Thursday, December 12, 2019

Blind Item #8 - Reader Blind

This beloved deceased foreign born actor had a solid acting career until he discovered a talent for a genre he had not acted in before and his career went up several notches. He had several successful films with this group of writer/directors including films based on a short lived TV series they did together.

There is a documentary coming out. It is not about the actor but he is interviewed in it about something that happened to him.  The documentary is about a phenomena that is the subject of much debate.  The actor had an encounter when he was as a young man in which he was taken away for awhile and he also had a number other sightings over the years as well. As a result, he became deeply interested in this phenomena and belonged to several groups and attended events where people who had the same experiences could get together and discuss this.


  1. Graham Chapman Monty Python?

  2. Alan Rickman comes to mind for beloved...perhaps UFOs

  3. Leslie Nielsen? Ended up doing comedies after years making serious films?

  4. Like Nielsen. Naked gun was based on a tv show.

  5. Ooh, ding ding ding, Montana.

  6. LOL Thanks @cheesegrater15. Until I imdb'd him I had no idea he was FB from Canada no less.

  7. John Hurt, later career in Harry Potter?

  8. I saw a UFO a few years ago. Tripped me the F*** out lol

  9. Alien abductions ?

    Seriously ?

    "reader blind" means 'here comes the suck'

  10. It's absolutely Leslie Nielsen. "Airplane" and then "Police Squad"/"Naked Gun" completely changed his image and made him a box office draw in a way he was not before.

    1. Maybe they gave him some sort of a power....

  11. I've never seen UFOs,now I feel left out !
    But then I've never seen Ghosts also....

  12. +1 MontanaMarriott

    Leslie Nielsen is Canadian.

  13. How terrifying for him
    Glad he could find a like minded group
    to help make sense of it all.

  14. My first thought was Heath Ledger but I don't know of everything fits

  15. People loved Leslie Nielsen! "Awhile" like some missing hours or he disappeared for days?

  16. @s.s., The blind is that an interview with him is going to appear in a documentary about alien stuff, definitely surprising.
    Get a grip, drink some coffee, smoke a cigarette, no need to get triggered.

  17. My husband and his brother saw a UFO. I thought I did once but I had too much to drink and it was actually bats. But I believe they exist and I hope it’s Leslie Nielsen. Love him.

  18. Also I think that the gray aliens are us from the future after we’ve done so much artificially to mess with reproduction that we can’t do it on our own any more and they’re coming back to try and figure it out/get more uncorrupted genetic material to work with. Why do you think they’re so into probing and taking sperm and eggs? They look like that due to years of plastic surgery so they eventually just evolved into that. A bunch of plastic surgery freaks already look halfway there. Oh and the vegan diet that will likely be forced on us will contribute to the small stature and general malnourishment of the grays. Yep I’ve got it all figured out 👌🏻

  19. Leslie was a nice guy... had dinner with and his agent while he was promoting one of his books(this was a golf book I think). As funny as you’d think ,sweet and charming. I wish I had known I would’ve asked.. I’ve seen a few .. very different places too. Quite a few the past 2 years down here... But they are everywhere imo

  20. I think that there is intelligent life out there, the universe is too big for there NOT to be.
    But if they're aware of us, they probably avoid us like the plague. Earth is like the intergalactic ghetto.

  21. @LowLey I read a funny quote about that I posted a while ago..something like:”Know what aliens do when they they drive by earth? Lock the doors, windows and make tracks”(or something to that effect)

  22. Anonymous9:35 AM

    I saw one as a child. I remember it like it was yesterday. Broad daylight. It hovered for just a few seconds and then sped away, not vanished but in just the blink of an eye took off.
    We lived pretty near an Air Force Base that was always mysterious. I think the Govt. used to fly these things around just for testing purposes and shits and giggles.

  23. There's obviously someone with highly advanced aircraft technology that doesn't seem to be affiliated with any nation state we know of. This has been confirmed by thousands of witness accounts, videos, and even by the military's own videos as we found out recently. That's the facts, everything else is conjecture.

    Personally, given their asshole behavior, it's difficult to believe they aren't human. Just another group of asshole humans who got a leg up on some tech and wisely decided not to share it with the rest of their asshole species.

  24. I've no idea but I can't help but wonder if his going away for a while had anything to do with conversion therapy. As horrible as it is, it IS still up for debate for some as to whether or not it's effective and I'm sure it's not that difficult to find a group of others who have endured the same trauma.

  25. jesus christ lol

  26. @Astra...bats haha
    I once thought our house was haunted with a "stinkungeist"...which turned out to be a dead cat in the crawl space...

  27. Anonymous10:29 AM

    That's an interesting theory that there is some organization that is so technologically advanced they just fly these UFOs around for fun and no government can really do anything about it. I agree they would have to be human considering the asshole way they have used their technology. Why would aliens in a Star Trek Universe not just land? There's no Star Trek/Star Wars Universe. There's just a bunch of dirty rich humans who stumbled upon some ancient technology or used an extreme fluke genius to advance their own technology. Are they holding all the governments of the world hostage? Real life Dr. Evil's probably holding out for some stupid impossible perk.

  28. Anonymous10:30 AM

    PS. It's Leslie Neilsen.

  29. There have been more advances in science and engineering in the past 150 years than in the almost 6,000 previous years combined. It seems obvious that, at the very least, there is some reverse engineering that led to this sudden enlightenment.

  30. MissDavie, the Raelians have the answer for that! They’re waiting for an embassy so the earthlings won’t take their landing as an invasion. If they land and go to an embassy, it will be viewed as a peaceful visit.

    MeliticusBee, ewwww! Lol 😆🤢

  31. Let's not forget he starred in Forbidden Planet. One of THE great sci-fi movies of all time.

  32. "Surely you don't believe in aliens!"

    "Yes, yes I do, and stop calling me Shirley"

    God I miss that man..

  33. If those of us who tell a UFO story should disappear, you know what happened. (I hope I'm kidding). My brother and nephew were in their mid 20's at the time. They were up at the house working on some project outside. Facing east, you are looking across a huge field, and then a tree line where the forest starts. They don't know why their attention was drawn there, it just was. As they were looking at the tree line, a big round orange object rose above the trees and just sat there. No sound. It sat there for a minute or so, then rose again, then moved sideways. After another minute or so it took off like a shot. My nephew had a pocket camera on him and was taking pictures the whole time. After a few days he took the film in to be developed. When he went to pick up the film...can you guess? No where to be found. You can always tell when something out of the ordinary is happening around here, the animals always get very skittish.

  34. Just 1 more. My son was out with the dogs last summer around 10 p.m. doing a final check on the animals. It was a clear night. He happened to look up and saw a boomerang shaped object, pinkish or reddish in color. It was flipping end over end. He was trying to get his phone out of his pocket but by the time he did it was gone. Again, no sound. I don't believe in aliens, I think its ancient technology and whomever is using it is probably up to no good.

  35. I saw a swamp monster at my parent's house one night. They lived on the highway but the property extended through the swamp. One night for some reason, I looked out of my bedroom window and saw a huge hairy person/thing standing near the remains of a bonfire we had had earlier that night. And no, I had not been drinking or using other substances, lol.

  36. Hollywood vs. The Aliens: The Motion Picture Industry's Participation in UFO Disinformation by Bruce Rux

    Film historian Bruce Rux posits that the film industry has long collaborated with a government disinformation campaign about UFOs, shaping and controlling knowledge about documented UFO activity. The book uncovers the conspiracy roots of government involvement in science-fiction/horror movies, from pulp-fiction and Lost World romances to films dealing with flying saucers, the planet Mars, mind control, abductions, transdimensional journeys, and extraterrestrials.

    Written in a mock-serious tone reminiscent of Rod Sterling's Twilight Zone TV Series, and illustrated with old movie stills and posters, Hollywood Vs. the Aliens is a fascinating, fun read, yet delivers some startling findings. Rux reviews the facts known about UFOs and ancient technologies, and how they came to be discovered. Then he investigates the period between the 1930s and 1950s, focusing on CIA Robertson Panel's recomendation that Hollywood be used as a deflectionary tool against popular interest in UFOs. Government involvement in Orson Welles' 1938 War of the Worlds broadcast is discussed, as are the Disney and United Artists studios' early connections to patriotic propaganda. Early '50s movies like The Thing from Another World and The Day the Earth Stood Still show UFOlogical facts that only government sources could have known at the time. From there the book goes on to discuss recent releases and the ongoing depictions of aliens and UFOs, right up to Independence Day, Men in Black, and Mars Attacks!

  37. Substance D, did you ever read the site Interesting to think about.

  38. Cool about Leslie Nielson. I've seen several UFOs, and even had one hover over the place where I was staying in year in the early 90s. Also have attended a UFO conference, and sat with abductees. Very very interesting.

  39. @AbbyRock Did you see a dude in a ghille suit?!? Because that's actually way scarier & yet wouldn't surprise me.

  40. @Lorkhan, I cannot positively say no to the ghillie suit, however, my bedroom was on the 2nd floor and this thing was still huge- at least 8 ft and probably closer to 9. It looked to be 6 ft tall bent over from its waist.

  41. it’s “phenomenon.” “Phenomena” is plural.
