Friday, July 19, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #4

July 12, 2019

This showrunner/creator finally got busted by his wife hooking up with the "talent." All of those castoffs from the long running reality show were subject to being hit on by the boss. As you can guess, the vast majority said yes.

Mike Fleiss (and a few days later, we get the video)


  1. Maybe someone needs to talk to Brooke Burke about him? And such a handsome devil too...

  2. Take advantage while you can.

  3. He could have confused them with Heidi's whores, but he's got a very bad past, beating his ex wife, harassing Brooke Burke, so it's not much to think he hits on employees.

  4. Nothing about "forced?"

  5. I saw a picture of this guy with his douche tinted glasses. What a turd. Maybe karma will get him this time.

  6. His wife seems CRAZY though. She's clearly trying to ruin him

  7. lol@sandy

    Fleiss is a PIG. He’s mad his wife won’t abort a kid he helped make? And he’s casting couching too? Control your dick asshole.
