Friday, January 03, 2020

Blind Item #8

This multiple network reality star who has dabbled in acting and singing has not yet confirmed that she slept with a sibling, but has admitted to sleeping with her first cousin multiple times.


  1. Julianne/Derek Hough

  2. Who knew that Mormons were as bad a hillbilly's? Yee Haw !!!

  3. So she f*cked a cousin and probably a sibling? Was this like a victim, perpetrator or mutually consensual thing?

  4. Now we know how she keeps getting network specials...

  5. I'd always hard stories about Mormon inbreeding.

  6. Shes on the cover of us weekly now..

  7. I’ve seen how she dances with her “brother.” Something ain’t right.

  8. And she is suddenly all over the place for no discernible reason. Shes getting older and casting couch must be looking a lot better now

  9. Anonymous10:06 AM

    The hotel New Hampshire. Rob Lowe bangs Jodie Foster. Brother/sister.

  10. well their last name is hoe, so...

  11. “She admitted to sleeping with her first cousin multiple times”, just no.
    I met her many a years ago when she was starting her “country career” she seemed very sweet and naive. But it looks like either the industry chewed her up and spit her out or she fleeced ya boy Troy.

  12. I think shes also back on agt

  13. No fucking way, why can't the story be enough with her sleeping with her cousin? Why imply sleeping with her brother which is some highly messed up shit.

  14. She needs to give up singing. Her voice is flatter than a board. I’d rather listen to Madonna.

  15. @Troy, Sheeit, you know the sweet ones are the biggest freaks. ;)

  16. Ooh burn!

    Girl needs some serious therapy.

  17. Welcome to the jungle, we got fun n' games...

  18. They are both conventionally good looking though he has gayface for dayz.

    That said, they've both been in entertainment for a long long time, I bet they're from LA (?) they're both very talented dancers - you don't think they were pimped out as a two-fer when they were tweens in Hollywood?

    I've not heard such a rumor but it would not surprise me. Even if she did have sex with him, it doesn't seem like either of them would have particularly liked it.

  19. Its all of that repressed mormon sexuality that makes em go crazy. See jodi arias etc

  20. Julianne likes girls more

  21. Lots of foreigners marry their first cousins. Sleeping with Derek is just gross.

  22. Was the cousin male or female?

  23. she has a scene in Footloose where her pussy is absolutely drippin'

    you can tell by the way she stands there ..

  24. Lots of rich kid brothers and sisters fuck. It's very strange. Some are very open about it. I knew a very, very rich girl in Europe who was lovers with her brother. Their parents sent them to therapy, and even that didn't stop them. It's more common than you think, and it's not just "hillbillies" dumbasses.
