Friday, January 17, 2020

Blind Item #8

This week, one of the largest media companies in the world laid off nearly 1,000 people who are being replaced by computers. Did the A list face of this company talk about it or mention it or even care how many people in his exact position were also replaced by computers? Nope. He doesn't care. The DJ/host/producer only cares about himself and his hair.


  1. Seacrest would be the face of the company I think, or John Tesh

  2. So his hair is Fake?!

  3. Not to get too political or anything, but this is what Andrew Yang is alluding to concerning A.I. taking over operational positions in corporations worldwide, thus a $1000 stipend each month for every American. Expect to see much more of this sooner than later.

  4. I thought I💓 radio already was fun by computers!

  5. I Heart has been laying people off for years and going to voice tracking radio shows and syndicated crap instead of local radio. The company is so deep in debt because they are mismanaged and way too big and the only people really paying for it are their employees. I find most of their radio stations to be unlistenable. And now they are turning quite a few of their radio stations into podcast re-broadcasts.

  6. Run not fun and I changed it twice!😡

  7. This is a story explaining a bit what this company is doing and justification for it

  8. A direct product of the communications bill Clinton passed. I remember people complaining about Clear Channel back in the 90's. Oligarchy is a b****.

  9. I Heart/Clear Channel destroyed radio. Of all the functions on my head unit the radio is used the least.

  10. @sandy shameful. WBZ is an institution to us in the area and most people's source for drive-time news, including traffic, our single biggest headache here. And on clear summer nights, you can get the station all the way down in Philly!

  11. I can hear it down here at night loud and clear E. When I lived in NYC, I could hear it 24/7 on a regular radio too.

  12. When I wrote for universities they just got rid of everyone with any institutional memory. lol At the same time the local daily paper of record went from a daily to 3 dAYS a week. That's how you control information. While I despise them I honor them for their "AUDACITY" lol

  13. I blame paper replacing the verbal memory of shamen.

  14. My firm is spending hundreds of millions of dollars developing AI. Of course the sell is "it will free up people to do better/more work". And create more jobs not eliminate them. But the reality is, bots don't get sick, they don't take parental leave or vacations. At some point I know my role will be replaced by a bot. They will displace many basic skilled workers.

    If you don't have highly needed skill sets you or your kids will have a hard time living a comfortable financial life in the future. Basically, stay in school kids.

  15. High demand skill sets, software development field to be exact here, are contending with the H1B visas flooding in from certain countries. Justice dept paid off by foreign recruiting firms. 98% of all recruiters I speak with are foreign born, communication is difficult, even in typed emails.

  16. Read the protocols of Toronto

  17. Got my pink slip from iheart twelve years ago. They do the same massive layoffs every year and every year it’s a big stress fest to see who’s desk is empty. Glad I got the slip so I could get a job that actually pays money.

  18. Bill Gates and others have been warning the public for years, just like newer machines and outsourcing took out blue collar jobs, AI is going to take out white collar jobs. If you do all your work through a screen, only the computer is really necessary.

    Capitalism doesn't work when there aren't enough jobs.

  19. We'll always have CaseyKasem shooting for the stars.

  20. IF or when they can finally somewhat perfect self driving (tesla isn't there yet) is game over for a lot of employees.. isn't it Japan where they have jobs as street sweepers ...maybe that'll be come a thing when robots do everything.

  21. Radio is done. Does anyone even care computers are managing content? I have not turned on an FM station in probably 10 years. Sirius on demand is so easy.

  22. Anonymous8:39 PM

    For many years I worked as a paralegal. Document reviews that used to take months or even years and employed scores of professional reviewers and attorneys to review the work of the reviewers can now be done in a matter of hours by AI. AI is real and only beginning.

  23. @MissDavie same here, at my office tax returns are done now by bots. Thousands at a time. What took weeks now takes hours. And many were laid off for it.

  24. Bots and AI don't pay income tax.
    Eventually, when AI has gone scorched earth,
    and the FED can no longer print money,
    and the states have no tax base,
    the bought and paid for leaders will take action.
    By that time, we'll all be in a world of shit
    and it'll probably be too late.
    Depopulation baby!!
