Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Blind Item #6

This foreign born B+ list mostly movie actress didn't even bother making an effort to be at a massive event for her singer/actor husband because she has her own thing going. The fake relationship has been struggling the past couple of months.


  1. Yay Enty downgraded Priyanka

  2. Again, assuming this is all fake (I have no idea and don't give a shit either way)... what's the point?

    That Jonas kid is famous, but he hardly seems to have the profile which would catapult her career. Not like if she married DiCaprio or even Robert Pattinson.

    Or so it seems to me. I don't get it.

  3. Nick could do better. She brings nothing to the relationship that he can't get younger or better-looking

  4. She's paying him right?
    Or is it just that he agreed to do it for cover?
    OMG. I had no idea who she was at all until this BS marriage.

  5. Nick Jonas is one beautiful motherfucker. He could have any woman in the world and he settles for this? It offends me every day. I would beard the shit out of this man.

  6. She's probably getting paid by him. But regardless, w/o him attached to her name, she's nobody.

  7. Her fat neck bugs me.

    1. +1 hunter. Looks like kimora Lee Simmons neck

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. It's classic bearding, he gets to look straight and her public profile is raised. And she did become more famous, I had no idea who the f*ck she was before that marriage. Nick got the short end of the stick because it only made him look more closeted.
    Here's a hint Nick, don't let your "friends" pick your beard, they're apparently as clueless as you are.

  10. She also makes him come off as weak and controlled, kind of beta, which hurts his image on all fronts

  11. I woke up in a hotel room this morning and was thinking of the blind from the other day. I was so tired when I went to sleep that when I woke up one side of the bed was totally untouched.

  12. Chopra could have made it on her own here in the US. She's gorgeous enough. Of the three Jonas brothers, Nick looks the youngest, or most inexperienced, or something, or the most gay. From the very beginning those two didn't go together. People hook up/marry someone who's their equal in the looks department. Those two don't match one iota. It's not like one is a genius, and the other is a beauty. (The playwright and Marilyn Monroe.) Or, one is an older fabulously wealthy gentleman, and the other is a beauty. (lots of examples.)

    That's the trouble with cultural differences, it's hard to tell what's normal and what's not. Chopra obviously could not read Jonas's "look," and Jonas has no excuse for marrying Chopra.

  13. she TV not mostly movie, this is someone else. Plus does the Jonas guy act?

  14. Yeah she is TV and he isn't an actor. I don't doubt that this blind is about them but the descriptions are whack.
    And yeah, he's paying her. And why on earth would anyone want to be a beard, good looking guy or not? You would literally waste your life AND not get any good dick. Fuck that (not literally because, well, y'know...)

  15. Nick Jonas is also an actor you guys. He is in the Jumanji movies.

  16. Nick Jonas is an actor. He's acted in the new Jumanji movies, Scream Queens, and was also in a few indie movies.

  17. Spending all that money on that wedding. Shame on them.
