Thursday, August 01, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #1

July 24, 2019

I find it funny that this sometime Housewife had things to say considering how she used to make her living was just slightly less transactional than the former Housewife she referred to or the current one.

Camille Grammer/Brandi Glanville/Denise Richards


  1. didnt they all make their living as hooirs at one time or another?

  2. Didn't Howard Stern and Baba Booey know her from the Super Bowl "massage" parties they used to have?

  3. I thought all 3 worked for Heidi Fleiss at the same time.

  4. Camille may have been a ho/stripper at one time, but she's the only one with any class on RHOBH.

  5. They are all hoes.

  6. Camille has class? Barely. That entire group of BH Housewives are white trash with money.

  7. Tabloids at the time reported that the woman what's his name dated while he was still married, was a stripper.

    There have been rumors forever that Denise R. was a Madame Alex (NOT Heidi) girl. Alex had the most A list 'classy' call girls around in those days, Heidi stole her client list allegedly and went out on her own. Heidi (per Heidi) used to do the occasional client but was more interested in 'managing' others.

    The timeline and all fit Madame Alex much better, Denise was also exactly her 'type.' Her 'girls' were all 'wholesome' seeming dream girls.

    I don't know anything about Brandi.

  8. Denise was a hooker and is always trying to deflect by talking about how other people are hookers. They really need to bring Heather Locklear on the show. I want to hear her side of the story. Denise was her best friend and ran off with her husband. Denise is a backstabber and adopting a disabled child doesn’t wash away her past.

  9. Heather's freak and her and Charlie used to "hang out". I think Denise said something to Richie about Ava being in danger...he left and took the kid with him. Denise may have used that to her advantage to get with him but who cares. Heather Locklear has some serious demons and is a complete drunk/addict.

  10. I had forgotten about the Heather/Denise/Richie triangle.

    Some people exercise their controlling side in what they think is a harmless way by continually 'rescuing' people, e. g. addicts or their kids, in some cases.

    Around that time the paps printed a wardrobe malfunction of Denise on the beach. The pic was everywhere at the time. Couldn't avoid seeing it. People were arguing what was actually showing.

    1. So spot on. Denise saved Ava from Heather by fucking her Dad.

  11. Yeah....I have met 'classy' hookers. And women who were never hookers but who are absolute trash.
    It's not that black & white.

  12. Ho's have been married wealthy, well placed men for a long time. The French use to "breed" women like that. They were called courtesans.
