Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Blind Item #8 - Reader Blind

This permanent A/A+ entertainer faced a lot of hurdles in his career.  He was fortunate to have good friends who helped him. Much has been written about his friendship with this permanent A++ entertainer with whom he he hung around with in a group but another member of the group also an A/A+ entertainer was a loyal and dedicated friend. This entertainer was known for his love of beverages.

Two examples….

1.) They were performing on the same bill and a club owner made disparaging comments about the first entertainer and tried to prevent him from performing because of what he was.. His friend the second entertainer stuck up for him which led to a fight.  The second entertainer had experience with his fists and walloped the club owner.

2.) The group helped this A++ public figure get what he wanted but then the figure stopped the first entertainer from attending an event to celebrate this.  The second entertainer skipped the event out of solidarity with his friend.  


  1. Dean Martin for the love of beverages?

  2. SDJ/Dean Martin and Sinatra

  3. IMO Sammy Davis Jr was the most talented member of the Rat Pack, followed by Dean Martin. I love Sinatra, but I think he was 3rd in the talent line.

  4. or possibly JFK for public figure

  5. Definitely JFK. Once he was elected, he turned his back on Frank and all Frank's mafia buddies.

  6. also there was also the Peter Lawford connection btwn the RP/JFK

  7. Definitely Sammy and Dean. Dean was a boxer in his youth.

  8. This is the Rat Pack, but in truth Dean Martin pretended he was a drinker.

  9. Nat King Cole, Frank Sinatra, JFK

  10. Sammy Davis Jr/Frank Sinatra/Rat Pack/Dean Martin

    1) Sammy Davis Jr/Dean Martin?
    2) JFK/Sammy Davis Jr/Frank Sinatra/JFK Inauguration?

  11. The biggest, and most hurtful transgression came in 1961, at John F. Kennedy’s inaugural ball. Kennedy was a friend of Sinatra’s, so Sammy was due to sing at the event. He was in Australia performing and had to race back to Washington, but once he got there, Sinatra told him he wouldn’t be able to sing. The reason? According to Silber, JFK’s father didn’t approve of Sammy’s interracial marriage and thought it would ruin the ball.

  12. Dean Martin used to be a professional boxer, Kid Crotchet, as well as a bouncer for mob run clubs before breaking into crooning.

    As Morningglorri said, he wasn't really a heavy drinker and really only used the glass as a prop.
    It was only after his son died in a fighter jets crash in the 80s that he actually started hitting the bottle.

  13. Great blind and most of the guesses added interesting tidbits too! I am not sure I would put Sinatra 3rd in line talent wise though!

  14. Dean Martin for the boxer, before his nose job. Sinatra and Dean backed Sammy.

  15. Liberace might work for the first one as well. Not part of the rack pack, but they loved the guy.

  16. Is this blind suggesting the Rat Pack helped get Kennedy elected?

    I think that's fairly laughable.

  17. Also using their pet unions to swing the Democrat nomination for Kennedy in the primaries. Especially West Virginia where they had to go all out to get a Catholic nominated. Where before this it was said that getting a black guy nominated was liklier.

  18. I agree with zebra. love frank, but a close up 3rd. dean was the Italian bing, maybe even better, without all the physical abuse history.

  19. Kickass vintage blind.

  20. The rat pack for sure. Dean martin didn't really drink tho, it was part of his act.

  21. Trevor Moore did a very uncomfortable, pointed take on Sinatra, the Rat Pack and Sammy Davis Jr called The Montclaires, which I think is still on You Tube.


  22. I never tire of tales of the Rat Pack or listening to their music.

  23. SDJ, Dino, JFK. Likely, because Old Joe Kennedy was quite the racist, elitist bastard & paid for the festivities.

  24. Sinatra performed at JFK's inaugural gala; Martin cancelled after Davis was told he couldn't appear. Sinatra's break with the Kennedys came later, when RFK decided his brother should not stay at Sinatra's house during a trip to California. To rub it in, JFK stayed at Bing Crosby's house instead.

  25. JFK & Sinatra were only friends in Sinatra's eyes. JFK and his asshole father basically used Sinatra to get the Chicago vote (through Sam Giancana), because he needed to carry Illinois to win the election. He later turned his back on Sinatra after he got what he wanted. It wasn't very wise of him to go after the mafia the way he did, though.

  26. This shouldn't even be a blind. As far as Dean not really being a drinker, Jerry Lewis has said otherwise!

  27. Not remotely a blind. There was a documentary last week on the Rat Pack and its connection to JFK that outlined all of this.

  28. Love Dean Martin, handsome man, beautiful voice. Wasn't there a couple of blinds here linking SDJ to the church of satan? I remember a story my dad used to tell that during WW2 he punched Sinatra in the nose while the guys were out drinking. He said Sinatra was an a-hole and liked to run his mouth about how important he was.

    1. Who punched Sinatra? SDJ? Your dad?

  29. Both examples are covered in a lengthy Rat Pack documentary that A&E aired ages ago.

    Dean Martin was wary from the get-go about Kennedy, and never liked his treatment of Sammy.

  30. @Freebird. My dad punched him, he was at a bar with his Marine buddies.

  31. I loved Dean Martin in the westerns he did. Something different.....

  32. High Hopes" (John F. Kennedy Presidential Campaign Song) Sung by Frank Sinatra to the tune of his 1959 hit single, "High Hopes," but with lyrics changed in support of the 1960 Democratic presidential candidate
