Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Blind Item #2

For some reason, the mother of this A list "singer" has been leaking things to a tabloid. There is no real news in any of it, but the tabloid is lapping it up and printing what she says.


  1. Lynne Spears is trying to save her daughter from controlling and abusive people using her in the c-ship for money.


    It's time for the c-ship to end as Britney has proven herself for over a decade. Her father is making millions off of her, as well as tons of other greedy people. Free this woman! Her mother wants her FREE to make her own decisions in life.

  3. i hope she oves back home to lousiana and drops off the grid to live a normal life. she deserves it after everything she has been through.

  4. BritBrit isn't permanent A list anymore Entern? WTF did she do to deserve that slap in her face from you?

  5. Stage mother Lynn Spears is the reason Britney is a mess. All she wants is control of the money.

  6. "singer" is always supposed to be Britney

  7. Lynne is spreading positive stories to counter the inevitable onslaught of negativity put out by Britney’s handlers in advance of next month’s conservatorship hearing.
