Saturday, November 23, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #5

November 15, 2019

This conglomerate has made the decision to remove an episode of a television show because it features someone who molested children, but has left in the much more profitable movie which stars a sexual harasser forced to leave his tens of millions of dollars annual salary and bonus role because of it and the disgraced actor.

Disney/The Simpsons/Michael Jackson/A Bug's Life/John Lasseter/Kevin Spacey


  1. Please don't kill my fav Simpsons by diluting the jokes Disney !

  2. The Simpsons MJ episode didn't even have MJ, but had an impersonator. The focus of the show though was MJ. KS was not the focus of A bug's life.

    1. Spacey defender in the house. this man is vile and 100x worse than MJ.

    2. MJ did the speaking voice, but didn't sing. he was also credited under an alias.

      saying spacey is "100x worse than MJ" is weird, given what they're both accused of

    3. 2 accusers suddenly deceased, continued protection from wealthy associates, alleged violent rapes and interactions with young ins. more dead bodies to come. which one is more evil...KS

  3. Weird that Enty slipped up and didn't mention Lassiter was canned by Pixar for groping female employees, he has his own issues....

  4. Yeah because a 45 year old man becoming obsessed with young boys and sleeping in bed with them is in no way it a black thing?? R Kelly still has fans too but a white man abuses anyone, including adults and possibly a child and he is way worse? You people are beyond odd. All of them are sick bastards. All of them. It's not a competition and MJ definitely was a paedophile as is R Kelly.

    1. I'm not black and am not a fan of RKelly.

  5. I agree it's because of the focus of the Simpsons episode was Jacko and perv Spacey is not the focus of a Bug's Life. Don't worry, Kevin Spacey is as persona non grata as Jacko, it's just taking longer to manifest itself.

  6. Fox took the MJ episode out of circulation a long time ago, that is why it didn't make the move over to D+
