Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #1

June 7, 2019

If you have a title and are royally adjacent to some of the biggest names does that prevent you from yachting? Not if you are this niece of a permanent A++ lister who is willing to be a life event yachter to ensure she doesn't have to work for a living.

Lady Kitty Spencer


  1. She really does take after Diana. Fatter though.

  2. Think they make her dress up in a Disney princess outfit?

  3. Isn't that working though?

  4. @Mimsey, Maybe she's a pillow princess too.

  5. I don't believe this. She has her pick of rich, old men in the British establishment who would pay to be seen with her simply for the connections she has. No need to yacht.

  6. Young Aristo's have no ready money, are stupid and gullible and will whore quite easily. Just think Baldwin children. Rich scum are rich scum. No college or effort involved. That's how their mother's got influence.

  7. Her name sounds like the name of a 6th grade girl's pet cat.

  8. @Huckleberry, Don't you be talkin' sh!t 'bout Lady Purrcy, she's a good cat. 😼

  9. Isn't she already married to Sir Pounce?

  10. Yachting is normal to these people. Enty long ago revealed it's how Diana meet Dodi.

  11. She's one of the few royals who is actually attractive, so she can probably make more than most of them. Most royals are just too inbred with buck teeth or duff (Designated Ugly Fat Friend) like Fergie's girls.

  12. I was just thinking about how nothing says contentment and success in this life like paying a girl who doesn't want to be there to spend the weekend with you.

  13. @BB, I don't think they're paying for the companionship, they're paying for a famous woman to eat their a$$.

  14. The Spenser family does not have to work

  15. The whole "yachting" thing is fanfiction made up by delusional conspiracy theorists who have never left Ohio. Yes, minor models and wannabe or has-been actresses yacht, but the scene is flooded mainly with professional sex workers. Lurid stories about royals and proper major celebs yachting are all fake. Diana never yachted, neither did Meghan, and certainly Kitty doesn't. I live in Europe and am around that scene a lot - it's all people writing down their own wet dreams for gullible idiots who'll never go on a yacht in their lives.

  16. Why on earth would a multi-millionairess like Diana need to yacht? As well as being one of the most eligible women in the world. It's just plain ridiculous.
