dream smashed, they're totally different.

    We can't expect them to carry on with their lives as regular people, now can we?

  10. My buddy and I went out to Hollywood with an air tight plan to become, not just stars, but playas'. I jammed a letter opener into the eye of the first producer to purse his lips at me and beat a hasty retreat to a false identity and a life still on the run. My buddy took it up the ass 24/7 and died of Aids. Hold tight those champagne wishes and caviar dreams, kids. There's no business like it!
    PS- Get your johnny clipped. No goyim allowed.

  11. Wasn’t there just a blind on here talking about the ‘fix is in’ for Weinstein’s trial & he doesn’t have to worry?

    1. I also remember something like this. That he was coming out financially ahead.

  12. GOOP, Alicia Vikander, JLaw, Kate Beckinsale

    all Harvey’s Girls. the first 3 got oscars for committing to sleeping w/Weinstein

    Weinstein ‘marriages’?

    Redmayne (closeted)

  13. Change lawyers and stretch it out. Witnesses get arrested for drugs or something and the case falls apart.

  14. If previous history has proven anything it's that the NYC DA's office has never been particularly interested in pursuing Weinstein. The only reason they did this time was because they got caught looking the other way in the past.

  15. - Dear Harvey

    Congrats on your show trial. Will you do us a favor?
    Leak those videos you made with Jennifer Lawrence.
    Go on you know you want to. Thanks ,

    - Internet Perverts

  16. New York wasn't interested in NVIUM (?) either. Literally a pedophile ring financed by the Bronfmans, and they let all but one plead out to fraud instead.

  17. Had they been republican donors or Trump supporters, shit would have hit the fan. Lucky for them they were big donors into the Clinton Foundation
