Saturday, January 18, 2020

Blind Items Revealed #2

December 20, 2019

At a recent holiday party, this A- list mostly movie actress turned annoying lifestyle influencer spent a good thirty minutes talking about her favorite sex toy and then pulled it out of her purse and talked about a vegan lube that she loves.

Gwyneth Paltrow


  1. Vegan Lube.... gullible idiot!

  2. Thirsty, vile woman.

  3. I wnder if it actually smelled like the candle.

  4. Well, she could have pulled it out of her....................

  5. Vegan? Needs to be gluten-free or forget it.

  6. Oh please - don't go there. My eyes!

  7. She's disgusting and a narcissistic bitch

  8. My lord this woman is insufferable. Why her current spouse married her is beyond me. I used to love her mother but I wonder what her parenting was like to produce this twat.

  9. Another disgustingly vile creature who got lucky in the business because of her parents. She's just nasty... to be pulling her used vibrator out of her handbag and shamelessly talking to people out in the open about it. Hopefully she at least wiped it down with some Lysol first. No matter how horny a dude gets some things are an automatic penis softner, and Paltrow is one of those things. She's way too old to be trying to pull these sex stunts. Gross!

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. If this is true, Goop gives new meaning to the word "insufferable." And WHO are the people who hang out with a person like that?!

  12. Lol well GOOP certainly isn’t having sex with her closeted husband who doesn’t even live w/her. She’s gotta get it somewhere!

  13. Seriously? This even seems too head-up-her-ass for Goop but then again she married a gay man. I know she needs to get it somewhere but IN HER PURSE???? lol

  14. No wonder she smells funny. Vegan lube, how pretentious.

  15. Is there anyone on the planet that actually likes goopster?

    1. Her Mother. But only on Halloween and Christmas

  16. First response: Why?
    Second response: Who cares?

  17. I think that Goop is a total whack job and pulling a vibrator out of your purse is just over-the-top, as is the new candle (‘smells like me’ or whatever it’s called which supposedly sold out. Even Martha Stewart was dissing her about this.) However, I highly recommend using lubes and condoms that do not contain propylene glycol. (Don’t think it has to be ‘vegan’ though.) I had an allergic reaction to propylene glycol many years ago and it’s horrific. It’s not as if you can just take a shower & it goes away. It takes months & I had to go to a doctor & it was very difficult to get rid of. And it’s just constant, agonizing pain (you cannot even wear underwear, hell with having sex.) The same thing happened to a friend of mine, and she was on her honeymoon 😮 (in Vietnam.) Thankfully, I had her to advise me, because you really feel as if you’re losing your mind due to the pain. So I agree with Goop in theory about the lube, but, as usual, her presentation is ‘off’ and leaves something to be desired.

  18. Sorry for all the details, but this was meant as a PSA. I would hate for anyone else to experience this. It’s brutal.

    1. Thanks for the info Aquagirl!! Gonna check mine right now.

  19. Goop has the meno-crazies bad.

  20. Anonymous2:33 PM

    I feel like Gwyneth was sexualized early and often so playing the game with Harvey was not a big deal to her.
    As with most girls who are sexualized at an early age, she is now becoming crazy and inappropriate as she gets older.

  21. Harry-in-the-Purse and Oscar sauce ?

  22. Anonymous2:42 PM

    Imagine needing something inside you so often that you have to carry it around with you? Ick.

  23. Harvey-in-the-Purse.....

  24. Anonymous3:40 PM

    I can imagine her putting on a public demonstration as she seems quite bonkers.

  25. She's trying to compete with the 20 something "model/actress/influencers". The thing is no one has ever cared about her opinion, she's 20 something anymore and the only reason she is where she is, is due to her parents connections and the casting couch.

  26. The epitome of vapid self-centeredness

  27. Why carry a vibrator in one's purse? Next to the pens, coins, gum, breath mints, loose tobacco? Shouldn't it be in a drawer in a table next to a bed? Or, does she get horny everywhere?

  28. @SD Auntie: Thx. If my post could help one person, it’s totally worth it.

    @Snarkie: who is talking about menopause? We are talking about marketing & being inappropriate.

    @missdavie+1 re: your first comment, re: your second comment, I disagree. I don’t think she ever has sex in any way, shape or form. With a man, woman or herself. That’s why she pretends.

    @Rabbit: because she never uses it. Doesn’t matter if it’s contaminated.

  29. I just dont get the appeal of Gwyneth. Its lost on me. .

  30. So I am assuming this candle smells like her vajayjay after she gets done steam cleaning it?

  31. Anonymous5:42 AM

    All the little Illuminati actors are losing their minds.
    Everyone knows the dark stuff they do now. Everyone hates them.

  32. She has this obsession with her vagina. Wants all women to obsess about their vaginas too. TBH, I don't think she gets any dick from her hubby or any other man. She just uses her toys. Sick woman needs to find a brain.

  33. Eewww, who cares, Enty

  34. She is trying waaaaay too hard to come across as cool and hyper-sexual, which leads me to believe she is in fact the exact opposite.

  35. Aquagirl - wow, thanks for the rec. Is this something that only happened to you randomly one day? Had you been fine with those types of condoms before?

  36. I’m as liberal as the next guy but she should really not be using a metal crucifix as a sex toy.

  37. why did she have it in her purse though? Also vegan lube i snot pretentious it's vegan so it's cruelty free, that means no animal testing was done and none of the ingredients came form an animals, it's actually very eco conscience of her. I use vegan lube as well because i don't want to contribute to the harm of an animal or put weird chemicals in my vagina.

  38. That wasn't a "good" thirty minutes.
