Sunday, November 03, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #2

October 23, 2019

I knew the PR team was nuts, but they pitched a story yesterday to the US tabloids that everyone else should get out of the way and let the alliterate royal's husband be King. Yeah.

Meghan Markle/Prince Harry


  1. Is Meghan Markle insane? As in literally,clinically,diagnostically INSANE?

    1. "Meghan" is an MK Ultra assassin.
      "Meghan" is also incapable of having children. You perhaps are aware that the pregnancy was faked? Guess why? Also the reason why "Meghan" will NEVER be allowed near ANY president of the US. Ever.

  2. The idea is so ridiculous that I find this hard to believe. Even before Harry met MM he never appeared to be a shining example of a future sovereign of, well, anything. Hedonistic Harry appears to be very charming, but he is just not king material. If MM is behind this, not only is she narcissistic, she's full on bat shit crazy.

    1. I wouldn't doubt that MM is behind this stupidity.

  3. He'll be lucky if the Queen doesn't take him out o the line of succession altogether, lol.

  4. And Harry has always been very openly grateful for his low likelihood of becoming King. He does not want it. Meghan Macbeth will never be Queen.

  5. Perhaps the PR team floated it as an idea for US tabloids, hoping it would get simplistic, "Rah, Rah! Imagine an American as Queen(consort)! Wouldn't it be fabulous?" types of responses. Thankfully, they got shut down.

  6. i don't believe for a single second that markle seriously wants to be queen

  7. Harry aka Jon Snow "I don't want it"

    1. Well, it's easy to say when you're never gonna get it.

  8. Torontopaper1 has posted today, first time since August.

    Darling, you charged the bakery for your appearance? Payments are going to the foundation? IRS is watching! Using foundation funds can be taxable income!

  9. Bullshit. Your misogyny directed at Meghan and a few other women is ruining this site.

  10. @Robbie Pave Well said. I'm so annoyed by the Meghan Markle misogyny. People rarely say anything nice about women online. Why is that?

    1. Jane you ignorant slut...

    2. You're my least favourite commenter on here Dark Star.
      You really need to rein yourself in.
      Perhaps your carer should watch you a bit more carefully.

  11. I love Megantoinette, she's gonna bring down the RF single handed. Worth every penny.

  12. @Jane: People say a lot of nice things about women online. Just not MM because she’s a lying, narcissistic bitch, who uses people. And she’s so transparent about the whole thing.

    1. People do say a lot of nice things about women online.
      Just not at CDAN.

  13. If this is the type of garbage le petit royals PR people are putting out they needs a new team.there.

  14. @17Steps

    It makes much more sense to assume that the blind is pure fiction.

    First, it assumes that both Harry and Meghan would want to be king and queen. Given how much opposition they're getting now, it would be a thousand times worse for them.

    Second, it implies that the six persons between Harry and the throne may want to abdicate their rights to the crown : Elizabeth, Charles, William, and William's three sons. Even if Meghan and Harry were insane, they wouldn't assume that all of them would magically accept (or take the decision for their own children, which the children may resent in a few years...) or that they wouldn't bode ill will to Harry and Meghan for such a try (which would technically be a coup).

    Third, why try to post it in the US tabloids? Wouldn't be the British population the one to convince?

    So, if there's somebody "nuts", it's the person who tries to start such a rumor. And we're approaching "I posted for 11 years the info provided to me by somebody who wasn't at all in the entertainment industry and never checked him once for his credentials" levels of lunacy.

    1. Nah, this actually sounds exactly like a PR pitch to royal writers at US tabloids. It's not even dressed up. Occam's razor.

  15. *WAHHHH! They're criticizing her behavior and her actions! *WAHHHH* They're misogynsist and racist!! *WAHHHHH!!!*

    I hope these people do not reproduce. Those are the kind of parents that threaten to sue the school district when their kid gets suspended for being an asshole.

  16. The Brits would DE-FUND the monarchy before they'd let this happen. lol She is KILLING the Royal Family. Right now the Brits like them as a tourist attraction etc and distraction but that can end in a heart beat. Tourists flock to the country to glimpse them, visit their homes etc and that is why their existence is mutually beneficial to themselves and the people but MM is squashing the very things about them that the people expect in their 'civil servant' status at this point.

  17. I never heard of this stupid bitch until she was in teh news for dating Harry. I hate television and would never have watched her show. When I saw how she treated her own father I was appalled. He was in the business and no doubt got her in. Worse, that was her second fucking marriage and it was supposed to be so magical>?! Give me a break. He's an idiot and she is less than human. ANyone who denies their father is a piece of shit, no matter how embarrassing he is.

  18. It is a riot when team sparkles shows up and screams misogyny. It is never that if worse is said about a Kardashin.

  19. Hell yes the aged out yacht girl would love to be Queen. Why else does she shrivel with jealousy when she is around Catherine?

  20. Or as Homer Simpson said "Bloody Harry" brought beheading back in a big way !

  21. Where are Fat Markle and her hairdresser and her landrovers jetting off to today to save the planet?

  22. I don't doubt it, markle's narcissistic square ass is dying to sit on the throne. In her delusional mind she was born for the role.

    Them markles are sure lucky we aren't in medieval times, otherwise these two would be charged with treason and their brainless heads would be on display on the tower.

    I wonder if the Queen will do something about them someday... (or is Liz scared of being called racist?)

  23. There was an article circulating this past week which would be fantastic if true.

    Yes @Ringo, I agree if the times were different they would both be in the Tower. I just don't understand why these two cannot be normal. She is a dumpster fire and he is jumping in. I hope they both go, and get nothing, no title, no money, nothing. Then they can both be relegated to the cesspool that is hollyweird and get regurgitated out when everyone realizes there is nothing remarkable about either one.

  24. Maybe it's just to take the heat off Andrew. H and M takin one for the gipper.

  25. Cheer up, Fat Markle. America's roofiedroers have your back.

  26. They'll be popular in Hollywood for exactly however long it takes for photos of Harry's full-on Nazi Halloween party uniform to resurface, then they'll be canceled.

  27. Disagree, Bleu. Like Trudeau's blackface, Harry's nazi interests are given a pass.

  28. Wonder when we'll get new profiles screaming "MISANDRIST!!!" at people commenting negatively about pedo Andrew.

  29. @Bleu

    "Occam's razor" is not a phrase you use haphazardly to claim some win, like "I call dibs!".

    Anybody with the slightest idea of hereditary monarchy (like Harry) would know such a try would be nonsense.

    And regarding Occam's razors, how come the only result of this pitch meeting for US tabloids would be a blind item posted at a place that always voices its contempt for US tabloids?

  30. Anonymous3:32 PM

    There are new rumors out that Markle has been banned from all royal properties. She must have a senior royal supervising at all time when she steps onto any royal property. So watch where she pops up and who's around her.

  31. I am beginning to think MM must have slept her way to her North Western BS in communications because she and Dim seem to not have much of a brain cell to rub together. Just read her old blog, IG, any of her long-winded speeches, and MeMe is a case study of the cliched. Her substance is the superficial comprising of those 90s poster platitudes and quote-a-day calendars. No wonder she is daft enough to let her pr suggest village idiot Harry for king.

    1. That BS is doubtful. And since when is Communications a “Science”

  32. Snark directed at a celeb? On a gossip site? The horror!!!! Seriously though, what gossip site exists which doesn’t throw shade at celebs? And honestly, if you want to get pissed at consistent misogyny, head straight on over to The Daily Fail. Or, tbh, Datalounge. Just saying.

  33. It is nauseating how many stories the PR people are putting out.

    It is making me like them even less

  34. The only thing that matters to that corrupt family is the line of succession. Nothing else. Because Harry is now SIXTH, they allowed him to marry Meghan as he is IRRELEVANT.

    Again, QEII's "job" of cutting ribbons, being waited on hand and foot and living in castles is so "taxing" that she could easily live another 10 or 20 years....

  35. I'm sure Meg is delusional enough to think she could be queen, but I more get the sense that she just wants everybody saying she should be.

  36. I hate it when these misogynists assail Markle and her lovely keister. No coincidence that Suits only lasted 1 more season without the gratuitous shots of her fudge factory in tight skirts. I can only hope Harry makes her spread cheeks for her royal title.

    1. The keister is paddes much of the time. Sorry to disappoint.

    2. Bullshit. There was also a lingerie scene.

  37. @ Ann - Love the thought of a senior royal escort for Markle but wouldn't Harry count as senior? That would make that info a lot less interesting nor would it seem to do any good if Harry can be considered the watchdog.

  38. @kiki71: Why is this Z list "actress" "killing" the royal family?

    Why isn't it THE QUEEN, riding next to her son, wanted in France for questioning in a criminal probe, deliberately, in a car, on her way to Church.

    As bad and annoying as Meghan is, she's just an annoyance that has no relevance. Prince Andrew is the Queen's son, SHE SHOWS HIM OFF, in defiance, thumbing her nose at the law, like the arrogant bunch of entitled toffs they are. THAT is far worse, and far more damaging.

    And the French get just as many tourists for those EMPTY castles, so tourist dollars is no justification for these grifters.

  39. Meghan Markle would never be the Queen even if she married Prince Charles, next in line. Aside from that, Queen Elizabeth (who has dedicated her entire life to the service of Great Britain) should have kicked Markle to the curb when she manipulated poor dumb Harry into proposing and marrying her. Wonder if George Soros funded her to destroy the Royal Family. Thank heaven for William and his lovely wife, Catharine, for a bit of class left in that world.

  40. Anonymous6:45 PM

    @Trudy Meghan made some crack about Harry when he arrived spontaneously at one of her events last week. I understand the Queen was most unhappy with her comment. I believe Harry has been instructed not to supervise her events any more. So I'm waiting to see #1 will the BRF allow her to hold events on royal property? #2 If she does then who supervises the event? Even better I'm looking forward to her final weeks in England. I don't think she will be coming back after Thanksgiving. Do we have #Megxit?

    @Studio54 I heard several months ago that the Queen has been diagnosed with lymphoma. Another year or two but doubtful she will be here in five years.

  41. Yes there are some people commenting here who hate women, but in Markles case, it's well deserved. She's a narcissistic idiot, and Harry's her stupid pawn. Pawns don't move very far, and neither will Markle. Markle, people just don't like you very much at all.

  42. @Ann, thank you for that information, re: QEII's health. I'm sorry for her if it is accurate.

    @Truman: I've posted before of a relative who grew when Princess Elizabeth and Princess Margaret were young. The Brits cover for the heir, and then Monarch. It was always wild Princess Margaret and perfect Princess Elizabeth. The press certainly covered for QEII when her husband was allegedly spending a lot of time at sea, and when on land, with women. So I don't believe anything about "perfect" William and Kate, it's what the royal spin machine always does for the heir.

  43. This comment has been removed by the author.

  44. The William and Kate lovers ignore the fact that Kate's ambitious mother, Carole Middleton, deliberately put her "little Miss perfect" kid in the same school as Prince William, in the hopes she would "meet" him, which surprise, surprise, she did...

  45. I think MM is highly unintelligent. There is no other explanation for her being such a clueless walking PR disaster. Which begs the question: exactly how retarded is Harry? William wouldn't have given suitcase girl a second look.

    Tiny team markle has shitloads of work to do, it seems that NOBODY likes her. Nobody from her past, nobody from the present, nobody from school, nobody from her own family, her own mother doesn't defend her. Her own mother doesn't show up at her baby shower!
    She has to scrape up d-list celebrities and low-tier politicians that nobody knowns and nobody listens to, and SHE NEVER EVEN MET, to go on twatter or whatnot and say what a super duper human lady she is.

    LOL, her famous five friends....

  46. Maybe off topic, maybe not. Just heard today from a Brit that the coroner's jury decided Princess Di died of unlawful killing. They were not allowed to say murder. UK Daily Mail just ran an article about a new book out saying prince charles was an unforgiving man.Things like that can screw up a family.

  47. It's not just D-list celebrities who have come out to support Duchess Meghan.

    Here's a list of the big names who have spoken out to "defend Meghan."

    Some heavy hitters on there - Beyoncé, Elton John, Kim Kardashian, even Dame Julie Andrews.

  48. Beyonce ' - sub-educated has-been who does't know how to read and write

    Elton John - doesn't give 2 shits about suitcase girl, and only speaks up because he feels some paternal bond with Harry, having been Diana's close friend. Make no mistake about it, once Sparkles dumps Harry, Elton is going to come out, sharp claws et all

    Kim Kardashian - ok

    Julie Andrews - what's up with her? Dementia? Suddenly she's all talk, all the time? Perhaps she's broke or something, needs some publicity, limelight, relevancy, who knows. But Sparkles' fans, who have a similar age to their IQ points, have no clue who she is

  49. This blind was based on an article ran by that click bait trash, the international business or something like that. It pops up in my apple news and it is always saying things trying to just get you to click on it. Some of the stuff it comes up with makes me laugh as it is ridiculous.

  50. Banned from royal properties? Did they catch her on camera trying to pinch the sterling silver? Perhaps a Ming vase?

  51. Cue Kate and William desperately trying for children 4, 5 and 6.

  52. I really fail to see how there is anything desperate about will or Kate. They seem very confident and secure in all of their roles.

    On the other hand, Sparkles has written desperate all over her..

  53. Anonymous5:55 AM

    I'm serious when I say that Princw William needs to be very careful. There are a lot of very malevolent people who would love to use a "woke" King Harry and Queen Meghan as a cover for their usual evil fuckery.

  54. She has already made Harry appear to be a Queen, like Wallis Simpson, you take him with you.
    Golden handcuffs?
    Who can give up a man who gave up a Royal Title for you. Almost like giving up your father Self made Orphan whining “ no one cares about me”
    The Golden Handcuffs- duchess of Dope made her bed- now sleeps alone in it

  55. Anonymous7:14 AM

    Let's see how the news I heard last night plays out. The Queen held a meeting with Meghan and Harry. They went to her in hopes of convincing her to allow them to live in the US part time. The Queen did far more. She stripped them both of their titles and their annual $15 million royal stipend. She also took back the keys to Frogmore Cottage. Meghan they flew to the US and Harry went to Japan for his royal obligation. It will take until about January for the legalities of the Queen's measures to be completed. So now we wait for news. I expect Harry to head back to England alone to beg Gan for his money and title back

    1. That would be a good way to get her to leave him, but i dont believe it.

  56. Meghan couldn't take down the Royal firm if she wanted to. BUT, the news about Prince Andrew, if he is indicted, etc. could.

  57. Meghan has been banned from being alone in Royal properties since December 2016, when she was caught taking photos (which she was planning to sell) in a private part of Buckingham Palace. She was removed by Charles, and escorted to the airport. This is when Harry broke up with her, but she blackmailed her way back in.

    Supposedly she will be present at the Remembrance Day events next weekend, and Camilla will be her babysitter.

  58. How much did MM have to pay to get that story printed?

    Isn't this treason?

  59. MM needs to disappear.
