Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #5

June 16, 2019

As I told you a few weeks ago when the world would not stop talking about the celebrity offspring from two generations being pregnant, I said, that would be awkward considering the foreign born A/A- list singer was cheating on her. Now, it appears they have split.

Dakota Johnson/Chris Martin


  1. He is always in the most boring couples.

  2. impressed he even draws these girls bc he seems so bland to me.

    dakota should do comedies

  3. He certainly seems to take advantage of his musician card, girls be on alert if expecting a relationship

  4. They have always been just a PR couple. Never romantic.

  5. Beth Chapman has passed away :'( She was always the sane one on the show! I feel bad for her children, she was a great mother and stepmother!

  6. Oh boy, here comes the PR crap! There are a bumch of nuts on twitter who have been saying this over and over because they are the same people who swear up and down for 5 years that Dakota and her fifty shades co-star are secretly together. You know the same co-star who just had a baby with his wife, whom he is still married too!! Sigh......

  7. They are both just so bland.

    I honestly don't know why Jamie got cast for 50, with crap chick pix like that you need to tease the nuts on SM. He was married with kids, so there went there marketing, which is a big reason why that franchise died.

  8. Dakota is just not a star, she's a supporting comedic actor, that's it.

  9. Two bland people break up.

  10. The 50 Shades scripts were weak and I just did not think they had any chemistry. I was actually excited for the movies (I know lol), but, I never even made it through the last movie.

    I always wondered how Charlie Hunman would have been, but, I don't know if even he could have saved those films when EL James demanded she write/ hubsand direct the last 2 films. Her books were God awful, but, I think the movies could have been done better if she was not a part of them.

    But, yah, Dakota is definitely not a lead and Jamie, as a family man, should probably not have been cast. Plus, he basically said he had to get drunk to even make it through the screening of the 3rd film. haha

  11. Selling mommy porn is a tough racket, at least he got paid.

  12. Twilight was crap also, but they kept it going by teasing the nut jobs on SM with KSkank & Foot Face, even though it was obvious from the begining that Skank was closeted.

  13. Foot Face! haha I will never understand his hype. I always refer to him as shovel face based on the Honest Trailer. This is why I cannot believe they are making him batman.

  14. Jamie Dornan use to be hot but he can’t act his way out of a paper bag!!! Getting drunk is normal for him. Listen to all of his interviews. He took the part because he wanted to be famous. No matter how shitty the movies were he wouldn’t have gotten the opportunities he had without them. He needs to stop being so whiny!

  15. Dornan is hot AF. Literally all I have to say on this blind.

  16. Chris cheated on Goop with hamburgers. It's not a stretch for him to cheat on oatmeal with whole grains.

  17. She wanted to trap him so bad. Im glad she wasn't able to.

  18. He always do that with the girls..his PR contract are for 18 months only. I think he is gay. Dakota is good actresse even was the best of 50 shades

  19. Dornan needs to start shooting movies, so the cheating rumours will start again.. like hello, I need hope that guy will roleplay 50 shades with me.
