Saturday, February 01, 2020

Blind Items Revealed #2

January 2, 2020

The disgraced former morning news anchor wants to make it seem as if he is dating someone appropriate. So, the former intern he hooks up with all the time has to stay in the shadows. She is not happy about it.

Matt Lauer


  1. She's getting paid, so she should find a better situation or stfu.

  2. She should be thrilled that she isn't being associated publicly with Lauer. But then again, if she had any standards for herself, she never would have gone near him.

  3. Usually I deplore people who sell their stories to tabloids (they often seem as cringey as their subject), but Lauer is a complete and total slime ball. Spill your deets, girl!

    1. I think we’re all fine not knowing anything about it lol

  4. He owns land in New Zealand. Is there a way we can send him there with a one-way ticket? I am not that old (46 yesterday) but in all my adult years I have never felt the total creeps I felt when I passed him in a hallway. He has a permanent scowl on his face and has evil-looking eyes. How can anybody touch him? About to lose my lunch!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. All the pedo pervy Cabal-owned "elite" own land in NZ. It's where they had hoped to hide when the SHTF. But alas: there is no escape for them really. Our side knows where all the hidey-holes are. We've already used something akin to bunker busters on some of them.

  5. The word is out ... anyone wanting to be with him knows the deal.

  6. What was she expecting? His beady eyes and reputation are the first giveaways

  7. This is the second time this has been revealed.

  8. Has Enty posted anything about Jessica Mann's testimony about Harvey Weinstein's man-gina, fupa, missing testicles, blackhead covered back, and foul-smelling body odor yet?? I've been eagerly awaiting the discussions here about it. Didn't think that man could GET any more revolting, but Friday's testimony clearly proved to the contrary!

    1. Seems like they slipped Enty out with an Epstein schill in the last few weeks

    2. I've been wondering the same. They have deleted a few of my replies. Whoever had taken over posting and moderation is obviously easily triggered. I haven't been here as much as a result. Takes the fun out.
