Thursday, January 16, 2020

Blind Items Revealed #3

January 10, 2020

Judging by the A++ lister who is speaking out on the former actress and her husband's behalf, the A++ lister probably has figured out a way to get a little taste of whatever deals are signed. Maybe even just a finder's fee.

Oprah/Meghan Markle/Prince Harry


  1. Obviously, they're not pedos or closet cases so why else would she help them?

  2. So the 'Alliterate Royal' is Harry Hewitt?

  3. Oprah = Biggest con job ever

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. More like Harry is the illiterate royal. What a dim bulb.

  5. I think the tide has turned on this one and even Oprah has turned it down.
    We'll see how long Harry delays his trip to Canada as it is already on "wait and see" mode while the details are "worked out"...
    He actually looked well-rested and relaxed yesterday - doesn't look all that anxious to return.

    1. Totally thought the same thing!

  6. I can't believe anyone anymore.
    The world is an awful place.

  7. If she die me no cry....

  8. I loved reading that Canada says it violates diplomatic and constitutional agreements for Harry and Markle, as royals, to move there full time. LOLOL Should have thought that through, Duchess Dummy.

    1. Oh plz...she'll just call them racist if they deny!
      Big O has trained her well !

  9. @Zilla3, Markle wants to live in LA, not Canada, maybe this was all part of her plan.

  10. Wow, look at the misogynists racists on this post.

    Meg is being used to distract from Andrew and the pedo's the royals are. Enty even revealed that a couple times now.

    1. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

    2. You idiots are scary. Meghan doesn’t even identify as black and you idiots have nominated her as their spokesperson. LMAO Talk about racist.

  11. She may be a distraction, but there is no doubt that she also is a serious problem for the Royal family in her own right.

  12. MeliticusBee - I agree! He looked great in the photos and video. He does so well with kids. One wonders if he has started feeling any regret for bailing on his friends and family.....

  13. Hey idiot, It's Andrew who is in with the pedos.

    It's makes me laugh that the trolls get soooo rallied up with their racist misogyny that they ignore Andy and his buddies raping girls in foreign countries and private islands.

    You play right into the Queen Mum's hands.

  14. Andrew’s behaviour is far more serious than the Sussexes.and not just hanging around with Epstein. His dodgy business acquaintances and how he and Fergie raked in the millions have not been in the papers because currently the Sussexes are the bugger story. I hope some investigative journalists are digging into his murky life over the past 30+ years because that is an even bigger scandal waiting to come out. Andrew is a pompous, arrogant, entitled tosser. I am not a fan of Meghan, marrying Harry was a career move for her and when royal life wasn’t to her liking she bailed instead of taking advice and knuckling down, Harry is not the sharpest knife in the drawer and it’s lucky for the royal family that William was born first. It was tragic they lost their mother, and at such a young age, but I am not sure Harry would have been much different had she lived.

  15. Harry will come to rue the day he chose those preening sycophants over his loyal family. I just hope he hasn’t permanently burned the bridge back. He’ll need their support when it’s his turn to get Markled.

  16. When Megan was working with Suits, I never heard or read that she is bi-racial. Once she got involved with Harry all of the sudden she is bi-racial. Never liked her, not that great of an actress and I'm sure she always does something for her benefit.

  17. Have you seen this...
    a suspiciously protruding belly on Megs in 2013
    looks more real than the moonbump of 2019
    from a poster on Nutty's blog

  18. @J

    "So the 'Alliterate Royal' is Harry Hewitt?"

    No, it's Mr. Markle.

  19. @J I typically enjoy your comments, but you *really* need to give up on the whole "Harry's not a Windsor" thing. He absolutely is, so just let it go already, okay?

  20. And as for the rest of you, anybody who STILL doesn't get what Markle is and that nobody gives a shit that she's half-black (sort of) is an idiot unworthy of attention.

  21. After wasting a precious few seconds actually studying this royal flap, it's clear that A) Charles is now in charge, and B) the first thing on his to-do list was to get Diana's bastard off the payroll and inheritance list. The Markles aren't giving up any thing. They are being shown the door.
    But don't cry for these insufferables. Diana SPENCER is still alive and the SPENCERS are richer than God.
    As for Wills, his real father, Juan Carlos, out ranks Chuckie so it was he who got the opportunity to further the line with Princess Pimple Popper.
    Now go back to sleep.

  22. Saw the duke on Harry Markle today. My he's arrogant. Arrogant and dim witted.

  23. Since your moderation is removing all my comments, wouldn’t it just be easier to ban me? And anyone else that doesn’t comment in the manner you want? Which is evidently only “liberal” comments?

    Can we at least get some explanation about why you remove comments now? At least tell us that we aren’t allowed to comment freely and define the exact parameters of what is and isn’t allowed. This Stalin-esque purging of comments that aren’t ideologically in line with whatever you’re trying to do here, is ridiculous. Too bad this site used to be nice because it wasn’t a hug box, people could freely express opinions, and it wasn’t just five hundred of the same exact guesses like Blind Gossip, or heavily moderated insanity like Celebitchy.

  24. Yeah, Meghan is a definite PROBLEM for the the royal family. if you haven't seen that, you haven;t been paying attention. Trying to monetize her positi9n was a problem when Fergie did it, it's a crass problem when Meghan does it. Going through staffers like water is hardly good for the family's image either, it bolsters claims that she is difficult to get along with. Leaking things to cause rifts within the family..that also makes her an untrustworthy, backstabbing, underhanded problem. There are many more examples. She may not be an Epstein crony, or have done what Andrew did, but she is a definite problem all the same.

  25. People should stop believing in easily manufactured stereotypes. Harry is not some dumb horny British Royal and Meghan isn't a cold blooded gold digger who has sexed Harry so well he's lost his mind. Get a life.

  26. Canada's version of The View, The Social, flashed a pic of Harry and Meg this morning, and the live audience BOOOOed.
