Thursday, November 14, 2019

Today's Blind Items - Many More

It turns out, this A list lawyer has made quite the sum of money from interested persons. How so? Well, there are certain records that the lawyer controls. The records show who was with the billionaire pedophile at certain points in time. Some of those records have been released. Others have not. The lawyer approached people listed in the records and asked for a monthly cash payment to keep those records from being released. There are perhaps more than 200 names being withheld that others are just beginning to discover. Will these records be seized, or will they be destroyed first, endangering that lifetime monthly cash payment from many dozens of people.


  1. Speaking of Epstein, check out this phone call I made on national TV and radio I made the other day. I did it for all of us :)

  2. Dershowitz or David Boies.

  3. Guess we'll be seeing a lawyer strangle himself in a jail cell next.

  4. @MyDog, You've got a title for that video?

  5. @Brayson87 Matt in Tucson Nukes Jim Rome With "Epstein Stuff"

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  7. +1 MD, Both could have gotten access to that information. Soulless people love milking pedos for money, like the most grotesque cows ever.

  8. @TeeHee@U Thanks :) I was so nervous I can't believe I pulled it off lol Jim Rome is really popular but not everyone's cup of tea.

  9. +1 MyDog, Nice work 👍
    All of my sports friends think Jim Rome is a f*cking joke, yet they keep listening to him 😅

  10. I suspect this is going to be a big seller for holiday gifts:

    Epstein Didn't Kill Himself Magic Mug

  11. @Brayson87 Thanks! LOL He definitely can rub people the wrong way. It's a case of either loving him or hating him.

  12. How about Lisa Bloom? Enty careful not to ID as a man. She represents some victims,but can conveniently leave people out.

  13. Just to be different, Mark Geragos.

  14. Ken Starr was part of Epstein's defense team when the 2008 charges were filed. I like him better for this than Dershowitz. Dershowitz is friendly with most of the names involved in the Epstein scandal. Starr, on the other hand, doesn't regularly associate with them, and could probably use the cash flow.

  15. I thought David Boies because he represents Virginia but he was also represented Weinstein and hired Black Cube to get dirt on Weinstein accusers.

  16. I was thinking Gloria Allred, because she is one of Harvey's "people" as well.

  17. If all this ever gets fully exposed, I'm thinking most of it will be hard to believe. Only because we don't want to believe it. The horror...

  18. @Sook, Scarves and belts for everyone this Christmas!🎅

  19. This cannot be true of attorneys of such stature and name recognition. There's too much risk that the attorney in question will be exposed, especially if he/she is exploiting a bunch of people ...

  20. WOW! Another Epstein related Blind.
    I thought we went through all those!


    Anyway, Enty!
    You know that this attorney (whoever) wouldn't be blackmailing anyone.
    He could go to jail for blackmail.

    However, more legal, he is being retained by these individuals instead!
    Thus, the monthly RETAINER payments make the records confidential legal documents.

    So, glad we cleared that up!

  21. @David, We've already seen that attorney-client privilege isn't worth much nowadays.

  22. douchewitz. what an atrocious little troll he is.

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  24. @Do Not, Good luck finding someone clean enough to follow through on the investigations.
    We all knew there was corruption, stealing and killing going on in the background, but you'd think they'd at least leave the kids alone. Nope, they saved the worst for the children.

  25. Dershowitz would definitely have all the dirt, being a pedo himself with something to hide. Epstein would trust him because The Douchowitz is one of them. If it was Boise or another victim's lawyer the tea would be spilled by now to subpoena them.

  26. Dershowitz would definitely have all the dirt, being a pedo himself with something to hide. Epstein would trust him because The Douchowitz is one of them. If it was Boise or another victim's lawyer the tea would be spilled by now to subpoena them.

  27. Good job @ MyDogSmiles! I don't think they were very happy that you were able to sneak through haha!

  28. Good God! Go to the Feds with this information! They can seize his bank accounts or wherever he is hiding these payments, and find out the names of the other victims. What a monstrous sleazebag creep of a "lawyer." Maybe he'll be disbarred also.

  29. I finally get why Hollywood has embraced these jungle bunny rappers. Jigaboos jump anything that moves and Jews scam anything that moves. Kindred spirits.

  30. @Substance D, if you are going to be racist then full bore is the only way to go and not your lame half-assed attempt. Go lurk on /pol/ or maybe just stop.

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  32. Silly. Auction the docs on Ebay and walk away. Try to keep in the pockets of many people just allows resentment to fester making the cost of keeping you quiet permanently much more palatable.

  33. TeeHee@U.......David Boise represented Al Gore when G Bush stole the 2000 election , which gave US the 9/11 false flag and middle eastern wars for oil.As Sam Giacana was quoted in his brother's book, Double Cross, nobody gets in the WH unless they are vetted. Both parties are corrupt.....and the current propaganda "All things evil come from the left" must have the elites in stitches......because 2000 was not that long ago and certainly not "leftist".

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  35. sounds like it could be right up Avenatti's isle

  36. "Your not allowed to call this show and do "Epstein Stuff". BWAHAHAHAHAHA...I love it when people do that live. This is the 4th time I've seen it. It should be a new fad "challenge".
