Sunday, November 03, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #3

October 23, 2019

The lawyers for this A- list mostly movie actress are playing a dangerous game. They know about a woman who was abused, but the A- lister has multiple exes who will say the same thing about her.

Amber Heard(Johnny Depp)


  1. This is a sh**show, so no one is going to come out smelling like roses.

  2. oh, come on! A- list? Seriously?

  3. She's already completely trashed Depp, so he doesn't care. She will be destroyed when he is done with her. She is also a real POS/monster. I am in the legal field so follow celeb cases on the docket and in the news. Depp just subpoenaed iO Tillet Wright so I decided to snoop his (not sure how io identifies - pretty sure as male) Instagram. He has scrubbed A. Heard from his Insta. There is only one post with Heard in the pic where he calls her a "hella thirsty third wheel". The other "friend" that helped her get her TRO back in May 2016, Raquel Pennington, has also scrubbed Heard from her Insta completely. Heard has io and Pennington on her Insta up until mid-2018 and then it ends. It's always possible she has a Finsta and they are there, but why scrub all of their Insta's ? Because they are hiding something. and These people are no longer friends they were lied to, used and hustled in order to get Heard what she wanted which was to extort money and possessions and to call him an abuser before he called her one.

    1. In a similiar vein, i wonder what will happen when the jeremy renner/ sonni pacheco mess shakes out. Ive read the legal paper, and when i read some " news" articles, they are completely inaccurate and the truth is twisted. For example, saying i wish my ex wife wld just go away is NOT, as widely reported, the same as saying i want to kill her!! All these allegations are being made by a collection of escorts, grifters, fired employee- not really the salt of the earth. Now thats on him for having these people around, and i hope he's learned his lesson. But when one or both are exhonorsted, or proven to have lied, will there be big headlines then? I doubt we will be reading, Renner cleared on sll charges or Pacheco cleared. No we will not, that isnt salacious enough! Any insight you have, which uou seem to have, wld be of great interest to me. Im fascinated by the razzle dazzle.

  4. Excellent summary @Sunkist!

  5. Evil Heard. The better question is who yanks her chain? She yanks as fulltime profession but this is sh*t is the opposite of free-lancing. Heard still slick for now but that sociopathy is bound to come undone, just a matter of time. Depp is just older boy now, more brain damaged snd erratic but Heard is still busy being a muthaf*ka. No change will happen there, addicted to her own dominance.

  6. She probably has more than one diagnosis in the DSM. She exhibits traits from several personality disorders and yes, sociopathy. I agree with you noellebebe, that shit unravels and finally shows itself to the public eventually. Pretty sure the people she has encountered in her life already know it though. Imagine man/boy Depps utter surprise when he realized he married a monster wrapped in such a convincing package. Ahhh...but, why did he marry her? and then afterward ask for a Post-nup Agreement which made her lose her shit and break part of his finger off of his hand? I believe there was a shotgun wedding and then the baby just went away...she is the worst kind of scum. People forget scum can sometimes be pretty. oh and thanks Aquagirl.

  7. Sunkist, there is no scrubbing of AH off io's Insta - she is on it. Also check under his 'tagged' section photos and you'll see they are still going VERY strong with plenty of recent lovey dovey photos.

    Not sure why everybody hates her, she is absolutely no worse than all the other Hollywood starlets. They are all awful, and morally corrupt, gold diggers. And Johnny Depp is a disaster too. It's just odd to me that Depp fangirls are so incredibly engaged.

    Here in Hollywood, he is an old druggie and she is just a dime a dozen. No more, no less.

    1. Here's my dime
      Where can I pick up my dozen?

  8. A-?? I've always thought of Amber Heard as C-list...

  9. I stand by the IO scrubbing comment. I checked yesterday as I said, there is only one pic of Heard on there and IO DISSES her in his comments. It's true that @amberheard and #amber heard are tagged but it is not "recent" There is her tagging IO on his birthday etc. and other's tagging...but, who knows if thos pics are recent. I highly doubt it. AND what about @hanumanheartyoga (Raquel Pennington?) She has scrubbed Amber Heard from her Insta. I am interested in the legal case. I am not a Depp fan. I've only seen a few of his movies. She looks guilty as sin based on the Declarations of many and other pleadings I have read. Not saying he can prove defamation (it aint easy) but, she is monstrous BY ALL ACCOUNTS. You can ignore that if you like, but the people that worked for her and around her hate her guts.

  10. Thanks for the court scoops, Sunkist!

  11. @Sunkist: How do you know Depp didn't bribe those witnesses to be quiet, ala, Spacey, etc?

  12. I only have one thing to add to Sunkist’s comments. I have a friend who was a victim of DV. We were friends for a long time, and I was always welcome at their house (they lived in a suburb outside of NY, nice house, property, pool, etc.) And suddenly, I wasn’t welcome anymore. I didn’t find out until later that this is when the DV started, because she would make up random excuses such as they had a fight and the atmosphere was uncomfortable, etc. Then, after he was finally arrested, I found out that he beat the shit out of her. This is what abusers do...they keep their victim away from family and friends.

    Johnny Depp did the opposite. He owned 4 penthouses in downtown LA. He & Amber used 2. Rachel Pennington & her chef bf lived in the apt. next door & Amber’s sister lived in the 4th apt. Amber also used Rachel as an excuse to miss a court date. She said that she needed to be at an engagement party for Rachel on the east coast, but she was actually hiding out in a hotel in LA to avoid appearing. As far as IO Tillet, s/he stayed in Johnny’s guest house (I’m assuming at the main gothic mansion in LA) for many months, do to a supposed nervous breakdown. Free rent, food delivered and paid for, everything handled. Johnny and Lily Rose also supported IO’s charity and were seen wearing the T-Shirts. Supposedly Amber and IO were lovers. Idk if that’s true, but what I do know is that someone who is abusing his wife doesn’t have family and friends living next door.

    @Sunkist: You’re probably right about the ‘baby’. That was a quick wedding.

  13. @Sunkist: that is simply not factually true. There are birthday photos of the 2 of them together on AH's birthday 8 weeks ago, and numerous more.

    I couldn't care less about AH, nor JD. But blanket statements that "everybody hates her" coming from complete strangers on the internet is odd. Unless you belong to her inner circle (I know some lezzies who do, and it's a mixed bag of opinions), you truly have no idea who hates her or not.

    I find it very strange that she invokes such unbelievable hateful retoric on the internet. JD has a strange hold on his middle aged fangirls. In the industry, in L.A., where I live and work, it's a different story altogether. They are just another dysfunctional Hollywood ex-couple.

  14. Remember that recording she made... No offense most victims dont record fightsbeing a victim of spousal abuse I know first hand they call the police if they aren't too scared to...Usually it's the perpetrator who records the victim in defense mode after mentally abusing the victim to make themselves seem like the victim. it was a clear set up on her part. I think if he were really as terrible as she says, there would be many women coming out claiming the same in the #metoo movement, but there arent.


  15. Quote from Blondie:

    "I think if he were really as terrible as she says, there would be many women coming out claiming the same in the #metoo movement, but there arent."

    You're kidding right? How many boys did Jacko have hidden for life under NDA's? How many women did Trump pay off, and the Enquirer "catch and kill" stories about and pay off to cover for him.
    How many dozens of women did it take before allegations against Bill Cosby were finally believed. Oh, and Cosby had an NDA settlement with the accuser that was forced open by the court, and led to him going to prison. So unless I knew there were NO women under any $$$ NDA for Depp, I am not surprised we don't see other accusers out there. These rich, powerful men have too much to lose to let other accusers go public.
