Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Blind Item #1

Those grifters that pass out awards broke all their rules to make sure that Broadway play turned movie got nominated. I wonder how much they got paid to ignore their own rules.


  1. Golden Globes for the grifters?

  2. Cats for Best Song?

  3. It wasn't a play, it was a musical. Broke all their rules... for one nomination? Seems paltry.

  4. Cats. Which I will not go see.

  5. The nominating committee allowed them to show a rough cut rather than the finished movie, which is where the rule breaking came in to play.

    Def Cats. It looks horrid, which is a shame considering the credentials of the cast (Dench, Elba, J-Hud).

  6. Ah, thanks, @Moose. I was wondering if it was something about the timing of the release.

  7. Anonymous8:01 AM

    Cats looks nightmarish. Hopefully it will be the nip the bud of movie stardom for the insufferable Swift and the awful Derulo, shut the lid on the dumpster of Wilson and Corden and the coffin of Dench and McCellan once and for all. Send Holliday back to being a B singer. Poor Idris Elba deserves better should have been Bond (although the new girl is so manly I'm not 100% sure he's not).


    every time I hear this word I think of how pretentious the douchebags are who say it

  9. Why musicals haven't gone the way of bear baiting, mummers, travelling puppet shows and zoetropes as a way of ancient and embarrassing forms public entertainment is a complete mystery to me.

  10. They want that Lloyd-Webber/Swift performance for ratings.

  11. Curiosity does have me wanting to see cats...way more than if they just had done the Broadway style costumes. The fact that it could be one extreme or the other is kind of exciting, given that the material is familiar.

  12. I just saw the trailer for it. What in demented Furry hell?!

  13. That trailer disturbed even cat ladies.

  14. Cats for the best song. That song is so bad I am actually surprised anyone even voted for it.
    Plus, am I the only one who didn't like the trailer at all? Like why is the movie even being made?

  15. Also why is Rebel Wilson still getting roles in movies? She legit acts the same and has same roles in all her movies.

  16. Yes! A real awful mess can be riveting! You only need to see something like Showgirls once, and it can give you ages of baffled bemusement at the thought of it!

  17. Flashy Vic: There's only two good musicals--West Side Story, and Grease. The rest are torture chambers with only one good song each.

  18. rabbit - with all due respect, The Sound of Music is a classic that I watch with my 3 year old granddaughter.

  19. The Wikipedia page for Cats lists Music by Andrew Lloyd Weber and Taylor Swift. The fuck?
