Thursday, July 04, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #12

January 30, 2019

Is it the greatest practical joke of all time? Wow, that is tough, because we don't know every practical joke that has ever existed. Out of the ones I am aware of, this is right up there and is also a little sad, which also seems to happen when a joke is particularly good. So, apparently there is this guy who is married and was playing poker one night and got a little buzzed. Who slides up next to him, but this former almost A- list mostly movie actress who basically asks if he wants some company. One thing leads to another and they have sex. Apparently during the night, our actress Googled the guy and finds out how much he is worth and decides she wants some of those hundreds of millions, wife be damned. So, she starts putting on the full court press and calls his office and cell and shows up in places where he is. He wants her out of his life. He talks to some friends and passes out some money and decides this will be fun. She wants to meet him in Belgium where she is about to start filming. He agrees, which must have probably shocked her. When they do meet, he is looking over his shoulder, and acting as if he is being followed. He passes her a room key and tells her to meet him. She shows up and explains to her that he is trying to acquire another company and needs permission of the EU for the merger/acquisition to take place. At least two other companies are trying to close the deal, and are following him to see who he talks to. He is trying to get members of the appropriate committee on his side, but the woman he had set up to "meet" with them had bailed. Does our actress known anyone who could help. Our actress, seeing this as a chance to use her wiles and accents says she will take on the task and with the help of the businessman goes about seducing or attempting to seduce members of this EU governing body to try and get the sale approved and her boyfriend might dump the wife and marry our actress. The guys our business person hired pretend to tail the actress and make her feel like she is living in a spy movie. The actress is skipping filming just to find these men and sleep with them. Finally, after the fourth or fifth guy, she asks one about the merger and the guy has no idea what she is talking about. So, she goes back to two others and they have no idea what she is talking about either. She realizes she has been had. The thing is though, to this day she will tell you she was a spy.

Lindsay Lohan


  1. It's all fun and games until everyone's crotch gets all mottled and spongy.

  2. Lol, she really has jizz for brains.

  3. Is that why she thought she could kidnap. Little kids in front of their parents and a camera? She was working undercover to expose a child trafficking ring???

  4. It's a good prank, but she is a sad case in the way that she doesn't seem to know how pathetic she looks.

  5. Funniest Blind Ever!

  6. I'd like to know who the guy was though.

  7. 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Long Island's finest export

  10. Enty playing this one off as a PRACTICAL JOKE FOR THE AGES HAR HAR because he prob ran it the first time as truth

  11. Stupid whore, blinded by dollar signs dancing in her head.

  12. He pulled a True Lies on her!

  13. This is deeply pathetic. The whole thing was a hoax?

    Why are the men’s names often withheld in BIs?

  14. I wonder just how many times similar pranks like this (word does get around town, after all) have been played on Lindsay, and I'll bet she feel for it each and every time.

  15. oh man that was a long paragraph but worth it.

  16. And the millionaire is.....

  17. If true, this is rock-bottom humiliating to the point where she should have drastically reassessed her life.

  18. Yeah, the joke is really on all the guys who got with her and now have the Herp. 🤮

  19. He's lucky she has such low self esteem that she just let it go. I would have cut his fucking throat for that "prank". What a POS he SHE deserves it for wanting a financially stable life and he's a prince when he's fucking around on his wife and staging elaborate ruses just to mess with a person. And what's HIS name? Why is she named, but not this POS?

    Lindsey was an immensely actress that, like many child actors, was used and abused by POS pedos and is now a very damaged adult trying to find her way in the world. And Enty thinks SHE is deserving of being named and shamed and ridiculed for being victimized again. Pathetic. I wouldn't be surprised if Enty is all up in and involved with the pedos. His choices regarding who's bad and who's good is often head-scratching.

    1. Lilo would have been a mental drug abuser w/o Hollywood, just look at her parents.

  20. What are you smoking, Rabbit? If Lindsay "wants a financially stable life", then SHE could have continued working and investing her money instead of becoming a criminal and addict who's at best mediocre (now) in terms of talent. It's HER responsibility to earn what she wants, not some man she decides to hook up with. Whether the "prince" cheats on his wife is none of her business.

    Undoubtedly, LL was exposed to some less than savory characters during her upbringing in Hollywood. Have you even met her parents? Count them among the unsavory. But to consider her a victim and thus not responsible for where her life is now, is absolute crap. She was an adult when she was drugging, drinking, running people over and stealing. She is an adult now when she is scamming, and trying to marry men for money. The best thing anyone could do for her is to hold her responsible for her actions.

  21. This is really mean. I'm no fan of Lindsey, but she is not the bad guy in this story.
