Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #3

November 8, 2019

With yachting gigs drying up as they start to get older, this former manufactured group of a lot of changing players, most of whom couldn't really sing, are reuniting to make a few bucks. No word on whether it will be like the old days which a former member said the group was essentially a front for prostitution.

Pussycat Dolls


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. You know Nicole Scherzinger is probably a hall of famer, not sure on the other members' skills.

  3. Hall of famer in what category?

  4. vagina has always been a hollywood best seller. gun violence coming in at a close second.

  5. @yep, If you have to ask you'll never know 😅

  6. Ya know all these talentless girls reuniting to get big money forced Motley Crue to get back together to make bigger money with Dep Leppard and Poison, so there’s that going for them.

  7. 🎠 I Knew It❣️ 🎠

  8. If Lohan can still get customers, and Tara Reid for that matter...I don't see why they can't.

  9. All the voices were supposed to be just Nichole voice singing all the parts, while the others just danced.

    Thought this never moved forward was bc Nichole doesn't need it, she's got the hosting and bearding gigs. It's the others that are desperate for money bc they don't have any talent.

  10. they were pretty successful here in the UK (where at least a couple of them relocated & settled down), so even if they just toured here and whatever other european markets where they had success they'd probably make a pretty penny. not sure if scherzinger needs the gig but she might want it anyway

  11. melody is an amazing singer saw her live recently it's just the others were never given a chance.
