Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Blind Item #7 - Kindness - Reader Blind

This veteran character actor who passed away not too long ago could look very scary sometimes. He was primarily associated with films of a specific genre, the most famous being a trilogy directed by someone whose first career was not film.  Earlier in his career, he also made many appearances on TV including nine separate episodes of this show that has a reboot as a popular film franchise.

A few decades ago, this actor took a break from film due to his frustration with typecasting and took up another career, receiving formal training. This career involved a type of therapeutic practice. Many of the actor’s clients were those in the prison system seeking to break the poverty-jail cycle. The actor was paid for his work of course but when he eventually took up acting again he continued to do this service for free for those who are incarcerated helping them to change their lives for the better.     


  1. Anonymous8:39 AM

    Definitely Sid Haig. The movie trio was Rob Zombie's Firefly trilogy (House of 1000 Corpses, Devil's Rejects, 3 From Hell)

    I've met Sid. He was a nice guy.

  2. Good for him, someone in Hollyweird doing something to sincerely help displaced people

  3. Mission: Impossible for the tv show.

  4. +1 Morning,

    Q&A with horror icon and veteran actor Sid Haig

  5. People from the horror world show up often in these kindness blinds!

  6. First guy that came to mind was Jack Palance

  7. Why can't other Hollywood types find another path like Sid Haig did? They'd be so much happier.

  8. Anonymous8:38 PM

    Sid Haig was a certified hypnotherapist. Very cool.

  9. Yes, Sid Haig. Saw him speak about this at a convention. Nice man.

  10. I just watched him in Blood Bath today!
