Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Blind Item #3

This foreign born former?? superhero who found himself another high school aged teen to be with recently is very excited to be filming with another underage teen on a movie set. He was pushing hard for the foreign born A- list actress to be brought on board.


  1. Replies
    1. One of the older stuntmen near retirement with full union pension needs to take one for the team and 'accidentally' beat the shit out of him

  2. Mayhaps he and Drake can duel over her.

    1. Rise of Skywalker is tracking 20 percent below peak. Comic books and sci fi are getting oversaturated in the movie marketplace

  3. Where are the parents?

  4. I think she is super pretty. Not sure I believe all the older guy stuff-she seems smart- but who knows she could be a closet freeaaaak


  5. Where is the outcry? This guy has The Herp AND dances with underage girls. s there a more selfish, amoral guy on the planet? Oh, wait ... well probably, but you get my meaning. jesus.

  6. The parents are there, Indie. They just don't care about her. They care about the $$$.

  7. super pretty? she looks like a little boy.

  8. @squirrel...I agree. I think she is super-plain British looking, but with makeup.

  9. I hope..: god it’s easy to be jaded though in terms of this industry. Like “is anyone normal” lol

  10. Cavill blinds bore me to snores


  11. I’m so confused....years ago this site alluded that Cahill was in the closet, now it’s all about young girls!! I guess different fiction writers are working on this site??

    1. Some gay men like young girls that are slim to convince themselves they are not gay im guessing

  12. Break em in right, bro

  13. Oh Enola Holmes sounds cute, Sherlock's younger sister.

  14. So the blind is that he is legally banging some teenager above the age of consent in whatever shithole country, and that he's excited to be working with MBB in his new film also starring Helena Bonham, Sam Claflin and Fiona Shaw?

  15. TBf.....anyone of Henry's acting competitor's PR could be sending this stuff in and paying ENTY to run blinds on him if there is a role they are competing for. Would not be the first time with ENTY. Sounds like he could have chemistry working with this girl and pushed for her over some other actors....because child actors are notoriously hard to find.

    In today's times with #MeToo I just do not see networks/ Netflix taking huge chances with a very public pedo. who really seems to put his career first and always has. So, I call BS.

    But, whatever. I doubt this site has the inside scoop on him LOL.

    1. Thats why he was taken off dc. Superman cant be dating high school seniors and everyone knows about it

  16. "good child actors"..and, sorry....if everyone is of age of consent..which constantly seems to be the case...then, no harm.

  17. Hes grooming mbb for the future. Sick fuckers him and drake both, gonna burn in hell someday

  18. He was not taken off so much as there was no more planned. And, Batman vs. Superman were panned. And, The Witcher is a huge role that many actors were dying to get.

    Drake and MBB and now, Henry...both being closeted and now into underage women (when in reality they are just in same movies and same events automatically has to be nefarious and ironically was in the news is clockwork when Henry is in the news at this point...there is a pedo blind about him.0

    Oh well. I do not believe ENTY has the inside scoop on celebrities with changing narratives. Just do not.

    And, being homosexual/ and being a heterosexual pedophile are two different thinks. yeeez.

    1. You realize dc is not going to gamble 300 million on man of steel 2 with a borderline pedo.

  19. @TeeHee, I sense the mouse at work. They can't have The Witcher be a bigger hit than The Mandalorian. I mean some of those trailers look better than GoT.

    1. Very dosappoint3d in Mandalorian. With only 8 episodes, i was expecting typical 1hr drama. Half hour episodes makes it a movie script the stretched out to draw people to streaming service. If it is a year until 2nd season, i will be canceling upon this seasons finish.

  20. Huh! Good point @Brayson. I also think The Witcher looks better than GoT in the trailers.

    Idk something just seems off and weird about these blinds and the timing with The Witcher and as you mentioned other holiday Witcher competitors coming out in the next... the blinds coming out just seem suspect. My spider senses are tingling here haha

    If people want to believe this that is fine. I just don't. I guess it will be interesting if we get a 'reveal' on these or not. LOL

    1. Cavill cant even admit to himself that he is done as supes. Hence the question marks from enty!

  21. @Drew, Every DC movie is a $300 million gamble. I know it's certainly a bad box office bet I've stopped making over the years. Where's that documentary, "Why Do Most DC Movies Suck?"

    1. Michael b. Jordan seen taking meetings for superman this morning...bye bye for the pedo! Henry you are FIRED for being a degenerate asshole

  22. @Count, I suspect The Mandalorian episodes are shorter because of all the special effects, plus the lack of worthless dialogue time filler. I appreciate the episode length, better to have quality than quantity. Although I did watch most of Battlestar Galactica on fastforward and could still follow the plot it was that slow, damn SciFi channel.

    I don't appreciate the one episode per week bs. Once I'm caught up on the Disney movies I never watched I'll probably ditch the service as soon as The Mandalorian season is over. Not enough original content.

  23. Yah. I read the Hollywood Reporter article about how Disney and HBO want to keep the episode a week thing so people are forced to keep coming back/ keep the service. Why not just wait until all the episodes air then binge watch LOL

    Also, did Henry go from 'closeted' to' pedophile' on this site after he said the #MeToo movement has made him nervous to approach women he likes on set?? And, he currently is working with young girls playing his daughter on set. There was a bunch of backlash and he was forced to apologize.


    Anyways...there is still no enough solid evidence for me to not watch him on The Witcher when it is released.

    1. Cozying up to a 15 year old in any workplace is fucking weird. Like wack jacko, rkelly or bill cosby fucked up! Nip this shit in the bud before it gets to Polanski levels

  24. @TeeHee, Exactly, that's what I used to do with HBO. Wait until GoT came back then catch up on all the other series in between episodes. That weekly stuff only works with shows that everyone is talking about, you want to avoid spoilers.

  25. @ Mah

    he and Drake can duel over her

    Black man v Superman

  26. He was cast after MBB. How does anyone believe this shit.
