Thursday, June 27, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #5

June 17, 2019

Whether or not she actually followed through with it is one thing, but she did say it. This former infamous A list celebrity told a friend she was going to have sex with her significant other while outside the country and he wanted him to call her by the name that made her infamous.

Amanda Knox


  1. I believe it. That crazy bitch was involved with Meredith's death somehow. She has the most emotionless eyes.

  2. oh foxy knoxy you bad girl!

  3. N @cheesegrater, she's extremely innocent of that murder

  4. She is pathologically narcissistic. I wish she'd stay out of the headlines, bc at this point, she is the one putting herslf in them.

  5. I disagree, DC. I think she at the very least was an accessory.

  6. That hot felon lust stank all over that sexy bitch.

  7. Agree, Zilla. She didn't do the actual stabbing, but she was involved. She's hardly innocent.

  8. Pure narcissistic to return to Italy. JFC

  9. This Knoxiousness is such an obvious hoax designed to keep women from travelling abroad. When young women, who will travel with other women but hardly if ever alone, start "killing" each other, then young women will balk at travelling at all. You can only deter so many people with no fly lists and such, but to keep people from seeing the world and forming opinions and tastes contrary to the slow death culture they have designed for you back home, hoax crap-shit-crap bullshit anyone with half a brain could see through as hoax shit-crap bullshit like this, with obvious actors involved, is placed in your news stream for you to absorb like odorless, colorless, tasteless toxic fumes you don't ever notice until stage four whatever has got you in its death grip and then the white coat drug pushers take over and drain the rest of your "human" resources, leaving you a pile of kitty litter at the crematorium.
    However, if you spooks have to run shit-crap hoaxes like this, at least give the tranny playing the accused some tits, like Casey what's her name. That's if you want a skeptic like me to play along.

  10. Yes, let's take the side of the medieval witch-hunting douchebumbles who tried to blame Foxy for that horrible murder.

  11. I believe Amanda Knox did it.

  12. That bitch is guilty. You are being willingly obtuse if you think otherwise.

  13. @ Substance D huh? So if you travel with others or a man you aren't subjected to the hoax and brainwashing techniques? This is so faulty in logic I can't even start in on it.

  14. No complicated explanations are required. The Italians bungled their investigation and blamed Foxy because she was in the area and easy in every sense of the word. This was, literally, a witch hunt.

  15. Now what is the chain of gossip that got that info from Ms Knox to Enty's office?

  16. What the.

    SubstanceD might want to check for signs of a stroke.

  17. Some creep's evidence was found at the scene. He's serving maybe a life sentence. Knox was just too dumb to have been traveling to a foreign country without an escort/parent/authority. Her stupidness condemned her.


  18. Living in WA St, this case was hard to avoid hearing about. The Seattle media was hellbent on painting Knox as a saint, and the Italian authorities as being one step away from being the Gestapo.

    She always came across to me as cold, spoiled bitch, and despite the media's attempts to make her look a victim, I thought she was guilty as hell

  19. Amartel seems to conveniently forget that the witch in question, Amanda, attempted to frame an innocent man for the murder. Other details were revealed about the crime scene that contradicted claims she made. She is not only without conscience, she is suspect.

  20. Amanda Knox definitely did it. Her accomplices were the Central Park five. The entire five.

  21. yes her beady eyes make her guilty. NOPE. she was raped and killed by a man. please never serve on a murder ttial.

  22. what is wrong with Knox is wanting to be in the spotlight Again. that is a personality disorder right there. it was so terrible that she went back... WHY? and no tears for Meredith? horrible friend and person

  23. Q: Are you planning on selling cocaine in a cartel's territory? No, then you're perfectly safe; cartels aren't in the habit of offing paying cutomers/tourists.

    1. if my friend/roommate was viciously murdered in our flat, i would not step foot in the city/country. that girl has no feelings except when discussing hersrlf. thats why lots of people assume she did it. as far as the cartel reference, the Mafia is the one u bow down to in Italy...and its a conglomeration not a cartel.

  24. Anonymous6:24 AM

    Amanda Knox is a malignant narcissist and a murderer. Period. I know you will read this, Amanda!! One day you will fall, Amanda. I gaurantee it. Amanda, somebody will expose you and you know who!!! I cannot wait until that day.

  25. I don't know if she killed her roommate but the whole reason she was even suspected was because she is a heinous human being. Here'a tip for all the morons too confused to get it: during a murder investigation don't do cartwheels, make out with your boyfriend, or behave like a sociopath.
