Thursday, December 12, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #2

December 1, 2019

The foreign born former A+ list boy bander can say whatever he likes about his girlfriend, but one of the "bouncers" at the club he had so much trouble with this weekend said the drivers license of the girlfriend said her age is 18 which means they started dating when she was barely 17, and definitely still in high school.

Liam Payne


  1. Wouldn't face this problem if he was a rapper !

  2. He’s just all over the place in age. Isn’t he the one who had the kid with Cheryl whatever her name is this week?

  3. I swear I can never remember who this guy is and have to google him every blind.

    1. @Brayson you could almost say it’s a payne... ba dum tsss

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Oh yeah, 1D, I thought all those guy liked d!ck?

  6. Age of consent in the UK is 16. In most US states it's 16 or 17, plus in many states there are laws in place making consensual activity between minors (under 18) and partners up to 10 years older legal. He's not breaking the law.

    1. She lives in Texas. Love how the stans justify their bad boy behaviour.

  7. Liam is giving us lots of good gossip on the inner workings of 1D, now and then. He had an interview the other day saying he has no idea what Harry Styles is trying to accomplish with his current (pretentious) image and that if he ran into Harry he would have nothing to say to him.

    He still hangs with Louis, though, he says who “has been through a lot in his personal life and come through it as the world’s most beautiful person.”

    No comment on Niall and Zayn at the moment.

    @Brayson, Liam has long been assumed to be bi. Zayn is (mostly) straight. Niall is an enigma.

  8. Is he the one that was briefly married to Cheryl and was (presumably) the dad of her turkey baster child?

  9. Niall is VERY straight lol. I know a few people that grew up with him and mixed in the same circles. Zayn is straight. It's possible that Liam gets drunk and fucks dudes sometimes. Harry is a bender. Louis is straight.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. @DWelsh, I love how you're casually like, oh "it's possible he gets drunk and fucks dudes sometimes," it's not like gambling or smoking cigarettes 😂

  12. Knowing someone growing up is hardly confirmation of their adult sexuality. Lots of gay boys (and gay girls) date the opposite sex as teenagers.
