Monday, July 15, 2019

Blind Item #13

This foreign film festival gives awards to anyone who gives them enough money and is willing to show up.


  1. Replies
      Currently happening.
      Deauville is in September

  2. Deauville is French film festival only for American films

  3. I do think cheese grater got the right answer though.

  4. Whats comming up, lets see... Venice?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.


    2. It’s in late August . I associated produced the NYC outfit of Avignon years ago... they do like to hand them out .Peter Fonda won an honorary award that year as did Claude LeLouch who absolutely deserved it

  5. Natasha, I doubt it is Venice.

    1. Yeah it’s a bit distant . Usually scramble closer to date after they get all the “no”s from the original list

  6. Doxxing Queen........go somewhere and learn manners. Try hard.

  7. I thought that's how all awards are given out. Oh well whatever most award are a joke

  8. I lovvvvve all the Avignon answers.

    Avignon is a theater festival...

    1. No it’s an independent film festival/theatre festival. How many links do you want?

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Performing arts 🎭 actually... here’s the most recent .
      Can post more(my year,if ya need).

  9. I dont see any MOVIES listed, fraud. Seek help, Trasha. Its never too late to tun your life around, weirdo.

  10. So embarrassing... but what else is new...

  11. The festival I co produced was in NYC in 2000 with Jerry Rudes. At what point did I say the current the Avignon festival features films Kristin?

    1. As in France. Not sure you know the difference

  12. Gawd I cringe for you at times.

      There are films showing. Wes Anderson has Moonrise Kingdom for example.
      I cringe for your “patients”

      Here are the screening times and I can help
      Translate the French if ya need Ohio!

  13. avingon is a great place to visit!!

  14. I lived in Strasbourg for 6 months and as A CANADIAN I speak more french than you ever will. You cant even speak English ffs. Hypocrite, moron, scum, liar.

    1. To be honest after my years in France and all my still Actual French friends... they don’t even consider Canadians as French speaking. (Not that you are Cleveland).
      You’re like the ongoing red neck joke . It’s not English and it’s definitely not French.

      I don’t ascribe to that because I can speak it with all../ just noting it :)

  15. Replies
    1. Kristin is incidental ,sad and apparently made enough enemies by being a vulture and an Epic troll. I don’t need to say anything about that meas

    2. Mess*. She shares one thing in common with you though.// pix with really bad lighting and unfortunate basic looks

  16. French must look different when written in crayon...

  17. It's amazing how much computer time some people's carers let their charges have!

  18. It's nice of you to start to admit the vastness of your ignorance!

    A great start on your road back to sanity.

  19. 🍾💫💃 I’ll try... but it’s still the equivalent of 150 generations “higher”education by inbred folks,right?

  20. Derek, you sad, sad little cocksucker.
    If your existence wasnt so pathetic, you'd be funny.

    1. No I disagree Flashy- they would still be utterly and hopelessly -banal.

  21. Isn't Toronto's some time this month?

  22. Tricia, your comments about Avignon show your ignorance and, let's be honest, your smugness.

    Avignon is definitely NOT a festival for films. Can you give me ONE single film that got an award in the famous film festival of Avignon, France? What was the selection of the latest Avignon film festival? What's the name of the top prize?
    For a foreign film festival that gives awards to anyone who gives them enough money and is willing to show up, they definitely don't do a first rate job...

    Sure, there was a very minor film festival in Avignon, of which I had actually never heard about. For a very good reason. It was actually stopped in 2008.

    But, yeah, sure, the famous Avignon film festival. Enjoy your win. You're great! You're so well learnt about France that you're able to teach French people about the existence of a film festival they had never heard about...

    Now, if you talk about the Festival d'Avignon, it's a festival about performing arts, and mostly theatre. There may be the occasional film screening, when it's related to performing arts or provides an opportunity to get rid of the kids who wouldn't enjoy some play (hence the inclusion of Moonrise Kingdom, which is from 2012) of or the occasional photograph exhibition, but it 99% theater, and there are simply no awards for films (there's even no competition among the shows).

    And the funny thing is that I can easily mention a dozen of film festivals in France, where, by the way, I live. Cannes, Cognac now Beaune (crime films), Avoriaz then Gérardmer (horror and fantasy), Deauville (American film, it's set in September to allow American distributors to premiere a few films that didn't make the cut in Venise), the PIFF (Paris, fantasy films), Créteil (films directed by women), Clermont-Ferrand or Pantin (shorts), Montpellier (Mediterranean countries), Chamrousse now L'Alpe d'Huez (comedy), etc.
    And I can even point to where Avignon is on a map.

    But, yeah, sure, the Avignon Film Festival...

    1. I applaud you, Angela! Well said!! She needed to be knocked off her imaginary pedestal!

    2. This hopefully helps ... being that you are in France 🇫🇷, maybe this can give you some background and you can be informed, n’est pas?
      In 1993 the Harvard Film Archive invited the organisation to co-produce the first American edition of Rencontres Cinématographiques franco-américaines d'Avignon. In 1994, the founder, Jérôme Henry Rudes, launched the Avignon/New York Film Festival at the Angelika Film Center in Manhattan. The festivals were held in June and November. The term "Avignon Film Festival" was born in 2000 due to the extension of the program to Europe.

      That said- I preferred Cannes for the films and the glamour ... but one festival begets another,Angie... ya know?

  23. Anonymous4:24 PM

    Hey Trisha long time :-).

    1. Hey Yo!!
      Good to see you again:)

  24. @ Gator,I think Toronto's film festival is in September,it has been in the past. Goody we get to be moderated again.

  25. Like that's unusual?

    There was a Hollywood film festival that was a vanity award festival. They circle jerked the awards for 25 a pop. And the press covered it as if it mattered.

  26. Cannes etc. The fix is in, award shows are simply advertising and hype.

  27. Seems like there were two different Avignon film festivals: one that had a sister festival in NYC that closed in 2008 (started in 1984) and the other, which is a theater/performing arts/film festival.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. There was a blind the other day (still but sure if subject) but I guessed Lloyd Kaufman . I also said I worked with director of a film festival which was run by one of his friends .. it was this one and Lloyd has a film at the festival (blah blah) and also contributed money to it .
      Not sure how much clearer I can be-it was a big deal festival and it ended in 08(I was long gone by 2002) but it is and will always be known as theatre arts film festival both in Avignon and NYC whether or not it’s active in one and not the other. It is/was a brand.
      It’s not complicated.

    3. Gotcha, Tricia. That makes sense.

  28. Did Enty move to moderating comments after they are posted? Lots of removals here. I'm test posting to see

  29. Good grief. This site has become less about gossip and more about who has the most “wins”..guesses, posts.

  30. There are two Avignon festivals, only one of which (a very obscure one which had deep ties with New York and was stopped in 2008) was a film festival. The other is a performing arts festival, focused on theater, and it has no film selection. It just has a few film screenings when they're related to performing or allow parents to get rid of their kids for a couple of hours. But there are zero awards for these films, while it was the sixth word in the blind item.

    Ask any French person about the main Avignon festival, and no-one will say "film". Because it's a theater festival. Everybody knows that here. Even the English entry for the Festival of Avignon mentions "film" once (there were screenings for the 1968 edition, related to the May events), "theatre" 11 times. And "award" isn't even featured on that entry.

    It's very revelatory, but not surprising at all, that you're relying on the words of someone who claims to know France well, but seems to take all her information on Europe straight out of National Lampoon's European Vacation or Eurotrip.

    1. Yeah ya think?!

      They are the same. It started as performing arts festival in Avignon that annexed space and had its NYC sister version. , it is still feted in Abugijkn every summer with modifications of programming -likely due to funding. No idea what happened to the NYC outfit but likely had to do with him.
      Not complicated, and I’m not smug. I just happen to know what I’m talking about, Angela.

    2. You mean the one I was talking all thread about because I was an associate producer?
      Thanks dude for enlightening us🙄

    3. Or from living in Antibes, Juan les Pains, St Germain de Pres, Argenteuil ,Velizy-Villacoublay.... shall I go on?

    4. I know rural Ohio outshines it ,dove. I saw a groupon offering a resort there for 60/night. Had free WiFi and a continental breakfast!

    5. Angela Cherie, you are to “France “as “Gulden's “ is to Dijon mustard.
      You’re simply not .

  31. And NOW, we must meet “approval”? God forbid if we say a word against Ms. Astor.

  32. Dammit, I'm confused. Who's who.

  33. Didn't Enty say no're ruining it for the rest of us.

  34. Fucking hell. I don’t even give a shit anymore. This site has become a fucking train wreck.

    1. @Freebird: Dlisted. Hates trolls, moderates comments in a normal way, has a fantastic commenting community. If whatever doxxhisface showed up there, he would find himself in an x shape risen from cranky commenters, never to return.

    2. @Pearl It’s where I’ve been hanging out lately. The humor keeps me laughing my ass off! My favorite writer is Michael. I cannot handle people arguing - I’ve always been this way. When you come from a home where it was frequent, you tend to stay as far away from it as possible. Especially when it’s online... that one always baffles me. 🤷🏼‍♀️ Anywhoo, I’ll see you over @DListed! ☺️

  35. Angela is a troll, don't let her/him bug you, Tricia. You are a coveted treasure here at CDAN. We will not allow the conspiracy peddler trolls (i.e. Angela) and/or the obsessive basket cases like Derek bully you off of here. WE GOT YOU!!! 🙌❤🙌❤🙌❤🙌🥰

  36. oh so now angela is a troll also, anyone who speaks up is a troll now? what a bunch of sycophants you have become. Tricia, STOP COMMENTING ON EVERY LITTLE SLIGHT... get over it....what are you all trying to do shut the damn thing down, stop instant commenting again??? is that what you want. ARe you egos so damn fragile you cannot ignore someone or do you actually like the attention....I am really wondering now.

  37. This the s*** the CDAN group was talking about? Super lame. This site used to have people who loved real gossip and were really nice.

  38. Look, I like Tricia and obviously she knows her stuff (that's so cool that you produced a film festival!). But it does look like there are two different Avignon festivals- one that ran films and one that does only performing arts stuff (i.e. The Festival D'Avignon). The one that ran films closed in 2008 and according to its IMDB page, Avignon the city yanked funds from it, so it can't still be going on there. The performing arts one started in 1947 and the other one started in 1984, with the express purpose of bridging the gap between American and French films. Having a festival in Avignon and one in NYC every year was always the goal.

    It's not that big a deal anyway, lol.

  39. Lurking for years but now this site sucks because of the moderation of the comments thanks to the pissing match between THOSE two. Jfc.

  40. The fact is indeed that Tricia is wrong about Avignon. She's possibly confused it with another festival, as it can happen to anybody in a conversation. You have a name on the tip of the tongue, then another name comes up in your mind, and you say the wrong name. No big deal in itself.

    What's interesting is that, in this particular case, she sticks to her guns, even when called about her mistake. The doxxing attacks can be a motive for her to refuse to own up this mistake, as her trolls could regard that as weakness and double down on the attacks. As I've said a couple of times, I'm not keen on attacking Tricia, and I usually prefer to ignore her. But here, she just copies and pastes lines from a Wikipedia entry out of context to lecture a French person (me) about France, because she can't consider losing such a debate.
    And even more weirdly, you have other people who have followed her initial lead and are now adamant that Avignon is a famous film festival, even the film festival from the blind item. Even if there are no awards given to films at the festival, which is all theatre and stage performances, no American celebrities that go there to promote their current film, etc.

    I won't linger on Tricia's motivations for refusing to admit she knows very little on France, Europe and festivals. I guess that it was more meaningful to her to be the first to post about any particular blind item and that she fancies herself as an expert on countries she's spent a few days years ago. Sure, existentialists (a lot of them French) would have a field day with such an empty behavior (Sartre would be ecstatic about the amount of "mauvaise foi" at work), but existentialists are dead.

    What's more revealing is that the support she gets even if the people who support her know even less about film, festivals and Europe than her, sums up this place very well. Anybody who points out the blatant mistakes in logic or knowledge is necessarily a troll or a shill. Probably because that's the only way you know to handle a debate.

    I'm now waiting for Enty's reveal in six days (they usually take place a week later). It would be a riot if he succumbed to "popular pressure" and confirmed that yes, it's the famous Avignon Film Festival, while he definitely had another festival in mind initially...

    1. @Angela, are YOU ever going to admit that YOU WERE WRONG when you passed your deranged conspiracy theories here regarding Enty supposedly deleting all Trump related blinds as FACTUAL, when in reality your claims were FICTIONAL??

    2. I'd like to guess griffoni please and if I'm wrong I'm ok with that

  41. It's n'est-ce pas FWIW

  42. Tricia wouldnt last one minute at D-Listed. She'd be laughed off the site immediately.

    1. @AvignonVagabond, you mean sorta like how you're laughed off in real life everywhere YOU go? 😂😂😂


  44. Has to be toronto. Wouldnt surprise me if they had to pay people to show up in Canuckistan.

  45. @YummyBooger

    There was something like a dozen blinds about Trump around 2016 and early 2017. They were all negative and critical. There were also blinds about Tiffany, Melania, etc. Or supporters like Jon Voight or James Woods (who had been popular and frequent subjects since the site started). I'm not implying at all they were true, as the writing had as much BS as today. And there were also blinds on Anthony Weiner, Huma Abeddin, Rahm Emmanuel, etc.
    Suddenly, around 2017, the Trump blinds stopped, and the new pieces focus instead increasingly on his opponents, particularly Democrats with a series of ridiculous pieces, like the Clintons have an experimental pill that gives brain cancer and they took it on Ted Kennedy and John McCain (instead of Jeffrey Epstein, which would have made a thousand times more sense). The stream of Trump blind items was gone, while everybody else, from Michael Wolff to Omarosa, taps on that source. Also, Omarosa... Enty did a 180 on her. From being pimped by Trump to potential investors to murderess (when she was about to publish her book). It just leaves Ted Nugent as the sometimes creepy Republican celebrity.

    Idiots like you will see it as evidence that it reflects "reality". I see it for what it is. Either Enty was asked by the people who bought at some point the site to promote some agenda and to use the blinds to plant ideas, or, most likely, he noticed that the readers here showed more and more that they were Trump supporters, saw the world from an increasingly partisan view, and that it would be easier to cater to that particular crowd, as they're a target easy to please. He just needs to give you regular stories about the evil liberals who all turn up to be, without exception, dangerous pedophiles, or pushers for the trans agenda, who will be at some point exposed.
    That's the kind of bedtime stories that routinely gives orgasms here.

    1. @Angela, your nonsensical drivel above fails to adequately provide response to my ultimately VERY SIMPLE question, which I will state again...ever so plainly: WHY do you feel the need to continue peddling FALSE CONSPIRACIES here at CDAN even AFTER your "evidence" has been disqualified and disproven?!?

      I would love to hear how you feel that a slew of broken Revealed CDAN Blind links that you accessed via an AGC archive (NOT LIMITED TO TRUMP, MIND YOU - BUT INCLUDING DOZENS OF OTHER CELEBS) constitutes "proof" of a right leaning political bias. I am more specifically interested in understanding how you feel comfortable jumping to such broad and overreaching conclusions when those dozens of broken CDAN links I mentioned ACTUALLY include revealed blinds about Hillary and Huma, among dozens of other public figures or celebs.

      Please explain how these BLATANT HOLES IN YOUR LOGIC underscore your claims that Enty is only deleting Trump blinds "en masse" 🤔....Is Trump paying for Hillary's embarrassing blinds to be removed as well? Jessica Simpson's? Tom Cruise's? 🙄 🤣

      @Angela, when you DO decide to cease with your efforts circumventing my line of questioning, please kindly heed this friendly reminder when you are thoughtfully typing out your response: DataLounge conspiracy theory threads DO NOT satisfy a burden of proof!

      Finally, @Angela...please confirm whether or not you've done your due diligence by INQUIRING WITH THE CDAN SITE ADMIN regarding any purported broken links or seemingly hard to locate blinds. If I were a betting woman, I'd say you haven't....🙄

      As I have reiterated MANY times prior...the site migrated from WordPress BACK to Blogger in late 2017/early 2018ish (following Weinstein's downfall). Wouldn't be surprised if the broken links for the Trump, Hillary, Tom Cruise, Demi Lovato, Jessica Simpson, et al may be related to that migration...Before passing outlandish theories you have concocted in your head off as "factual evidence", have the human decency and common sense to ASK THE SITE ADMINS IF THESE LINKS WERE REASSIGNED. I promise will feel FAR LESS idiotic and humiliated if you take this approach BEFORE you type up a rambling post of bizarre conspiracies and lies which have zero basis in reality.😂 Toodles! ✌

    2. @Angela, please also prove all your far-out lies you rambled on about right here...seriously, do you lack insight?! You are making yourself seem like a science denying, tinfoil hat wearer with baseless, asinine statements like this. Do you NOT realize that YOU HAVE

      Per @Angela:
      "Either Enty was asked by the people who bought at some point the site to promote some agenda and to use the blinds to plant ideas, or, most likely, he noticed that the readers here showed more and more that they were Trump supporters, saw the world from an increasingly partisan view, and that it would be easier to cater to that particular crowd, as they're a target easy to please. He just needs to give you regular stories about the evil liberals who all turn up to be, without exception, dangerous pedophiles, or pushers for the trans agenda, who will be at some point exposed.
      That's the kind of bedtime stories that routinely gives orgasms here."

  46. Holy fuck!

    I remember when I got attacks for being too long and verbose.
    At least, I could write an entire paragraph without relying on emojis...

    1. AWWW...what'sa matter, @Angela? Too many words?? Or is it just that your tinfoil hat is too thick? 🤷‍♀️

      Since you have shown that you are unwilling to respond to me in a thoughtful manner, I have no choice but to view your ongoing circumvention tactics as an admission of guilt. Thanks for proving me to be correct in labeling you a conspiracy peddler, @Angela! Good night! ✌

  47. Avignon festival is NOT a movie fest

  48. @FrenchGirl

    Haven't you heard? It is a movie festival with awards that are actually bought by the producers.

    Plus sérieusement, Tricia, la mascotte du site, celle qui tous les jours se connecte au moins tous les quarts d'heure pendant quatre heures pour être sûre d'être la première à trouver la bonne réponse à tous les blind items de la journée, avait dû faire un lapsus en confondant Avignon avec un festival de cinéma français ou européen. Ça arrive. Ce qui est ahurissant, ça a été de la voir ensuite s'entêter autour d'un truc très confus et de faire valoir sa parfaite connaissance de la France, probablement parce qu'elle a dû y passer une semaine il y a 15 ou 20 ans.

    Il y a quelques jours, elle a été attaquée par un troll qui avait trouvé son identité (ce qui évidemment répugnant). Ça a déclenché la modération de tous les commentaires, parce que Tricia est en très bons termes avec Enty (elle fait des apparitions sur le podcast, et elle doit contribuer financièrement pas mal à son Patreon). Le troll continue à faire quelques apparitions sous différentes identités, mais il y a eu surtout une levée de boucliers pour la soutenir, parce qu'on a désormais une majorité de commentateurs qui ont suivi l'évolution du site vers le complotisme à la sauce supporters de Trump, ou les âneries postées par "QAnon" sur 4Chan, des courants vers lesquels Tricia penche aussi de son côté.
    Donc le simple fait de rappeler qu'Avignon est un festival de théâtre est assimilé par certains à une attaque contre Tricia et contre le site. Et donc des gens qui n'ont jamais entendu parler d'Avignon ou du festival vont confirmer que, oui, c'est bien le célèbre festival de cinéma d'Avignon qui est la réponse.

    C'est délirant, mais ça te montre la "logique" qui a pris le dessus ici. Si on fait partie de la majorité à l'œuvre ici, on peut sortir quelque chose qui est une erreur grossière voire carrément un bobard, et il y a aussitôt 10-15 personnes qui vont dire qu'elles sont d'accord. Tu émets une objection, c'est une attaque personnelle et une série d'abrutis va démontrer par A+B que tu es une taupe dont il ne faut pas croire le moindre mot.
    Beau microcosme d'ailleurs du débat politique américain à l'heure actuelle...

    1. Google Translate is awesome,I agree 😂

  49. A bit of basic research will inform the festival goer that Avignon is a THEATRE festival, for stage only. They will occasionally use film as part of a production but it's not a film festival. I grew up in the city so I think I know.

  50. @ Angela et @ Frenchgirl: Non mais franchement. Ils font l'example la. Il ne faut pas trop se moquer des mauvais affligés, a cause de leur bêtise, ou de leur manque d'education basique ou de leur crédulité (qui n'est pas inconsiderable). Bref, voila, si on insiste, alors c'est d'accord, Strasbourg VOUI c'est en effet en Allemagne, chers amis, et VOUI, les saucisses sont de Liechtenstein près de Chamonix (grand sourire) et le festival d'Avignon VOUI (ou j'ai moi-meme joué dans une très mauvaise piece de Shakespeare il y a 30 ans) donne des prix aux réalisateurs de cinema et cette année va honorer Le Président Trump (silence absolu...... meme pas un pet de chauve souris, ah non MERDE!). Pour terminer, je suis l'hériter universel de Doris Day. Finalement, elle n'a laissé qu'un cochon d'Inde empaillé. Le reste elle a tout avalé dans les années 90 pendant sa période rave et ecsta avant de se convertir a l'islam. Taadaa. Et bien quoi? Ce n'est pas impossible Connaux! :-D

  51. LOL all of them.

    (Whoever wrote this must be very naive. It's standard practice. Otoh my partner was nominated for an Emmy this week and found out about it from Twitter.)

  52. The Venice Film Festival starts next month...
    My money 💰 there:)
