Monday, December 23, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #5

December 11, 2019

The streaming service always fudges with their viewing numbers. The raw numbers look great, but no one is finishing the movie. The number that do is anemic. It was the thought of the star power attending and ratings that got the tiny tiny organization to give them some nods.

Netflix/The Irishman/Golden Globes


  1. DeNiro has really started to lose it. I guess he really doesn't give a shit anymore, he has his awards and his career.

  2. I can confirm. Lasted two hours and then just fell asleep. When I woke up, my wife (she made it through the whole thing) asked me if I wanted to know what happened. I replied, "Meh. I'm good." Nod to Joe Pesci, though. He was the only thing keeping me interested.

  3. Let me guess .... the Trumpists are going to login and say that they don't like The Irishman or DeNiro. They'll probably say they still like Pesci.

  4. I finally watched the thing and thought it wasn't bad actually. All of the mains were good, though De Niro may have been a little miscast. Getting upset about movies/actors because of politics strikes me as rather dumb.

  5. No, just those who are a bit put off by DeNiro's assholish behavior lately. Apart from the money and career interests, there isn't much difference between Bobby D and Donny T.

  6. @Do Tell, true. That mess with his assistant doesn't exactly make him look great but if I boycotted all movies because actors were assholes well...

    It is kind of ironic that he's been talking so much shit about Trump when his behavior doesn't look like roses either.

  7. Most boring boring big name movie ever... waste of time.

  8. I am a conservative, but I thought it was a pretty good movie..A little boring in the middle, but it was a history narrative, not a mob movie...
    The documentary on the making of the movie and the de-aging process was a "must-watch" prior to watching The Irishman movie though!

  9. I thought it was great. Not for superhero or romcom fans.

  10. F*ck that sh!t, I had The Witcher to watch. :)

  11. The Irishman, Cats, the latest Star War installment, Hollywood is strinkgin out.

  12. @majorlabel. As someone who leans toward the right I also liked it overall, and I try not to let my personal opinions of actors and their politics get in the way of enjoying their work. Yes a bit long, and a bit slow, but Pesci in particular made it a worthwhile watch. The “making of” is definitely a must see.

  13. I don't think Hollywood really struck out with The Irishman, tbh. It's poised to win quite a lot of awards, no? And the critics did like it. However, I may be wrong. Not totally in the loop for this stuff.

  14. @Da Fresh, It was award bait. It wasn't made for general audiences, it was made for award voters. Once you understand those voters then movies like The Irishman make a lot more sense.

  15. apple_seed said...
    Let me guess .... the Trumpists are going to login and say that they don't like The Irishman or DeNiro. They'll probably say they still like Pesci.

    I guess I'm one of those evil Trumpists.

    The movie was good, but nowhere as good as the hype. Deniro and Pacino gave the same phone in performances they have been doing since the early 90's. Joe Pesci, Harvey Keitel, Ray Romano and Bobby Cannavale were all very good I just wish they had more screen time.

  16. After years of subscribing we cancelled. Too many other options that have better programming AND which are not run by a pack of Satanist Cabal members.

  17. Anonymous7:44 PM

    Love, light and compassion will change this planet.
    Make a film about loving people.
    Make a film about accepting.
    Make a film about kindness.
    That is what you need to 'stream' ...if anything.

    1. True, but they always say "give the people what they want," and apparently, the people want garbage. Like that incestual rape and murder fest GOT, for instance.

  18. I watched the Irishman with a 90 year old neighbor who grew up in both Brooklyn and New Jersey and lived his adult life in New Jersey. He had fascinating stories. We enjoyed it.

    Loved Pesci and De Niro. Pacino did a wee bit of scene chewing but Hoffa was exactly the same way so the portrayal caught the gist of of his personality. A little bit miscast. The obnoxious quality of Hoffa getting way out over his skis was perfect.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Gen Z, you're so edgy, lol.

    I watched The Witcher not knowing anything about it and honestly I'm not sure how I feel about it. It was good, but it was all over the place and it jumped from present day to a flashback and at times I was like what? Did I watch these out of order, lol. THEN I realized it was a flashback. So for a new person going in blind, it was a disjointed series.

    I'm not sure how I felt about Cavill's performance because his character is emotionless and says "meh" a lot while grumbling. That got old after awhile.

    Just as others said, its hilarious when TDS "victims" ALWAYS have to bring up Trump when no one else did. I'm middle of the road and support Trump. Regardless DiNiro's non-stop hate towards Trump is tired. We get it you don't like him. How classy that he says, "F Trump" all the time even during award shows. So yes, its turned me off to him, but really because we don't ask for celebs to give us advice. Why are they so above it? He's negative and crotchety, who wouldn't be turned off? I'll watch THE IRISHMAN later. Sorry so long.

  21. Loved but then again I liked the new Star Wars as well.

  22. Wow, a bunch of gullible blind readers who don't follow the film industry actually believe Enty here?

    Scorsese is at the top of the film food chain. What he makes, the industry watches.

  23. I believe DeNiro is dying. Why else would he act like a total, vulgar asshole to besmirch Trump? He is a one dimensional "actor has been" and is trying to gain some marketability. If he's not terminally ill he's losing his fucking mind.
