Thursday, August 01, 2019

Blind Item #6

This alliterate former B+ list actress who has a long long history in the celebrity world is finally ready to admit that the permanent A++ lister forced her to have sex when she was just 14. I told you years ago that was the case, but now she is ready to go beyond the whole kissing thing she has previously admitted to. The guy didn't like anyone above 14 or 15. If you were 12 and showed interest he wanted you.


  1. Priscilla and Elvis?

    1. Yep. PP got big money for that new book

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I agree MDAnderson. Very few A++ listers out there to choose from and Priscilla Presley definitely fits.

  4. I have always been a little confused about why her parents let her leave Europe and move to Elvis's casa at 14....

  5. Is PP an actress? Would Elvis be described as a singer or “king” in the musical world?

  6. They will most likely say "It Was A Different Time"

  7. She was an address for a while back in the 80s, she did the Naked Movies and did night time soaps like Dallas.

    I agree, her parents are just as much to blame as Elvis. They basically served her up on a platter

  8. Elvis was a paedo but he had plenty of pre-teen girls throw themselves at him during the 50's you could say his attitudes were warped some what. Kinda like all the 60/70's rock stars. It's not as if they were hanging around school gates with a bag of sweets. Awful behaviour but just how many rock albums have songs about hot school age girls? We decrie this now but we all cheered along back in the day.

  9. Memphis rednecks loved the young poon. Elvis, Jerry Lee Lewis, Jerry Lawler. Those lil wetties were lining up to get stuck, too.

  10. So someone honestly believed nothing more than kissing took place between 14 and 21, with her parents in another country?

  11. Anonymous9:58 AM

    Elvis lived with fully realized adult women later in his life though. Ginger Alden and Linda Thompson. Supposedly he was pretty boring sexually, Hollywood "dates" like Natalie Wood were too sophisticated for him. He probably wanted young girls for some kind of purity thing and because they didn't know enough to know he was not very interesting sexually. Also, whether we want to admit it or not in 2019 it was what was done back then by just about all of them. You're going to be hard-pressed to find one rock star who didn't hit it with 14 year olds.

  12. I thought Priscilla had more class than to tarnish Elvis. She must need some cash.

  13. Finally. I hate that most people give Elvis a pass, like it's ok if you marry them. 🤮

    It's not ok to bang a 14 y.o., I don't care how many famous creeps did it. It's still disgusting, illegal in this country, and morally reprehensible.

    1. Hello...have you ever heard of Loretta Lynn. She married when she was like 13. The 50's were a different time. You can't look at that era through 2019 hysterical #metoo glasses and call people back then rapists and monsters when it was the NORM and LEGAL. Save your outrage for 2019 rapists.

  14. What exactly is the point of moderation if the lewd comments that count sexual frustration makes about underage girls wanting it get through?

    What IS being filtered out, FFS?

    1. They were obviously wanting it and in those 3 cases liked it so much they married it, though i would hang an "allegedly" on Lawler because i dont know if his ex wife confirmed the 15y/o start time.

  15. His cousin Jerry Lee Lewis married his 13 year old cousin and it was legal. But yes if the parents didn't help,it probably wouldn't have happened.

  16. LM is suing her Mom presently, so it's another Presley money grab.

  17. @Nonya Enty said it's just Doxxing, racial slurs, and some attacks on other commenters that get blocked. I'd sure be happy to have the "Count" fall off the face of the Earth, but for some reason there are people who like him. It boggles my mind.

    1. Dang Moo, i guess time doesnt heal all wounds.

      And i am offended by your use of "some". There are MANY reasons why the multitudes in the viewing audience love me and my stellar offerings. Wit, Humor, Panty Moistening, Charisma and Storytelling Ability would just be the top 5, though I will refrain from listing more and risk sounding boastful.

  18. +100000 I don’t get Count JerkUoff or his groupies. He’s so one-note.

    1. I am sad you arent wired to understand why i am so appealling to the e-masses Bathoree. It must be pure misery living a dull & humorous life.

  19. Misogyny, sexism, racism, rape "jokes," dehumanization... Just the top five. I'll refrain from listing more as thinking about you for too long makes me ill. I used to think you were a troll, and maybe you started out that way, but now you're a self-congratulatory deplorable.

    1. Misogyny - i have said it before and i'll say it again, i dont hate women, i only hate cunts.

      Sexism - absolutely. Estrogen is your cross to bare and you have my sympathies. Atleast mother nature gave you an ATM machine in yer pants.

      Racism - Canadian isnt a race, it is a nationality.

      Rape jokes - no surprising someone lacking a sense of humor doesnt like top flight comedy

      Dehumanization - wtf? Inorder to remove humanity the subject needs to start off as human. It is well established that whores aint human, cause they got no souls.

      Dont hate me because i am amazing, Moo. Hate yourself because you are not.

  20. @Guesser - Jerry Lee Lewis was not Elvis's cousin - he was Jimmy Swaggart's cousin. I am not sure what is grosser - him marrying a 13 year old - or the fact that she was his cousin.

    The 50s were way different, even the 70s were different. My sister in law ran away from home at 13 and got married...only to come home and have it annulled 8 weeks later. She got married the second time, at 15 - pregnant so it was with permission. I was allowed to go on car dates at 14.

    I am not so much confused about why elvis would be interested in a 14 year old as I am why a 14 year old's parents would let her move across the ocean to live in a Rock n roller's house...without being married.

    In any case, the most disappointing thing to me about the Elvis/cilla/LM story is the amount of plastic surgery PP and LMP have had. Just sad.

    1. Fuckin 13y/o cousins was practically an Olympic sport in the south.

  21. Incidentally - though Count Jerkula is highly offensive...he is also amusing. Anyone who doesn't get that, needs a chill pill.

  22. The only 'ism' the Count gives a fuck about has a 'J' in front of it.

  23. You're right, MeliticusBee. Hilarious.

  24. I doubt Elvis popping 14 year old cherries is going to change many opinions on the guy. This man was a God to that generation. My mom is one of them. I showed her the earlier blind awhile back and she just shrugged and said that they were all probably doing it.

    I liked him best in "Bubba Ho-tep"... talking about his growth on his pecker.

  25. I liked it when Howard Stern used to channel Elvis and talk about the lump of fat on the back of his momma's neck.

  26. Elvis did NOT rape or statutory rape or whatever he's being accused of.

    An ex staff member, in a later tell-all, claimed to have found voyeur VHS, in which two teens (around driving age) were wrestling, in their underwear.

    Elvis liked women to stay virgin. He had a very obvious mother-son complex, not sexual but it seemed to have some psychological effect i.e. women were either virgins or fallen, with him, pretty much. He probably struggled against that as he seemed to be a decent human being.

    Priscilla said over and over in her book that Elvis couldn't make love to a woman who was a mother, and that he needed to think of women as pure and that the only sure sign to him of a good woman was a virgin.

    Priscilla said more than once that it was very important to Elvis that she stay a virgin.

    Allegedly they only married because "The Colonel" told Elvis he had to, it was time. Priscilla was 21 and they didn't have sex until their wedding night.

  27. CJ - there is a weird story about that.

    Allegedly, Gladys, who was very attached to her only surviving child, used to let child Elvis cuddle her. He would allegedly stroke the back of her neck and call her "Satnin."

    (Elvis had a twin brother Jesse Garon who died in infancy.)

    1. Oh yeah, Stern made fun of all of that.

  28. Very interesting thread, but...any other guesses besides EP?

  29. Count is hilarious. The rest of the internet is a boring hugbox of perpetually offended, humorless scolds. If it’s too much for your delicate sensibilities, then why not go somewhere more suited to you? If you just want to virtue signal and appear woke, duly noted. You’re virtuous, morally superior and all around better than so many of us! Hope that makes you feel better and will finally sate your appetite for asspats and attention.

  30. @Astra I'm glad you realize your inferiority. You deplorables are having your day right now, but it can't last forever. Soon you'll be shoved back in the dank corners where you belong.

    1. Moo hasnt had anything shoved in her dank corner in a long time and it shows. Loosen up, toots.

  31. Gonna call you out on this one Count. Lee Lewis was a fucking CREEP, as was Elvis but lets look at pretty much of all of California where the average age of hookers was about 13 at that time. Or New York. The South was no worse than anywhere else. Pedos were pedos and are still pedos.

    1. Orangesoda, hey, i like the south. If i could find a nice 20something southern girl w/ pretty ass & low self esteem, i dont care if she got broke in by a cousin at 13, as long as she was taught right. If she has good fundamentals, i'd teach her the northeast work ethic and main event style.

  32. I bet 50 bucks Count Jerkula is hot AF

    1. I am fair to middlin, Marisa. I would prefer $50 worth of selfies to cash payment ;)

  33. I heard he works in a dildo factory.

    1. I heard you got fired from the sperm bank for drinking on the job.

  34. I'm going to be disappointed if that's true of Elvis after all. I was going by what Priscilla said and she oughta know. It's like there's gonna be nobody left to look up to.

    No one whose music/movies/whatever I like/d, anyway.

  35. Jerry Lee Lewis' cousin-wife wrote a book. She got past the earlier obviously messed up marriage. A kid is a kid no matter if they seem to/think they are OK with things at the time.

    It was the height of the cold war. People in the U. S. were building back yard bomb shelters. He had her convinced the world would be blown up in a nuclear holocaust. She said she just wanted to live out her dream of being a wife and mother before the world ended.

    See how easily kids are manipulated.

    1. So she profited off the marriage even later in life, so banging her cousin was a total windfall for her.

  36. mooshki - the reason you feel this way about count is because you don't posses a sense of humour.

    It's something extremely widespread amongst people with very low IQs. They take everything for face value because they're too simple to understand subtleties of comedy. Especially if it's dark or lewd comedy.

    That's why for example, Islam, the religion of inbreeding, low IQ and psychopathy, not to mention legalised pedophilia, forbids excessive laughter and has absolutely no sense of humour.

    Count might be repetitive and sometimes, frankly pedestrian, but there's no denying that his comments are meant to be tongue in cheek - no pun intended.

  37. "Dont hate me because i am amazing, Moo. Hate yourself because you are not."

    And this is why I like him.
    And I'm a woman, btw.

  38. "Moo hasnt had anything shoved in her dank corner in a long time and it shows. Loosen up, toots."

    They just make it far too easy.

  39. If only our sanctimonious social justice warrior mooshki, who's clearly so superior to everyone else here, were fighting REAL misogyny, dehumanisation, racism, pedophilia and oppression of women in the religion of pieces, current membership 1.6 billion people, rather than the microscopic un-real one she finds on some internet gossip site....

    But that would require having standards and integrity, not to mention self awareness, intelligence and common sense.

    1. Moo is still mad Enty took away her access so she cant delete comments. Every time i add some stellar to this site, it reminds her that Enty doesnt love her anymore, and she sees red.

  40. alliterate = Priscilla Presley

    former B+ list actress = Priscilla Presley

    permanent A++ lister = Elvis

    forced sex when she was 14 = Elvis

  41. @Count I don't know, I'm into some weird shit, so you would probably end up owing me the $50

    That probably came out wrong, but you get the idea :)

    @Not a Libtard
    STOP! STOP! They're already DEAD!

  42. @marissa: age, height and jeans size, please. I am also interested in your definition of Weird.
