Saturday, November 23, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #6

November 5, 2019

There is an individual who allegedly been in contact with the widow's team and is providing info on people operating social media accounts that have been critical of them. This person becomes friends with the people they are snitching on from fan groups and forums. They allegedly helped get at least one social media account that was critical of the situation suspended recently.

Chris Cornell's wife Vicky Karayiannis


  1. That's not creepy at all.

  2. All while this crap fest is going on, Susan conducts a spectacular interview with Gloria Steinem.

  3. I don’t visit this site for months, & months, because of this boring, boring, bullshit storyline about Chris Cornell’s widow....I come back, and still more boring bullshit about the widow. WHO THE FUCK CARES, EXCEPT SOME PSYCHO WHO WORKS AT CDAN WHOS OBSESSED WITH HER!!! FIND SOMEONE NEW TO STALK!!!! PLEASE!!!!
