Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #1

November 28, 2019

The foreign born A- alliterate singer can't even keep her story straight about how she ended up outside looking in at the group that launched her career. She hasn't forgotten how to trash them though. A few years down the road when her solo career crashes and burns and she can't find any more fake boyfriends and needs a reunion tour to make it through her 30's, she is going to have a tough time making amends.

Camila Cabello/Fifth Harmony


  1. It doesn't matter because she has great hair.

  2. Who the hell is clamoring for a 5th harmony reunion? the same people clamoring for a PUssy Ho Doll reunion?

  3. She and Lauren probably wouldnt be welcome with the other three anyway.

  4. Eh, she seems to be doing fine.

  5. 5th harmony were hardly Jonas Bros. big were they?

  6. If they all need money they will sing, just look at the pussy cat dolls or the go gos, bangles, etc, etc

  7. I couldn't name a single Fifth Harmony song, but I remember something hideous about purses. I dont doubt that someone will try to reunite them in a few years.

    Her former bandmate, Ally, was robbed on current season of DWTS. Hannah B should have been third or fourth, but Bachelor Nation must vote a lot.

  8. Who gives a shit honestly?

  9. @Brayson - You sure about that? Her new singles and album are bombing. She only got another hit thanks to Shawn Mendes and that fake relationship.

  10. Her solo career is already crashing and burning, and she's only had 3 successful songs throughout it. She's latina Meghan Trainor.
