Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Blind Item #9

This closeted, long time NBA player thinks that a recent announcement is going to change people's perception of his sexuality. He would be wrong.


  1. Is Chandler Parsons getting married? If not Dwight Howard because he's longer time.

  2. I was thinking Dwight Howard ???

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. DwightHoward. Once you have been outed, there is no going back in.

    Also, there is video of him "Grabbing a guy's balls" on YouTube for the world to see. The guyswho is describing it is. Hysterical. And, this was uploaded in 2015....

  5. Who is the one that hooked up with Brandi Granville. He pinged for me

  6. Seems to be working for Cory Booker.

  7. Dwight been switch hitting for decades

  8. This has been working for him, and will continue to work for him. The world of gossip is a small one, however huge we think it is.

  9. And howard is headed back to hell ay

  10. Normally, I would agree, but, there are so many videos exposing him with large hit numbers on YouTube about Dwight Howard and the transexual. It became more than just idle gossip and became mainstream and even trended on Twitter and there is one video outing him as far back as 2011. That....and, he is not in Hollywood circles where half of the entertainment business is gay and will protect his image. He is the NBA and I have a feeling he is going to be targeted which is absolutely wrong, but, just reading some of the comments of bball fans....yikes. He is going to have a tough road ahead. I mean the comments were horrible.

  11. Definitely Dwight Howard. But what is going on with the ex of Howard who is transgender? The transgender woman says she and Howard had a relationship he denies it. I think his ex took him to court.

  12. A chick with a dick is still a man. if you like trans you might not be gay but you damn sure aint straight

  13. he was out all last season with a "glute" injury. *cough, cough*
