Friday, February 21, 2020

Blind Items Revealed #4

February 12, 2020

This back in the day daytime actor/singer has been really messing with the mind of his actress ex. Keeps saying he wants to get back together, but at the same time is hooking up with a recent co-star.

Jack Wagner/Heather Locklear


  1. Yuck, who would want Heather Locklear today? Her f*ckbunny days are long gone.

    1. I have to agree Brayson. Closing yer eyes and pretendi g it is 1987 only works once or twice, and probably requires a good size buttplug in her to camouflage the Tommy Lee damage.

  2. Frisco Jones was a studmuffin back in the days of GH when he married Felicia for realz, a blonde Rick Springfield. Today not so much.

  3. Well, he is now Exhibit A in the search for negative influences in her life! How twisted do you have to be to manipulate someone fresh out of intensive therapy? Someone needs to slather her in Frisco Repellant and change her phone number.

  4. I love breaking out in “All I neeeeeeed” when a friend who loved GH back in the day says she needs something.

  5. I love All I Need !! A quality love ballad 🥰

  6. Just because he's banging a costar doesn't mean he isn't serious about wanting to get back together with her. He's Jack Wagner.

  7. it is possible to 'get back together' and still engage in hook ups. It may not be advisable, but it can be done

  8. Ureallyannoyme-- LOL!😂 That'd make me laugh every time!

  9. Jack Wagner looks like death warmed over. Ewww

  10. To be fair, Jack's "singing" career was before the invention of auto-tune, but holy shit this is bad.

  11. HAHAH I remember those days Sandy . Heather was gorgeous in her day too . Sad what mental illness does to a person .
